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RFC-0004 Block insecure HTTP connections across Flux

Status: implementable

Creation Date: 2022-09-08

Last update: 2022-10-21


Flux should have a consistent way of disabling insecure HTTP connections.

At the controller level, a flag should be present which would disable all outgoing HTTP connections. At the object level, a field should be provided which would enable the use of non-TLS endpoints.

If the use of a non-TLS endpoint is not supported, reconciliation will fail and the object will be marked as stalled, signalling that human intervention is required.


Today the use of non-TLS based connections is inconsistent across Flux controllers.

Controllers that deal only with http and https schemes have no way to block use of the http scheme at controller-level. Some Flux objects provide a .spec.insecure field to enable the use of non-TLS based endpoints, but they don't clearly notify users when the option is not supported (e.g. Azure/GCP Buckets).


  • Provide a flag across relevant Flux controllers which disables all outgoing HTTP connections.
  • Add a field which enables the use of non-TLS endpoints to appropriate Flux objects.
  • Provide a way for users to be made aware that their use of non-TLS endpoints is not supported if that is the case.


  • Break Flux's current behavior of allowing HTTP connections.
  • Change in behavior of communication between Flux components.



Flux users should be able to enforce that controllers are using HTTPS connections only. This shall be enabled by adding a new boolean flag --insecure-allow-http to the following controllers:

  • source-controller
  • notification-controller
  • image-automation-controller
  • image-reflector-controller

The default value of this flag shall be true. This would ensure that there is no breaking change with controllers still being able to access non-TLS endpoints. To disable this behavior and enforce the use of HTTPS connections, users would have to explicitly pass the flag to the controller:

      - name: manager
        image: fluxcd/source-controller
          - --watch-all-namespaces
          - --log-level=info
          - --log-encoding=json
          - --enable-leader-election
          - --storage-path=/data
          - --storage-adv-addr=source-controller.$(RUNTIME_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local.
          - --insecure-allow-http=false

Note: The flag shall not be added to the following controllers:

  • kustomize-controller: This flag is excluded from this controller, as the upstream kubenetes-sigs/kustomize project does not support disabling HTTP connections while fetching resources from remote bases. We can revisit this if the upstream project adds support for this at a later point in time.
  • helm-controller: This flag does not serve a purpose in this controller, as the controller does not make any HTTP calls. Furthermore although both controllers can also do remote applies, serving kube-apiserver over plain HTTP is disabled by default. While technically this can be enabled, the option for this configuration was also disabled quite a while back (ref: kubernetes/kubernetes#65830).


Some Flux objects, like GitRepository, provide a field for specifying a URL, and the URL would contain the scheme. In such cases, the scheme can be used for inferring the transport type of the connection and consequently, whether to use HTTP or HTTPS connections for that object. But there are a few objects that don't allow such behavior, for example:

  • ImageRepository: It provides a field, .spec.image, which is used for specifying the address of the image present on a container registry. But any address containing a scheme is considered invalid and HTTPS is the default transport used. This prevents users from using images present on insecure registries.
  • OCI HelmRepository: When using an OCI registry as a Helm repository, the .spec.url is expected to begin with oci://. Since the scheme part of the URL is used to specify the type of HelmRepository, there is no way for users to specify that the registry is hosted at a non-TLS endpoint.

For such objects, we shall introduce a new boolean field .spec.insecure, which shall be false by default. Users that need their object to point to an HTTP endpoint, can set this to true.


The Flux CLI offers several commands for creating Flux specific resources. Some of these commands may involve specifying an endpoint such as creating an OCIRepository:

 flux create source oci podinfo \
    --url=oci:// \
    --tag=6.1.6 \

Since these commands essentially create object definitions, the CLI should offer a boolean flag --insecure for the required commands, which will be used for specifying the value of .spec.insecure of such objects.

Note: This flag should not be confused with --insecure-skip-tls-verify which is meant to skip TLS verification when using an HTTPS connection.

Precedence & Validity

Objects with .spec.insecure as true will only be allowed if HTTP connections are allowed at the controller level. Similarly, an object can have .spec.insecure as true only if the Saas/Cloud provider allows HTTP connections. For example, using a Bucket with its .spec.provider set to azure would be invalid since Azure doesn't allow HTTP connections.

User Stories

Story 1

As a cluster admin of a multi-tenant cluster, I want to ensure all controllers access endpoints using only HTTPS regardless of tenants' object definitions.

Apply a kustomize patch which prevents the use of HTTP connections:

kind: Kustomization
  - gotk-components.yaml
  - gotk-sync.yaml
  - patch: |
      - op: add
        path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-
        value: --insecure-allow-http=false
      kind: Deployment
      name: "(source-controller|notification-controller|image-reflector-controller|image-automation-controller)"
  # Since the above flag is not available in kustomize-controller for reasons explained in a previous section,
  # we disable Kustomize remote builds by disallowing use of remote bases. This ensures that kustomize-controller
  # won't initiate any plain HTTP connections.
  - patch: |
      - op: add
        path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-
        value: --no-remote-bases=true
      kind: Deployment
      name: kustomize-controller

Story 2

As an application developer, I'm trying to debug a new image pushed to my local registry which is not served over HTTPS.

Modify the object spec to use HTTP connections explicitly:

kind: ImageRepository
  name: podinfo
  namespace: flux-system
  image: kind-registry:5000/stefanprodan/podinfo
  interval: 1m0s
  insecure: true


Instead of adding a flag, we can instruct users to make use of Kyverno policies to enforce that all objects have .spec.insecure as false and any URLs present in the definition don't have http as the scheme. This is less attractive, as this would ask users to install another software and prevent Flux multi-tenancy from being standalone.

Design Details

If a controller is started with --insecure-allow-http=false, any URL in a Flux object which has http as the scheme will result in an unsuccessful reconciliation and the following condition will be added to the object's .status.conditions:

  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-06T09:14:21Z"
    message: "Use of insecure HTTP connections isn't allowed for this controller"
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: InsecureConnectionsDisallowed
    status: "True"
    type: Stalled

Similarly, if an object has .spec.insecure as true but the Cloud provider doesn't allow HTTP connections, the reconciliation will fail and the following condition will be added to the object's .status.conditions:

  - lastTransitionTime: "2022-09-06T09:14:21Z"
    message: "Use of insecure HTTP connections isn't allowed for Azure Storage"
    observedGeneration: 1
    reason: UnsupportedConnectionType
    status: "True"
    type: Stalled

If an object has .spec.insecure as true, the registry client or bucket client shall be created with the use of HTTP connections enabled explicitly.

Implementation History

2022-08-12 Allow defining OCI sources for non-TLS container registries with flux create source oci --insecure released with flux2 v0.34.0