This app tries to access GPIO through NDK to achieve higher speeds than are possible using Java API.
Before running app start listening server with
Keep it opened. You only need to run it once each time you boot your Android Thing. Tested on Raspberry Pi 3 only. If it stops running start it again at anytime.
To check that it's actually check that gpio_export_pipe
adb -s Android.local shell "ls -l /data/data/com.amazingapps.sample.thingssample/gpio_export_pipe"
While your program is running you'll see some text on the terminal every time a new pin is opened. Verify that it's working as expected by:
adb -s Android.local shell "ls -l /sys/class/gpio/gpio23"
and check that gpio23 folder exists, and both direction and value have read and write permissions for all users (you should see -rw-rw-rw
next to it).