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go-git-providers is a general-purpose Go client for interacting with Git providers' APIs.

Supported providers:

  • GitHub API ( and on-prem)
  • GitLab API ( and on-prem)
  • Bitbucket Server API (on-prem)


  • Consistency: Using the same Client interface and high-level structs for multiple backends.
  • Authentication: Personal Access Tokens/OAuth2 Tokens, and unauthenticated.
  • Pagination: List calls automatically return all available pages.
  • Conditional Requests: Asks the Git provider if cached data is up-to-date before requesting, to avoid being rate limited.
  • Reconciling: Support reconciling desired state towards actual state and drift detection.
  • Low-level access: Access the underlying, provider-specific data easily, if needed, and support applying it to the server.
  • Wrapped errors: Data-rich, Go 1.14-errors are consistent across provider, including cases like rate limit, validation, not found, etc.
  • Go modules: The major version is bumped if breaking changes, or major library upgrades are made.
  • Validation-first: Both server and user data is validated prior to manipulation.
  • URL Parsing: HTTPS user, organization and repository URLs can be parsed into machine-readable structs.
  • Enums: Consistent enums are used across providers for similar lists of values.
  • Domain customization: The user can specify their desired domain for the Git provider backend.
  • Context-first: context.Context is the first parameter for every API call.

Operations and Design

The top-level gitprovider.Client has the following sub-clients with their described capabilities:

  • OrganizationsClient operates on organizations the user has access to.

    • Get a specific organization the user has access to.
    • List all top-level organizations the specific user has access to.
    • Children returns the immediate child-organizations for the specific OrganizationRef.
  • {Org,User}RepositoriesClient operates on repositories for organizations and users, respectively.

    • Get returns the repository for the given reference.
    • List all repositories in the given organization or user account.
    • Create creates a repository, with the specified data and options.
    • Reconcile makes sure the given desired state becomes the actual state in the backing Git provider.

The sub-clients above return gitprovider.Organization or gitprovider.{Org,User}Repository interfaces. These object interfaces lets you access their data (through their .Get() function), internal, provider-specific representation (through their .APIObject() function), or sub-resources like deploy keys and teams.

The following object-scoped clients are available:

  • Organization represents an organization in a Git provider.

    • Teams gives access to the TeamsClient for this specific organization.
      • Get a team within the specific organization.
      • List all teams within the specific organization.
  • UserRepository describes a repository owned by an user.

    • DeployKeys gives access to manipulating deploy keys, using this DeployKeyClient.
      • Get a DeployKey by its name.
      • List all deploy keys for the given repository.
      • Create a deploy key with the given specifications.
      • Reconcile makes sure the given desired state becomes the actual state in the backing Git provider.
  • OrgRepository is a superset of UserRepository, and describes a repository owned by an organization.

    • DeployKeys as in UserRepository.
    • TeamAccess returns a TeamsAccessClient for operating on teams' access to this specific repository.
      • Get a team's permission level of this given repository.
      • List the team access control list for this repository.
      • Create adds a given team to the repository's team access control list.
      • Reconcile makes sure the given desired state (req) becomes the actual state in the backing Git provider.

Wait, how do I Delete or Update an object?

That's done on the returned objects themselves, using the following Updatable, Reconcilable and Deletable interfaces implemented by {Org,User}Repository, DeployKey and TeamAccess:

// Updatable is an interface which all objects that can be updated
// using the Client implement.
type Updatable interface {
    // Update will apply the desired state in this object to the server.
    // Only set fields will be respected (i.e. PATCH behaviour).
    // In order to apply changes to this object, use the .Set({Resource}Info) error
    // function, or cast .APIObject() to a pointer to the provider-specific type
    // and set custom fields there.
    // ErrNotFound is returned if the resource does not exist.
    // The internal API object will be overridden with the received server data.
    Update(ctx context.Context) error

// Deletable is an interface which all objects that can be deleted
// using the Client implement.
type Deletable interface {
    // Delete deletes the current resource irreversibly.
    // ErrNotFound is returned if the resource doesn't exist anymore.
    Delete(ctx context.Context) error

// Reconcilable is an interface which all objects that can be reconciled
// using the Client implement.
type Reconcilable interface {
    // Reconcile makes sure the desired state in this object (called "req" here) becomes
    // the actual state in the backing Git provider.
    // If req doesn't exist under the hood, it is created (actionTaken == true).
    // If req doesn't equal the actual state, the resource will be updated (actionTaken == true).
    // If req is already the actual state, this is a no-op (actionTaken == false).
    // The internal API object will be overridden with the received server data if actionTaken == true.
    Reconcile(ctx context.Context) (actionTaken bool, err error)

In order to access the provider-specific, internal object, all resources implement the gitprovider.Object interface:

// Object is the interface all types should implement.
type Object interface {
    // APIObject returns the underlying value that was returned from the server.
    // This is always a pointer to a struct.
    APIObject() interface{}

So, how do I set the desired state for an object before running Update or Reconcile?

Using the Get() {Resource}Info or Set({Resource}Info) error methods. An example as follows, for TeamAccess:

// TeamAccess describes a binding between a repository and a team.
type TeamAccess interface {
    // TeamAccess implements the Object interface,
    // allowing access to the underlying object returned from the API.
    // The deploy key can be updated.
    // The deploy key can be reconciled.
    // The deploy key can be deleted.
    // RepositoryBound returns repository reference details.

    // Get returns high-level information about this team access for the repository.
    Get() TeamAccessInfo
    // Set sets high-level desired state for this team access object. In order to apply these changes in
    // the Git provider, run .Update() or .Reconcile().
    Set(TeamAccessInfo) error

// TeamAccessInfo contains high-level information about a team's access to a repository.
type TeamAccessInfo struct {
    // Name describes the name of the team. The team name may contain slashes.
    // +required
    Name string `json:"name"`

    // Permission describes the permission level for which the team is allowed to operate.
    // Default: pull.
    // Available options: See the RepositoryPermission enum.
    // +optional
    Permission *RepositoryPermission `json:"permission,omitempty"`


See the following (automatically tested) examples:

Getting Help

If you have any questions about this library:

Your feedback is always welcome!


Apache 2.0