This build is adapted from this link and it may help to read it or follow along:
- some downloads will need new links as new versions come out
- many config files and scripts are included to eliminate a lot of typing within the build.
- you'll need to enable shared folders in the vm settings and place the files in the shared folder
- code outside a comment or gui instruction is intended to be executed in the vmware terminal, ie:
- you should know the linux command line fairly well
- you should know how to use nano or some other command line editor vi/m emacs
- you need to have downloaded vmware, and an ubuntu 20.04 server image.
Pre-BUILD Requirements
LSU has a way to get a license:
visit LSU box and download shared folder contents these will be your configuration files and others needed for the build add them to your shared folder in the vmware machine
create a vmware machine
install ubuntu 20.04 Server from an ISO image:
20 GB on one file for disk size
make sure the vm is on bridged network setting for installation
(right click the vm, go to settings>network adapter, select "Bridged", then save)
go through the os installation process
all prompts you don't need to change anything unless you want openssh (for remote access via ssh)
set your username and password
allow the OS to install
when the installation finishes accept the prompt to reboot the machine
when the vm boots up the os log in with you username and password you set before
any command that requires downloading (apt, wget, git clone etc) will require you to set the vm in bridged network mode (to get outside data)
try the "vmware-netcfg" command on the host machine if you have trouble connecting.
I have found swapping between bridged and host-only connections are sometimes required
check your network connection in the command line with
if you get bytes back you're connection is good.
- (toggle "Connected" button)
- (right click the vm, settings, options, shared folders, select "Always Enabled")
- (select a path to the files' folder, click save)
- I keep my path simple and put the files in a folder called 'shared'
- my path is /mnt/hgfs/shared within the vm, if you use a different path, change it in all commands that use '/mnt/hgfs/shared'
Begin Build
These commands should all be executed in sequence:
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y upgrade
sudo apt -y install apache2 apache2-utils
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo usermod -a -G www-data `whoami`
sudo usermod -a -G `whoami` www-data
Log out of the vm (CTL-D) (this is neccessary for group settings to be applied) Log back in
Double check your shared folder exists
ls /mnt/hgfs/shared
(if you don't see all the files or try:
sudo vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs/ -o allow_other -o uid=1000
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
the above command runs the following script (which is tedious to type, there are some copy paste limitations in vmware when using alt-keyboard layouts):
sudo apt -y install php8.1 php8.1-cli php8.1-common php8.1-curl php8.1-dev php8.1-gd php8.1-imap php8.1-mbstring php8.1-opcache php8.1-xml php8.1-yaml php8.1-zip libapache2-mod-php8.1 php-pgsql php-redis php-xdebug unzip postgresql
Edit the postgresql.conf file starting at line 688
sudo nano +688 /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf
(if you don't like nano use a different editor vi/vim/emacs )
change line 688 from
#bytea_output 'hex'
change to
bytea_output 'escape'
(CTL+o)(to save)(CTL+x to close)
sudo systemctl restart postgresql
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/ runs:
#!/bin/bash curl "" > composer-install.php chmod +x composer-install.php php composer-install.php sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer sudo mkdir /opt/drupal sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/drupal sudo chmod 775 /opt/drupal sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ git clone
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/ runs:
cd drupal-project # Expect this to take a little while, as this is grabbing the entire # requirements set for Drupal. sudo -u www-data composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:9.x-dev /opt/drupal --no-interaction sudo ln -s /opt/drupal/vendor/drush/drush/drush /usr/local/bin/drush
confirm link:
ls -lart /usr/local/bin/drush
Expected output will link to /opt/drupal/vendor/drush/drush/drush
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
remove everything but (CTL+k)(to yank lines out of the file)
Listen 80
save the file (CTL+o) then (CTL+x)
Edit the apache 000-default.conf file
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
edit file to contain only the following:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName localhost DocumentRoot "/opt/drupal/web" <Directory "/opt/drupal/web"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Require all granted </Directory> ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/localhost_error.log" CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/localhost_access.log" combined </VirtualHost>
save (CTL+o) exit(CTL+x)
in future when ssl is needed for prod build:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo -u postgres psql
#from within the postgres cli:
create database drupal9 encoding 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8' TEMPLATE template0; create user drupal with encrypted password 'drupal'; grant all privileges on database drupal9 to drupal; #\q to quit \q
install a drupal
cd /opt/drupal/web
sudo drush -y site-install standard --db-url="pgsql://drupal:drupal@" --site-name="LDL 2.0" --account-name=islandora --account-pass=islandora
next install tomcat and cantaloupe
sudo apt -y install openjdk-11-jdk openjdk-11-jre
update-alternatives --list java
the above should output something like "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java"
note this path for later use as JAVA_HOME
note it's the path above without /bin/java: ie: "/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"
sudo addgroup tomcat
sudo adduser tomcat --ingroup tomcat --home /opt/tomcat --shell /usr/bin
choose a password ie: password: "tomcat" press enter for all default user prompts type y for yes
find the tar.gz here: copy the TOMCAT_TARBALL_LINK
as of 03-03-23 it was:
watch for version change
cd /opt
sudo wget -O tomcat.tar.gz TOMCAT_TARBALL_LINK
ls /opt
to find name of TOMCAT_DIRECTORY: (recently it was: apache-tomcat-9.0.73) -
sudo tar -zxvf tomcat.tar.gz
sudo mv /opt/TOMCAT_DIRECTORY/* /opt/tomcat
sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/ will run the following file:
#!/bin/bash cd /opt #O not 0 sudo wget -O tomcat.tar.gz sudo tar -zxvf tomcat.tar.gz #don't miss the star* sudo mv /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.73/* /opt/tomcat sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
l scratch_6 runs this file:
sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/ /opt/tomcat/bin/ sudo chmod 755 /opt/tomcat/bin/ sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/tomcat.service /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service #check your cantaloupe version sudo wget -O /opt/ sudo unzip /opt/ sudo mkdir /opt/cantaloupe_config sudo cp cantaloupe-5.0.5/ /opt/cantaloupe_config/ sudo cp cantaloupe-5.0.5/delegates.rb.sample /opt/cantaloupe_config/delegates.rb sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/cantaloupe.service sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/cantaloupe.service sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/cantaloupe.service /etc/systemd/system/cantaloupe.service sudo systemctl enable cantaloupe sudo systemctl start cantaloupe
check that unzip step worked ls /opt/cantaloupe
or something...
note: you may need this command if like me you had to edit cantaloupe.service several times:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl stop tomcat
sudo mkdir -p /opt/fcrepo/data/objects
sudo mkdir /opt/fcrepo/config
sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/fcrepo
sudo -u postgres psql
create database fcrepo encoding 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8' TEMPLATE template0; create user fedora with encrypted password 'fedora'; grant all privileges on database fcrepo to fedora; \q
first check that you mnt point is still working s
ls /mnt/hgfs/shared
if no files are listed of the folder is not found run this:
sudo vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs/ -o allow_other -o uid=1000
otherwise continue with this step if the files exist.
sudo sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/ will run the following:
sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/i8_namespace.cnd /opt/fcrepo/config/i8_namespace.cnd sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/fcrepo/config/i8_namespace.cnd sudo chmod 644 /opt/fcrepo/config/i8_namespace.cnd sudo touch /opt/fcrepo/config/allowed_hosts.txt sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/fcrepo/config/allowed_hosts.txt sudo chmod 644 /opt/fcrepo/config/allowed_hosts.txt ssudo -u tomcat echo "http://localhost:80/" >> /opt/fcrepo/config/allowed_hosts.txt sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/repository.json /opt/fcrepo/config/ sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/fcrepo/config/repository.json sudo chmod 644 /opt/fcrepo/config/repository.json sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/fcrepo-config.xml /opt/fcrepo/config/ sudo chmod 644 /opt/fcrepo/config/fcrepo-config.xml sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/fcrepo/config/fcrepo-config.xml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/tomcat-users.xml /opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml sudo chmod 600 /opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml
note: double check /opt/fcrepo/config/allowed_hosts.txt got created
copy from /mnt/hgfs/shared/ to /opt/tomcat/bin/
sudo nano /opt/tomcat/bin/
uncomment line 5, comment line 4 (CTL-c) shows line number save (CTL-o) exit (CTL+x)
sudo wget -O fcrepo.war
sudo mv fcrepo.war /opt/tomcat/webapps
sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat/webapps/fcrepo.war
sudo systemctl restart tomcat
check here for link...
copy the link (if changed from syn-1.1.1) and replace the link in the command below:
sudo wget -P /opt/tomcat/lib
confirm the library has the correct permissions.
sudo sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
which runs this series of commands:
sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat/lib sudo chmod -R 640 /opt/tomcat/lib sudo mkdir /opt/keys sudo openssl genrsa -out "/opt/keys/syn_private.key" 2048 sudo openssl rsa -pubout -in "/opt/keys/syn_private.key" -out "/opt/keys/syn_public.key" sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/keys/syn* sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/syn-settings.xml /opt/fcrepo/config/ sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/fcrepo/config/syn-settings.xml sudo chmod 600 /opt/fcrepo/config/syn-settings.xml
edit the context.xml file:
sudo nano /opt/tomcat/conf/context.xml
Add this line before the closing tag:
<Valve className="ca.islandora.syn.valve.SynValve" pathname="/opt/fcrepo/config/syn-settings.xml"/> </Context>
(note above for spelling errors: valve V A L V E not Value)
sudo systemctl restart tomcat
sudo mkdir -p /opt/blazegraph/data
sudo mkdir /opt/blazegraph/conf
sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/blazegraph
cd /opt
sudo wget -O blazegraph.war
sudo mv blazegraph.war /opt/tomcat/webapps
sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat/webapps/blazegraph.war
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
Typing out config files by hand is not worth the time. this script simplifies the process. configure logging blazegraph.config inference.nt
sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/ /opt/blazegraph/conf/ sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /opt/blazegraph/conf/ sudo chmod 644 /opt/blazegraph/conf/ sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/ /opt/blazegraph/conf sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/ /opt/blazegraph/conf sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/inference.nt /opt/blazegraph/conf sudo chown tomcat:tomcat -R /opt/blazegraph/conf sudo chmod -R 644 /opt/blazegraph/conf
sudo nano /opt/tomcat/bin/
comment out line 5 uncomment line 6
save (CTL+o) quit (CTL+x)
sudo systemctl restart tomcat
sudo curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @/opt/blazegraph/conf/ http://localhost:8080/blazegraph/namespace
If this worked correctly, Blazegraph should respond with "CREATED: islandora" to let us know it created the islandora namespace.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data-binary @/opt/blazegraph/conf/inference.nt http://localhost:8080/blazegraph/namespace/islandora/sparql
#not sure
If this worked correctly, Blazegraph should respond with some XML letting us know it added the 2 entries from inference.nt to the namespace.
sudo wget
sudo tar -xzvf solr-8.11.2.tgz
sudo solr-8.11.2/bin/ solr-8.11.2.tgz
#q to quit...
increase filesize (optional)
sudo su
sudo echo "fs.file-max = 45535" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
(CTL + D) to exit root.
create solr core
cd /opt/solr
sudo mkdir -p /var/solr/data/islandora8/conf
sudo cp -r example/files/conf/* /var/solr/data/islandora8/conf
sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr
sudo -u solr bin/solr create -c islandora8 -p 8983
#had to cd into /opt/solr/exmaple/files/conf #ran #sudo cp -r . /var/solr/data/islandora8/conf
A warning will print:
warning using _default configset with data driven scheme functionality. NOT RECOMMENDED for production use. To turn off: bin/solr/ config -c islandora8 -p 8983 -action set-user-property -property update.autoCreateFields -value false
should also say: "Created new core 'islandora8'
cd /opt/drupal
sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/search_api_solr:^4.2
drush -y en search_api_solr
#change vm network adapter to Host-Only (right click vm, settings, etc, save) #back in the vm
ip addr show
note the second ip in my case it was XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (don't put your ip in github...)
configure in GUI by visiting the ip above XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80 in browser (firefox) log in with islandora:islandora
you may need to restart apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
navigate to : XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80/user/login
then: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:80/admin/config/search/search-api or localhost:80/admin/config/search/search-api
- click add server
these are the options: see documentation for help:
config settings in gui
Server name: islandora8
Enabled: X
backend: Solr
Standard X
solr core :islandora8
click advanced config:
solr.install.dir: /opt/solr
click Save
NOTICE You can ignore the error about an incompatible Solr schema; we're going to set this up in the next step.
apply solr configs
click back into the vm
cd /opt/drupal
drush solr-gsc islandora8 /opt/drupal/
unzip -d ~/solrconfig
sudo cp ~/solrconfig/* /var/solr/data/islandora8/conf
sudo systemctl restart solr
##encountered some trouble with solr on unzip step
#adding an index #In gui navigate XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX or localhost:80/admin/config/search/search-api/add-index
configure index via gui*
Index name: Islandora 8 Index
Content: X
File: X
Server: islandora8
Enabled X
click Save
click back into vm change vm back to bridged network (only if needed) (right click vm, settings, network adaptor, save)
do this a few times until you get bytes back
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
let this execute: takes a while... maybe take a hydration break. It's running the following:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:lyrasis/imagemagick-jp2 sudo apt update sudo apt -y install imagemagick tesseract-ocr ffmpeg poppler-utils cd /opt sudo git clone crayfish sudo chown -R www-data:www-data crayfish sudo -u www-data composer install -d crayfish/Homarus sudo -u www-data composer install -d crayfish/Houdini sudo -u www-data composer install -d crayfish/Hypercube sudo -u www-data composer install -d crayfish/Milliner sudo -u www-data composer install -d crayfish/Recast sudo mkdir /var/log/islandora sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/log/islandora
(not )
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
runs the following, so very tedious, no one should ever want to type all this out, but this makes certain all the files are named correctly and have the correct permissions, it also beats typing out these configs.
#!/bin/bash sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/homarus.config.yaml /opt/crayfish/Homarus/cfg/config.yaml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/ /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/services.yaml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/crayfish_commons.yml /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/crayfish_commons.yml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/monolog.yml /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/monolog.yml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/security.yml /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/security.yml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/hypercube.config.yaml /opt/crayfish/Hypercube/cfg/config.yaml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/milliner.config.yaml /opt/crayfish/Milliner/cfg/config.yaml sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/recast.config.yaml /opt/crayfish/Recast/cfg/config.yaml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Homarus/cfg/config.yaml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Homarus/cfg/config.yaml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/services.yaml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/services.yaml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/crayfish_commons.yml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfigsh/Houdini/config/packages/crayfish_commons.yml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/monolog.yml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/monolog.yml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/security.yml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Houdini/config/packages/security.yml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Hypercube/cfg/config.yaml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Hypercube/cfg/configl.yaml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Milliner/cfg/config.yaml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Milliner/cfg/config.yaml sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/crayfish/Recast/cfg/config.yaml sudo chmod 644 /opt/crayfish/Recast/cfg/config.yaml
configure apache confs for microservices
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/ will be copying a lot of config files from the shared folder
#!/bin/bash sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/Houdini.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/Houdini.conf sudo chown root:root /etc/apache2/conf-available/Houdini.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/apache2/conf-available/Houdini.conf sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/Homarus.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/Homarus.conf sudo chown root:root /etc/apache2/conf-available/Homarus.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/apache2/conf-available/Homarus.conf sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/Hypercube.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/Hypercube.conf sudo chown root:root /etc/apache2/conf-available/Hypercube.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/apache2/conf-available/Hypercube.conf sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/Milliner.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/Milliner.conf sudo chown root:root /etc/apache2/conf-available/Milliner.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/apache2/conf-available/Milliner.conf sudo cp /mnt/hgfs/shared/Recast.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/Recast.conf sudo chown root:root /etc/apache2/conf-available/Recast.conf sudo chmod 644 /etc/apache2/conf-available/Recast.conf
enable microservices
sudo a2enconf Homarus Houdini Hypercube Milliner Recast
sudo systemctl restart apache2
edit settings.php
sudo nano /opt/drupal/web/sites/default/settings.php
add the following to the end of the file:
$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = [ 'localhost', 'your-site-ip' ]; $settings['flysystem'] = [ 'fedora' => [ 'driver' => 'fedora', 'config' => [ 'root' => 'http://localhost:8080/fcrepo/rest/', ], ], ];
cd /opt/drupal
drush -y cr
sudo sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
The above script will run the following (to save you time typing version numbers...)
#!/bin/bash cd /opt/drupal # This is a convenience piece that will help speed up most of the rest of our # process working with Composer and Drupal. sudo -u www-data composer require zaporylie/composer-drupal-optimizations:^1.0 # Since islandora_defaults is near the bottom of the dependency chain, requiring # it will get most of the modules and libraries we need to deploy a standard # Islandora site. sudo -u www-data composer require islandora/islandora_defaults:dev-8.x-1.x # These can be considered important or required depending on your site's # requirements; some of them represent dependencies of Islandora submodules. sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/pdf:1.x-dev sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/rest_oai_pmh:^1.0 sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/facets:^1.3 sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/restui:^1.16 sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/rdfui:^1.0-beta1 sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/content_browser:^1.0@alpha # These tend to be good to enable for a development environment, or just for a # higher quality of life when managing Islandora. That being said, devel should # NEVER be enabled on a production environment, as it intentionally gives the # user tools that compromise the security of a site. sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/console:~1.0 # sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/devel:^2.0 --with-all-dependencies #not working or conflict with symphony/var-dumper sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/admin_toolbar:^2.0 # Islandora also provides a theme called Carapace designed to work well out of # the box with an Islandora site. sudo -u www-data composer require islandora/carapace:dev-8.x-3.x
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
The script above will execute the following (save on typing long links...)
#!/bin/bash #add these before enable composer require drupal/masonry composer require drupal/libraries cd web mkdir libraries cd libraries mkdir masonry/dist mkdir imagesloaded wget -O masonry/dist/masonry.pkgd.min.js wget -O imagesloaded/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js
sh /mnt/hgfs/shared/
The above script runs:
cd /opt/drupal drush -y en rdf responsive_image syslog serialization basic_auth rest restui search_api_solr facets content_browser pdf admin_toolbar islandora_defaults controlled_access_terms_defaults islandora_breadcrumbs islandora_iiif islandora_oaipmh drush -y theme:enable carapace drush -y config-set system.theme default carapace drush -y cr
Adding a JWT Configuration to Drupal
To allow our installation to talk to other services via Syn, we need to establish a Drupal-side JWT configuration using the keys we generated at that time.
Log onto your site as an administrator at /user, then navigate to /admin/config/system/keys/add. Some of the settings here are unimportant, but pay close attention to the Key type, which should match the key we created earlier (an RSA key), and the File location, which should be the ultimate location of the key we created for Syn on the filesystem, /opt/keys/syn_private.key.
Adding a JWT RSA Key
Click Save to create the key.
Once this key is created, navigate to /admin/config/system/jwt to select the key you just created from the list. Note that before the key shows up in the Private Key list, you need to select that key's type in the Algorithm section, namely RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256 (RS256).
Configuring the JWT RSA Key for Use
See instructions:
visit http://[your-site-ip-address]/admin/config/system/jwt
follow drupal config instructions:
config canaloupe
cantaloupe endpoint was not 8080 this worked for cantaloupe config:
had to unzip cantaloupe missed the unzip for some reason
- http://[your-site-ip-address]:8182/iiif/2
Nav to openseadragon
- http://[your-site-ip-address]:8182/admin/config/media/openseadragon
add to IIIf Image server location: http://[your-site-ip-address]:8182/iiif/2 select IIIF Manifest from dropdown save
navigate to flysystem settings http://[your-site-ip-address]:8182/admin/config/media/file-system choose the flysystem button and save (scroll down)
give the admin fedoraAdmin role
cd /opt/drupal
sudo -u www-data drush -y urol "fedoraadmin" islandora
sudo -u www-data drush -y -l localhost --userid=1 mim
uninstall /admin/modules/uninstall search_defaults
--skip this dependency isn't needed resolve a dependency
sudo -u www-data composer require 'drupal/jquery_ui_accordion:^1.1'
drush en -y jquery_ui_accordion
###Theme trouble try remove require install
sudo -u www-data composer remove islandora/carapace
sudo -u www-data composer require islandora/carapace
visit "localhost/admin/appearance" and install a the carapace theme
###require islandora workbench
cd /opt/drupal
sudo -u www-data composer require mjordan/islandora_workbench_integration "dev-main"
drush en -y islandora_workbench_integration
drush cim -y --partial --source=modules/contrib/islandora_workbench_integration/config/optional
drush cr -y
an follow documentation for islandora workbench
outside of your virtual machine clone
git clone
edit a config.yml file with the http://your-virtualmachine-ip-address in the config
config file could look something like this:
Task: create host: "http://your-virtualmachine-ip-addr" username: islandora password: islandora input_csv: path-to-your-input.csv allow_adding_terms: True allow_missing_files: True
chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/web/sites/default/files/styles
sudo nano /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini
- change
post_max_size = 8M
topost_max_size = 200M
- change
upload_max_filesize = 8M
toupload_max_filesize = 200M
- change
max_file_uploads = 200
to an appropriate number #(confirm this limit) - adjust filesize to an appropriate size for your uploads
sudo systemctl restart apache2