GET /dailychallenges?month=02-18&lang=fr
Retrieve all the daily challenges for the month 02-18
and language fr
If month
is not specified, will be this month.
If lang
is not specified, will retrieve all the langs.
Public endpoint.
POST /dailychallenges?day=01-02-18
Create a daily challenge for the day 01-02-18
. The day has to be in the past.
If the challenge already exist, doesn't do anything.
If day
is not specified, will be today.
Public endpoint.
=> {
"datekey": "01-02-18",
"user": {"id": "5a805716e50e308ee4f1f72f", "name": "Florent Hobein"},
"texts": {"fr": "Hello world!"},
"settings": {"public": true},
"metrics": {"word_count": 42, "read_count": 121}
"mission": { ... },
"contributors": [{ ... }]
Get a public text for the day 01-02-18
and user 5a805716e50e308ee4f1f72f
and language fr
If day
is not specified, will be today.
If user_id
is not specified, will be the current authenticated user.
If lang
is not specified, will retrieve all the langs.
If with
is specified, will include extra data:
will include the missioncontributors
will include a random array of people who also wrote on this mission If the text is from an other user and is not public, will retrieve a403 Forbidden
"datekey": "01-02-18",
"texts": {"fr": "Hello world!"}
Write or edit a text. If the daily challenge doesn't already exist, will return a 400 Bad Request
"public": true
Define the public state of a writing. If no writings already exist for the date, will return a 400 Bad Request
This modification will be applied to all languages.
If day
is not specified, will be today.
=> [{
"datekey": "01-02-18",
"user": {"id": "5a805716e50e308ee4f1f72f", "name": "Florent Hobein"},
"texts": {"fr": "Hello world!"},
"meta": {"word_count": 42, "read_count": 121},
"mission": { ... },
}, { ... }]
Get the list of text written by the user 5a805716e50e308ee4f1f72f
in the language fr
If user_id
is not specified, will be the current authenticated user.
If lang
is not specified, will retrieve all the langs.
"lang": "fr",
"auto_publish": true,
"notifications": "always"
Change the current user's settings:
(string): define the user's default languageauto_publish
(boolean, defaulttrue
): if set tofalse
, will make every new writing private.notifications
(string): TODO