To help reduce fraud, Current partners with a location service provider to ensure Current cardholders are physically proximate to where their card is being used. For example, if we know a user is in New York, and their card is used at a gas station in North Carolina, we know we should decline the transaction until the user confirms this transaction is expected.
Using any technologies you choose, design and host an API that accepts mapped user locations (visits) and can be queried with a userId and search string. The search is expected to be performed in real-time so the p99 response time should be below one second.
Visit {
visitId: string
timestamp: int64
merchant: Merchant
user: User
User {
userId: string
Merchant {
merchantId: string
merchantName: string
POST /users/{userId}/visits
POST /users/a955cac6-fb81-4eb9-a3b5-b87d28b86796/visits
merchant: {
merchantId: 'fa9d770b-70a7-471c-9897-e94515fc11b3',
merchantName: 'Starbucks'
user: {
userId: 'e2d42a60-81c4-44b0-b968-6f4cbc52444f'
visitId: '7209143d-c742-4afa-a0ac-ca7c1b8cc39d',
timestamp: 1590441350768
GET /users/{userId}/visits?searchString=X
GET /users/e2d42a60-81c4-44b0-b968-6f4cbc52444f/visits?searchString=STARBUCKS%231249
visitId: '7209143d-c742-4afa-a0ac-ca7c1b8cc39d',
timestamp: 1590441350768,
merchant: {
merchantId: 'fa9d770b-70a7-471c-9897-e94515fc11b3',
merchantName: 'Starbucks'
user: {
userId: 'e2d42a60-81c4-44b0-b968-6f4cbc52444f'
GET /visits/{visitId}
GET /visits/7209143d-c742-4afa-a0ac-ca7c1b8cc39d
visitId: '7209143d-c742-4afa-a0ac-ca7c1b8cc39d',
timestamp: 1590441350768,
merchant: {
merchantId: 'fa9d770b-70a7-471c-9897-e94515fc11b3',
merchantName: 'Starbucks'
user: {
userId: 'e2d42a60-81c4-44b0-b968-6f4cbc52444f'
- Host the API in a publically accessible way
- Persist the data on a non-ephemeral store
- The search should have some fuzziness built in (preferably configurable)
endy should match with WENDY'S
- Provide tests
- Provide instructions to build and test locally
Once complete, please attach @finco-trevor as a git project collaborator. Please make sure the link to your endpoint is provided in the README.