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Quickstart: BKPR on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)



This document walks you through setting up an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster and installing the Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR) on it.


DNS requirements

In addition to the requirements listed above, a domain name is also required for setting up Ingress endpoints to services running in the cluster. The specified domain name can be a top-level domain (TLD) or a subdomain. In either case you have to manually set up the NS records for the specified TLD or subdomain so as to delegate DNS resolution queries to an Azure DNS zone created and managed by BKPR. This is required in order to generate valid TLS certificates.

Installation and setup

Step 1: Set up the cluster

In this section, you will deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using the Azure CLI.

  • Log in to your Microsoft Azure account by executing az login and follow the onscreen instructions.

  • Configure the following environment variables:

    export AZURE_USER=$(az account show --query -o tsv)
    export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
    export AZURE_REGION=eastus
    export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=my-kubeprod-group
    export AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER=my-aks-cluster
    export AZURE_AKS_K8S_VERSION=1.16.9  # please do read below for actual available versions in the region
    • BKPR_DNS_ZONE specifies the DNS suffix for the externally-visible websites and services deployed in the cluster.
    • AZURE_USER specifies the email address used in requests to Let's Encrypt.
    • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID specifies the Azure subscription id. az account list -o table lists your Microsoft Azure subscriptions.
    • AZURE_REGION specifies the Azure region code.
    • AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP specifies the name of the Azure resource group in which resources should be created.
    • AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER specifies the name of the AKS cluster.
    • AZURE_AKS_K8S_VERSION specifies the version of Kubernetes to use for creating the cluster. The BKPR Kubernetes version support matrix lists the base Kubernetes versions supported by BKPR. az aks get-versions --location ${AZURE_REGION} -o table lists the versions available in your region.
  • Set the default subscription account:

    az account set --subscription ${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID}
  • Create the resource group for AKS:

    az group create --name ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP} --location ${AZURE_REGION}
  • Create the AKS cluster:

    az aks create \
      --resource-group "${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
      --name "${AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER}" \
      --kubernetes-version ${AZURE_AKS_K8S_VERSION} --verbose

    Provisioning a AKS cluster can take a long time to complete. Please be patient while the request is being processed.

  • Configure kubectl to use the new cluster:

    az aks get-credentials \
      --resource-group "${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}" \
      --name "${AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER}" \
  • Verify that your cluster is up and running:

    kubectl get nodes

Step 2: Deploy BKPR

To bootstrap your Kubernetes cluster with BKPR:

kubeprod install aks \
  --email ${AZURE_USER} \
  --dns-zone "${BKPR_DNS_ZONE}" \
  --dns-resource-group "${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}"

Wait for all the pods in the cluster to enter Running state:

kubectl get pods -n kubeprod

Step 3: Configure domain registration records

BKPR creates and manages a DNS zone which is used to map external access to applications and services in the cluster. However, for it to be usable, you need to configure the NS records for the zone.

Query the name servers of the zone with the following command and configure the records with your domain registrar.

az network dns zone show \
  --name ${BKPR_DNS_ZONE} \
  --resource-group ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP} \
  --query nameServers -o tsv

The following screenshot illustrates the NS record configuration on a DNS registrar when a subdomain is used.

Google Domains NS Configuration for subdomain

Please note, it can take a while for the DNS changes to propagate.

Step 4: Access logging and monitoring dashboards

After the DNS changes have propagated, you should be able to access the Prometheus, Kibana and Grafana dashboards by visiting https://prometheus.${BKPR_DNS_ZONE}, https://kibana.${BKPR_DNS_ZONE} and https://grafana.${BKPR_DNS_ZONE} respectively.

Congratulations! You can now deploy your applications on the Kubernetes cluster and BKPR will help you manage and monitor them effortlessly.

Next steps


Step 1: Update the installer

Follow the installation guide to update the BKPR installer binary to the latest release.

Step 2: Edit kubeprod-manifest.jsonnet

Edit the kubeprod-manifest.jsonnet file that was generated by kubeprod install and update the version referred in the import statement. For example, the following snippet illustrates the changes required in the kubeprod-manifest.jsonnet file if you're upgrading to version v1.1.0 from version v1.0.0.

 // Cluster-specific configuration
-(import "") {
+(import "") {
  config:: import "kubeprod-autogen.json",
  // Place your overrides here

Step 3: Perform the upgrade

Re-run the kubeprod install command, from the Deploy BKPR step, in the directory containing the existing kubeprod-autogen.json and updated kubeprod-manifest.jsonnet files.

Teardown and cleanup

Step 1: Uninstall BKPR from your cluster

kubecfg delete kubeprod-manifest.jsonnet

Step 2: Wait for the kubeprod namespace to be deleted

# Specific finalizers cleanup, to avoid kubeprod ns lingering
# - cert-manager challenges if TLS certs have not been issued
kubectl get -n kubeprod -oname| \
  xargs -rtI{} kubectl patch -n kubeprod {} \
    --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers"}]'
kubectl wait --for=delete ns/kubeprod --timeout=300s

Step 3: Delete the Azure DNS zone

az network dns zone delete \
  --name ${BKPR_DNS_ZONE} \
  --resource-group ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}

Additionally you should remove the NS entries configured at the domain registrar.

Step 4: Delete Azure app registrations

az ad app delete \
  --subscription ${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} \
  --id $(jq -r .externalDns.aadClientId kubeprod-autogen.json)
az ad app delete \
  --subscription ${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID} \
  --id $(jq -r .oauthProxy.client_id kubeprod-autogen.json)

Step 5: Delete the AKS cluster

az aks delete \
  --name ${AZURE_AKS_CLUSTER} \
  --resource-group ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}

Step 6: Delete the Azure resource group

az group delete --name ${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP}

Further reading