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1340 lines (1081 loc) · 50.1 KB


File metadata and controls

1340 lines (1081 loc) · 50.1 KB

This document was generated from 'src/documentation/print-normalized-ast-wiki.ts' on 2024-09-30, 09:07:57 UTC presenting an overview of flowR's normalized ast (v2.0.25, using R v4.4.1).

flowR produces a normalized version of R's abstract syntax tree (AST), offering the following benefits:

  1. abstract away from intricacies of the R parser
  2. provide a version-independent representation of the program
  3. decorate the AST with additional information, e.g., parent relations and nesting information

In general, the mapping should be rather intuitive and focused primarily on the syntactic structure of the program. Consider the following example which shows the normalized AST of the code

x <- 2 * 3 + 1

Each node in the AST contains the type, the id, and the lexeme (if applicable). Each edge is labeled with the type of the parent-child relationship (the "role").

flowchart TD
    n7(["RExpressionList (7)
    n6(["RBinaryOp (6)
    n7 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n6
    n0(["RSymbol (0)
    n6 -->|"binop-lhs"| n0
    n5(["RBinaryOp (5)
    n6 -->|"binop-rhs"| n5
    n3(["RBinaryOp (3)
    n5 -->|"binop-lhs"| n3
    n1(["RNumber (1)
    n3 -->|"binop-lhs"| n1
    n2(["RNumber (2)
    n3 -->|"binop-rhs"| n2
    n4(["RNumber (4)
    n5 -->|"binop-rhs"| n4

R Code of the Normalized AST

The analysis required 10.50 ms (including parsing) within the generation environment.

x <- 2 * 3 + 1
Mermaid Code
flowchart TD
    n7(["RExpressionList (7)
    n6(["RBinaryOp (6)
    n7 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n6
    n0(["RSymbol (0)
    n6 -->|"binop-lhs"| n0
    n5(["RBinaryOp (5)
    n6 -->|"binop-rhs"| n5
    n3(["RBinaryOp (3)
    n5 -->|"binop-lhs"| n3
    n1(["RNumber (1)
    n3 -->|"binop-lhs"| n1
    n2(["RNumber (2)
    n3 -->|"binop-rhs"| n2
    n4(["RNumber (4)
    n5 -->|"binop-rhs"| n4



If you want to investigate the normalized AST, you can either use the Visual Studio Code extension or :normalize* command in the REPL (see the Interface wiki page for more information).

Indicative is the root expression list node, which is present in every normalized AST. In general, we provide node types for:

  1. literals (e.g., numbers and strings)
  2. references (e.g., symbols, parameters and function calls)
  3. constructs (e.g., loops and function definitions)
  4. branches (e.g., next and break)
  5. operators (e.g. +, -, and *)
Complete Class Diagram

Every node is a link, which directly refers to the implementation in the source code. Grayed-out parts are used for structuring the AST, grouping together related nodes.

direction RL
class RNode~Info = NoInfo~
    <<type>> RNode
style RNode fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RNode href "" ""
class RExpressionList~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RExpressionList
    RExpressionList : type#58; RType.ExpressionList
    RExpressionList : grouping#58; #91;start#58; RSymbol#60;Info, string#62;, end#58; RSymbol#60;Info, string#62;#93;
click RExpressionList href "" "Holds a list of expressions (and hence may be the root of an AST, summarizing all expressions in a file). The #96;grouping#96; property holds information on if the expression list is structural or created by a wrapper like #96;#123;#125;#96; or #96;()#96;."
    RExpressionList : children#58; readonly Children#91;#93; [from WithChildren]
    RExpressionList : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RExpressionList : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RExpressionList : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
class RFunctions~Info~
    <<type>> RFunctions
style RFunctions fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RFunctions href "" ""
class RFunctionDefinition~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RFunctionDefinition
    RFunctionDefinition : type#58; RType.FunctionDefinition
    RFunctionDefinition : parameters#58; RParameter#60;Info#62;#91;#93;
    RFunctionDefinition : body#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
click RFunctionDefinition href "" "#96;#96;#96;r function(#60;parameters#62;) #60;body#62;
#92;(#60;parameters#62;) #60;body#62;
    RFunctionDefinition : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RFunctionDefinition : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RFunctionDefinition : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RFunctionDefinition : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RFunctionCall~Info = NoInfo~
    <<type>> RFunctionCall
style RFunctionCall fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RFunctionCall href "" ""
class RNamedFunctionCall~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RNamedFunctionCall
    RNamedFunctionCall : type#58; RType.FunctionCall
    RNamedFunctionCall : named#58; true
    RNamedFunctionCall : functionName#58; RSymbol#60;Info, string#62;
    RNamedFunctionCall : arguments#58; readonly RFunctionArgument#60;Info#62;#91;#93;
click RNamedFunctionCall href "" "Calls of functions like #96;a()#96; and #96;foo(42, #34;hello#34;)#96;."
    RNamedFunctionCall : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RNamedFunctionCall : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RNamedFunctionCall : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RNamedFunctionCall : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RUnnamedFunctionCall~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RUnnamedFunctionCall
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : type#58; RType.FunctionCall
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : named#58; false
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : calledFunction#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : infixSpecial#58; boolean
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : arguments#58; readonly RFunctionArgument#60;Info#62;#91;#93;
click RUnnamedFunctionCall href "" "Direct calls of functions like #96;(function(x) #123; x #125;)(3)#96;."
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RUnnamedFunctionCall : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RParameter~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RParameter
    RParameter : type#58; RType.Parameter
    RParameter : name#58; RSymbol#60;Info, string#62;
    RParameter : special#58; boolean
    RParameter : defaultValue#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
click RParameter href "" "Represents a parameter of a function definition in R."
    RParameter : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RParameter : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RParameter : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RParameter : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RArgument~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RArgument
    RArgument : type#58; RType.Argument
    RArgument : name#58; RSymbol#60;Info, string#62;
    RArgument : value#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
click RArgument href "" "Represents a named or unnamed argument of a function definition in R."
    RArgument : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RArgument : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RArgument : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RArgument : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class ROther~Info~
    <<type>> ROther
style ROther fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click ROther href "" ""
class RComment~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RComment
    RComment : type#58; RType.Comment
    RComment : content#58; string
click RComment href "" "#96;#96;#96;r # I am a line comment
    RComment : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RLineDirective~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RLineDirective
    RLineDirective : type#58; RType.LineDirective
    RLineDirective : line#58; number
    RLineDirective : file#58; string
click RLineDirective href "" "Special comment to signal line mappings (e.g., in generated code) to the interpreter."
    RLineDirective : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RConstructs~Info~
    <<type>> RConstructs
style RConstructs fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RConstructs href "" ""
class RLoopConstructs~Info~
    <<type>> RLoopConstructs
style RLoopConstructs fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RLoopConstructs href "" ""
class RForLoop~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RForLoop
    RForLoop : type#58; RType.ForLoop
    RForLoop : variable#58; RSymbol#60;Info, string#62;
    RForLoop : vector#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
    RForLoop : body#58; RExpressionList#60;Info#62;
click RForLoop href "" "#96;#96;#96;r for(#60;variable#62; in #60;vector#62;) #60;body#62;
    RForLoop : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RForLoop : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RForLoop : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RForLoop : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RRepeatLoop~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RRepeatLoop
    RRepeatLoop : type#58; RType.RepeatLoop
    RRepeatLoop : body#58; RExpressionList#60;Info#62;
click RRepeatLoop href "" "#96;#96;#96;r repeat #60;body#62;
    RRepeatLoop : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RRepeatLoop : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RRepeatLoop : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RRepeatLoop : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RWhileLoop~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RWhileLoop
    RWhileLoop : type#58; RType.WhileLoop
    RWhileLoop : condition#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
    RWhileLoop : body#58; RExpressionList#60;Info#62;
click RWhileLoop href "" "#96;#96;#96;r while(#60;condition#62;) #60;body#62;
    RWhileLoop : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RWhileLoop : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RWhileLoop : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RWhileLoop : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RIfThenElse~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RIfThenElse
    RIfThenElse : type#58; RType.IfThenElse
    RIfThenElse : condition#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
    RIfThenElse : then#58; RExpressionList#60;Info#62;
    RIfThenElse : otherwise#58; RExpressionList#60;Info#62;
click RIfThenElse href "" "#96;#96;#96;r if(#60;condition#62;) #60;then#62; #91;else #60;otherwise#62;#93;
    RIfThenElse : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RIfThenElse : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RIfThenElse : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RIfThenElse : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RNamedAccess~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RNamedAccess
    RNamedAccess : operator#58; #34;$#34; | #34;@#34;
    RNamedAccess : access#58; #91;RUnnamedArgument#60;Info#62;#93;
click RNamedAccess href "" "Represents an R named access operation with #96;$#96; or #96;@#96;, the field is a string."
    RNamedAccess : type#58; RType.Access [from RAccessBase]
    RNamedAccess : accessed#58; RNode#60;Info#62; [from RAccessBase]
    RNamedAccess : operator#58; #34;#91;#34; | #34;#91;#91;#34; | #34;$#34; | #34;@#34; [from RAccessBase]
class RIndexAccess~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RIndexAccess
    RIndexAccess : operator#58; #34;#91;#34; | #34;#91;#91;#34;
    RIndexAccess : access#58; readonly (RArgument#60;Info#62; | #34;#60;#62;#34;)#91;#93;
click RIndexAccess href "" "access can be a number, a variable or an expression that resolves to one, a filter etc."
    RIndexAccess : type#58; RType.Access [from RAccessBase]
    RIndexAccess : accessed#58; RNode#60;Info#62; [from RAccessBase]
    RIndexAccess : operator#58; #34;#91;#34; | #34;#91;#91;#34; | #34;$#34; | #34;@#34; [from RAccessBase]
class RUnaryOp~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RUnaryOp
    RUnaryOp : type#58; RType.UnaryOp
    RUnaryOp : operator#58; string
    RUnaryOp : operand#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
click RUnaryOp href "" "Unary operations like #96;#43;#96; and #96;#45;#96;"
    RUnaryOp : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RUnaryOp : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RUnaryOp : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RUnaryOp : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RBinaryOp~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RBinaryOp
    RBinaryOp : type#58; RType.BinaryOp
    RBinaryOp : operator#58; string
    RBinaryOp : lhs#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
    RBinaryOp : rhs#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
click RBinaryOp href "" "Operators like #96;#43;#96;, #96;==#96;, #96;#38;#38;#96;, etc."
    RBinaryOp : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RBinaryOp : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RBinaryOp : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RBinaryOp : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RSingleNode~Info~
    <<type>> RSingleNode
style RSingleNode fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RSingleNode href "" ""
class RSymbol~Info = NoInfo, T extends string = string~
    <<interface>> RSymbol
    RSymbol : type#58; RType.Symbol
    RSymbol : content#58; T
click RSymbol href "" "Represents identifiers (variables)."
    RSymbol : namespace#58; string [from Namespace]
    RSymbol : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RConstant~Info~
    <<type>> RConstant
style RConstant fill:#FAFAFA,stroke:#333
click RConstant href "" ""
class RNumber~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RNumber
    RNumber : type#58; RType.Number
    RNumber : content#58; RNumberValue
click RNumber href "" "includes numeric, integer, and complex"
    RNumber : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RString~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RString
    RString : type#58; RType.String
    RString : content#58; RStringValue
click RString href "" "Represents a string like #96;#34;hello#34;#96;, including raw strings like #96;r#34;(hello)#34;#96;."
    RString : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RLogical~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RLogical
    RLogical : type#58; RType.Logical
    RLogical : content#58; boolean
click RLogical href "" "Represents logical values (#96;TRUE#96; or #96;FALSE#96;)."
    RLogical : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RBreak~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RBreak
    RBreak : type#58; RType.Break
click RBreak href "" "A #96;break#96; statement."
    RBreak : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RNext~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RNext
    RNext : type#58; RType.Next
click RNext href "" "A #96;next#96; statement."
    RNext : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
class RPipe~Info = NoInfo~
    <<interface>> RPipe
    RPipe : type#58; RType.Pipe
    RPipe : lhs#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
    RPipe : rhs#58; RNode#60;Info#62;
click RPipe href "" "Variant of the binary operator, specifically for the new, built#45;in pipe operator."
    RPipe : type#58; RType [from Base]
    RPipe : lexeme#58; LexemeType [from Base]
    RPipe : info#58; Info #38; Source [from Base]
    RPipe : location#58; SourceRange [from Location]
RExpressionList .. RNode
RFunctions .. RNode
RFunctionDefinition .. RFunctions
RFunctionCall .. RFunctions
RNamedFunctionCall .. RFunctionCall
RUnnamedFunctionCall .. RFunctionCall
RParameter .. RFunctions
RArgument .. RFunctions
ROther .. RNode
RComment .. ROther
RLineDirective .. ROther
RConstructs .. RNode
RLoopConstructs .. RConstructs
RForLoop .. RLoopConstructs
RRepeatLoop .. RLoopConstructs
RWhileLoop .. RLoopConstructs
RIfThenElse .. RConstructs
RNamedAccess .. RNode
RIndexAccess .. RNode
RUnaryOp .. RNode
RBinaryOp .. RNode
RSingleNode .. RNode
RComment .. RSingleNode
RSymbol .. RSingleNode
RConstant .. RSingleNode
RNumber .. RConstant
RString .. RConstant
RLogical .. RConstant
RBreak .. RSingleNode
RNext .. RSingleNode
RLineDirective .. RSingleNode
RPipe .. RNode

The generation of the class diagram required 570.26 ms.

Node types are controlled by the RType enum (see ./src/r-bridge/lang-4.x/ast/model/type.ts), which is used to distinguish between different types of nodes. Additionally, every AST node is generic with respect to the Info type which allows for arbitrary decorations (e.g., parent inforamtion or dataflow constraints). Most notably, the info field holds the id of the node, which is used to reference the node in the dataflow graph.

In summary, we have the following types:

With this, the example file produced the following AST (shown from left to right for space reasons):

flowchart LR
    n53(["RExpressionList (53)
    n2(["RBinaryOp (2)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n2
    n0(["RSymbol (0)
    n2 -->|"binop-lhs"| n0
    n1(["RNumber (1)
    n2 -->|"binop-rhs"| n1
    n5(["RBinaryOp (5)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-1"| n5
    n3(["RSymbol (3)
    n5 -->|"binop-lhs"| n3
    n4(["RNumber (4)
    n5 -->|"binop-rhs"| n4
    n8(["RBinaryOp (8)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-2"| n8
    n6(["RSymbol (6)
    n8 -->|"binop-lhs"| n6
    n7(["RNumber (7)
    n8 -->|"binop-rhs"| n7
    n11(["RBinaryOp (11)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-3"| n11
    n9(["RSymbol (9)
    n11 -->|"binop-lhs"| n9
    n10(["RNumber (10)
    n11 -->|"binop-rhs"| n10
    n36(["RForLoop (36)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-4"| n36
    n12(["RSymbol (12)
    n36 -->|"for-variable"| n12
    n20(["RBinaryOp (20)
    n36 -->|"for-vector"| n20
    n13(["RNumber (13)
    n20 -->|"binop-lhs"| n13
    n19(["RExpressionList (19)
    n20 -->|"binop-rhs"| n19
    n19 -.-|"group-open"| n14
    n19 -.-|"group-close"| n15
    n14(["RSymbol (14)
    n15(["RSymbol (15)
    n18(["RBinaryOp (18)
    n19 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n18
    n16(["RSymbol (16)
    n18 -->|"binop-lhs"| n16
    n17(["RNumber (17)
    n18 -->|"binop-rhs"| n17
    n35(["RExpressionList (35)
    n36 -->|"for-body"| n35
    n35 -.-|"group-open"| n21
    n35 -.-|"group-close"| n22
    n21(["RSymbol (21)
    n22(["RSymbol (22)
    n29(["RBinaryOp (29)
    n35 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n29
    n23(["RSymbol (23)
    n29 -->|"binop-lhs"| n23
    n28(["RBinaryOp (28)
    n29 -->|"binop-rhs"| n28
    n26(["RBinaryOp (26)
    n28 -->|"binop-lhs"| n26
    n24(["RSymbol (24)
    n26 -->|"binop-lhs"| n24
    n25(["RSymbol (25)
    n26 -->|"binop-rhs"| n25
    n27(["RSymbol (27)
    n28 -->|"binop-rhs"| n27
    n34(["RBinaryOp (34)
    n35 -->|"expr-list-child-1"| n34
    n30(["RSymbol (30)
    n34 -->|"binop-lhs"| n30
    n33(["RBinaryOp (33)
    n34 -->|"binop-rhs"| n33
    n31(["RSymbol (31)
    n33 -->|"binop-lhs"| n31
    n32(["RSymbol (32)
    n33 -->|"binop-rhs"| n32
    n44(["RFunctionCall (44)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-5"| n44
    n37(["RSymbol (37)
    n44 -->|"call-name"| n37
    n39(["RArgument (39)
    n44 -->|"call-argument-1"| n39
    n38(["RString (38)
    n39 -->|"arg-value"| n38
    n41(["RArgument (41)
    n44 -->|"call-argument-2"| n41
    n40(["RSymbol (40)
    n41 -->|"arg-value"| n40
    n43(["RArgument (43)
    n44 -->|"call-argument-3"| n43
    n42(["RString (42)
    n43 -->|"arg-value"| n42
    n52(["RFunctionCall (52)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-6"| n52
    n45(["RSymbol (45)
    n52 -->|"call-name"| n45
    n47(["RArgument (47)
    n52 -->|"call-argument-1"| n47
    n46(["RString (46)
    n47 -->|"arg-value"| n46
    n49(["RArgument (49)
    n52 -->|"call-argument-2"| n49
    n48(["RSymbol (48)
    n49 -->|"arg-value"| n48
    n51(["RArgument (51)
    n52 -->|"call-argument-3"| n51
    n50(["RString (50)
    n51 -->|"arg-value"| n50

R Code of the Normalized AST

The analysis required 9.40 ms (including parsing) within the generation environment.

sum <- 0
product <- 1
w <- 7
N <- 10

for (i in 1:(N-1)) {
  sum <- sum + i + w
  product <- product * i

cat("Sum:", sum, "\n")
cat("Product:", product, "\n")
Mermaid Code
flowchart LR
    n53(["RExpressionList (53)
    n2(["RBinaryOp (2)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n2
    n0(["RSymbol (0)
    n2 -->|"binop-lhs"| n0
    n1(["RNumber (1)
    n2 -->|"binop-rhs"| n1
    n5(["RBinaryOp (5)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-1"| n5
    n3(["RSymbol (3)
    n5 -->|"binop-lhs"| n3
    n4(["RNumber (4)
    n5 -->|"binop-rhs"| n4
    n8(["RBinaryOp (8)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-2"| n8
    n6(["RSymbol (6)
    n8 -->|"binop-lhs"| n6
    n7(["RNumber (7)
    n8 -->|"binop-rhs"| n7
    n11(["RBinaryOp (11)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-3"| n11
    n9(["RSymbol (9)
    n11 -->|"binop-lhs"| n9
    n10(["RNumber (10)
    n11 -->|"binop-rhs"| n10
    n36(["RForLoop (36)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-4"| n36
    n12(["RSymbol (12)
    n36 -->|"for-variable"| n12
    n20(["RBinaryOp (20)
    n36 -->|"for-vector"| n20
    n13(["RNumber (13)
    n20 -->|"binop-lhs"| n13
    n19(["RExpressionList (19)
    n20 -->|"binop-rhs"| n19
    n19 -.-|"group-open"| n14
    n19 -.-|"group-close"| n15
    n14(["RSymbol (14)
    n15(["RSymbol (15)
    n18(["RBinaryOp (18)
    n19 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n18
    n16(["RSymbol (16)
    n18 -->|"binop-lhs"| n16
    n17(["RNumber (17)
    n18 -->|"binop-rhs"| n17
    n35(["RExpressionList (35)
    n36 -->|"for-body"| n35
    n35 -.-|"group-open"| n21
    n35 -.-|"group-close"| n22
    n21(["RSymbol (21)
    n22(["RSymbol (22)
    n29(["RBinaryOp (29)
    n35 -->|"expr-list-child-0"| n29
    n23(["RSymbol (23)
    n29 -->|"binop-lhs"| n23
    n28(["RBinaryOp (28)
    n29 -->|"binop-rhs"| n28
    n26(["RBinaryOp (26)
    n28 -->|"binop-lhs"| n26
    n24(["RSymbol (24)
    n26 -->|"binop-lhs"| n24
    n25(["RSymbol (25)
    n26 -->|"binop-rhs"| n25
    n27(["RSymbol (27)
    n28 -->|"binop-rhs"| n27
    n34(["RBinaryOp (34)
    n35 -->|"expr-list-child-1"| n34
    n30(["RSymbol (30)
    n34 -->|"binop-lhs"| n30
    n33(["RBinaryOp (33)
    n34 -->|"binop-rhs"| n33
    n31(["RSymbol (31)
    n33 -->|"binop-lhs"| n31
    n32(["RSymbol (32)
    n33 -->|"binop-rhs"| n32
    n44(["RFunctionCall (44)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-5"| n44
    n37(["RSymbol (37)
    n44 -->|"call-name"| n37
    n39(["RArgument (39)
    n44 -->|"call-argument-1"| n39
    n38(["RString (38)
    n39 -->|"arg-value"| n38
    n41(["RArgument (41)
    n44 -->|"call-argument-2"| n41
    n40(["RSymbol (40)
    n41 -->|"arg-value"| n40
    n43(["RArgument (43)
    n44 -->|"call-argument-3"| n43
    n42(["RString (42)
    n43 -->|"arg-value"| n42
    n52(["RFunctionCall (52)
    n53 -->|"expr-list-child-6"| n52
    n45(["RSymbol (45)
    n52 -->|"call-name"| n45
    n47(["RArgument (47)
    n52 -->|"call-argument-1"| n47
    n46(["RString (46)
    n47 -->|"arg-value"| n46
    n49(["RArgument (49)
    n52 -->|"call-argument-2"| n49
    n48(["RSymbol (48)
    n49 -->|"arg-value"| n48
    n51(["RArgument (51)
    n52 -->|"call-argument-3"| n51
    n50(["RString (50)
    n51 -->|"arg-value"| n50