Topic Model of Deported Migrant Children's Narratives
This script is part of a larger joint research project studying the consequences of United States’ immigration and refugee policies on children. Researchers interviewed 203 children who had been deported to Mexico; interviews were conducted in Spanish by local graduate students. Questions covered demographics, immigration, background, experience with authorities, and others. The children also had the opportunity to provide open ended responses about their future aspirations or other topics they felt like sharing. These open ended responses are what were analyzed in this project.
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is an unsupervised machine learning algorithm, which was used to identify clusters of words in the survey responses. These clusters were then interpreted by researchers for “topics” shared by these deported children. The scripts analyze responses and create three outputs: a text file with the five topics and their top 50 words, a frequency chart of the topic models, and a word cloud image file.
*The products and outputs from the analysis are provided, but the original survey has been excluded for privacy reasons.
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