- Subscribe +switch-master again
- Prevents master discovery to get stuck in endless loop if sentinels are not available
- Always reconnect at least once, even if reconnect timeout is 0
- Catch networking errors which bubble up past redis
- Allow client to return list of slaves
- Fix compatibility issues with ruby 1.8.7
- Fix for pipelined requests and readonly calls
- Fix sentinel reconnection broken
- Fix only one sentinel client reconnect issue
- Rewrite sentinel client to follow http://redis.io/topics/sentinel
- Parse uri string in sentinels array
- Add ability to reconnect all redis sentinel clients
- Avoid the config gets modified
- Reconnect if redis suddenly becones read-only
- Add redis synchrony support
- Add redis authentication support
- Fix discover_master procedure wich failover_reconnect_wait option
- Add test_wait_for_failover_write example
- Cache sentinel connections
- Add option failover_reconnect_timeout
- Add option failover_reconnect_wait
- Add test_wait_for_failover example
- Ruby 1.8.7 compatibility
- Fix initialize Redis::ConnectionError
- Remove background thread, which subscribes switch-master message
- Add example
- First version