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Simple AirPrint bridge docker container to be run on QNAP NAS to share a Canon (PIXMA TS5100-series) USB printer+scanner


Run a container with CUPS and Avahi (mDNS/Bonjour) so that local printers on the network can be exposed via AirPrint to iOS/macOS, Windows and Android devices. Also AirScan is utilized for network-based scanning. This docker image is custom-built for Canon printers and scanners. I am specifically using a Canon PIXMA TS5120 printer+scanner.


  • This is forked from drpsychick/airprint-bridge docker container
  • The container must (really, really should) have its own, dedicated IP so it does not interfere with other services listen on the ports required (macOS: already runs CUPS and mdns, Linux: mostly also already runs CUPS and/or Avahi)


  • a shared Windows printer must be accessible by anonymous users (without login) or you must provide a username and password whithin its device URI (smb://user:pass@host/printer)

QNAP TS-453D + Canon PIXMA TS5210 USB

  • Connect your Canon PIXMA TS5210 printer via USB to the QNAP TS-453D NAS USB port
  • SSH to your QNAP NAS and run the following commands (pay special attention to cups_ip, subnet, gateway and CUPS_USER_PASSWORD)
$ docker network create --driver=qnet --ipam-driver=qnet --ipam-opt=iface=bond0 --subnet --gateway qnet-static

$ git clone
$ cd docker-cups-airprint

$ docker build -t drpsychick/airprint-bridge:latest .

This will build the image locally, which is the HIGHLY suggested way to get the latest packages, security fixes, and to be sure it is built the way you want (pleaes review the file: Dockerfile to see exactly what is going on during the build).

Docker Create

Create a Docker container running cups/airprint and airscan:

$ cups_ip=
$ cups_name=cups.home

$ docker create \
       --name=cups-airprint \
       --restart=always \
       --net=qnet-static \
       --ip=$cups_ip \
       --hostname=$cups_name \
       -p 137:137/udp \
       -p 139:139/tcp \
       -p 445:445/tcp \
       -p 631:631/tcp \
       -p 5353:5353/udp \
       -v /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus \
       -v /share/docker-data/airprint_data/config:/config \
       -v /share/docker-data/airprint_data/services:/services \
       --device /dev/bus \
       --device /dev/usb \
       -e CUPS_USER_ADMIN=admin \
       -e CUPS_USER_PASSWORD="secr3t" \
       -e CUPS_IP=${cups_ip} \
       -e CUPS_HOSTNAME=${cups_name} \
       -e CUPS_SHARE_PRINTERS=yes \
       -e CUPS_REMOTE_ADMIN=yes \
       -e AIRSCAN_SUBNET= \

To start the container

$ docker start cups-airprint

To stop the container

$ docker stop cups-airprint

To remove the conainer simply run:

$ docker rm cups-airprint
  • Notes: The Dockerfile explicitly sets volumes at /config and /services inside the container as mount points. Here we actually override the default use of Docker's innate volume management system and declare our own path on the host system to mount the two directories /config and /services. Why? Because now if the container is deleted (for any number of reason ...) the data will persist. Here we chose to mount the internal /config and /services directories to /share/docker-data/airprint_data/config and /share/docker-data/airprint_data/services respectively, but these could just as well be anywhere on your file system. See for reference Docker Volumes.


  • --name: gives the container a name making it easier to work with/on (e.g. cups-airprint)
  • --restart: restart policy for how to handle restarts (e.g. always restart)
  • --net: network to join (e.g. the qnet-static network) which we created earlier during the docker network create .... command
  • -v /share/docker-data/airprint_data/config:/config: where the persistent printer configs will be stored
  • -v /share/docker-data/airprint_data/services:/services: where the Avahi service files will be generated
  • -e CUPS_USER_ADMIN: the CUPS admin user you want created
  • -e CUPS_USER_PASSWORD: the password for the CUPS admin user
  • -e CUPS_IP=${cups_ip}: the static IP address of the CUPS server we configured before running docker create, make sure it is part of the --subnet (example: used when we ran the earlier command to create the docker network docker network create ...
  • -e CUPS_HOSTNAME=${cups_name}: the hostname you wish to call the CUPS server, also configured before running docker create
  • -e CUPS_SHARE_PRINTERS=yes: do you want your CUPS printer to share printers by default, yes OR no
  • -e CUPS_REMOTE_ADMIN=yes: do you want your CUPS docker container to be remotely administrated, yes OR no
  • -e AIRSCAN_SUBNET= subnet you want to share your scanner with via AirScan over the network
  • --device /dev/bus: device mounted for interacting with USB printers
  • --device /dev/usb: device mounted for interacting with USB printers

Docker Compose

If you don't want to type out these long Docker commands, you could optionally use docker-compose to set up your image. Just download the repo and run it like so:

$ git clone
$ cd docker-cups-airprint
$ docker-compose up --build

NOTE: This compose file is made with USB printers in mind and like the above commands has device mounts for USB printers. If you don't have a USB printer you may want to comment these out. Also the config/services data will be saved to the /share/docker-data/airprint_data/services directory. Edit the file docker-compose.yml and configure the environment variables to your own liking before running the command docker-compose up --build.

If you would like to build the Docker container via the QNAP Container Station GUI utilize the following instructions. Be aware how Applications work - just for reference here is an example of how a Gitea server would be setup through QNAP Container Station as an Application.

  • Make sure you've already created a Docker network, checked out this repo and ran the build process as specified at the top of this document.
  • Launch Container Station, click Create on the left
  • Click Create Application
  • Paste the following Docker-compose code (no TABS) into the Create Application window, modify the environment variable values to suit your preferences
version: "2.4"

    container_name: cups-airprint
    image: drpsychick/airprint-bridge:latest
      - "137:137"
      - "139:139"
      - "445:445"
      - "631:631"
      - "5353:5353"
      - "6566:6566"
      - /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus
      - /share/docker-data/airprint_data/config:/config
      - /share/docker-data/airprint_data/services:/services
      - /dev/bus
      - /dev/usb
    restart: always
      - TZ=PST
      - CUPS_USER_ADMIN=admin
      - CUPS_USER_PASSWORD=secr3t
      - CUPS_IP=
      - CUPS_HOSTNAME=cups.home

    external: true
  • Click Validate YAML button
  • Click Create button
  • Wait for the Application to launch properly


Connect to CUPS admin page

Browse to (specified above as $cups_ip / cups_ip= - use port 631

  • Add your printer
    • My printer showed up in the list as Name: Canon_TS5100_series
    • Specify your model/driver, I choose Canon TS5100 series Ver.5.50 (en, de, fr, zh, ja) model/driver
  • Your scanner should be automatically shared on the network via port 6656. Try to using a tool listed here, I personally like SaneTwain.
  • The environment variable AIRSCAN_SUBNET allows you to specify which subnet you want to share your scanner with over the network
    • I personally use AIRSCAN_SUBNET=

Windows 10x64

Add Printer

  • My Canon printer was detected as AirPrint Canon_TS5100_series @ cups, it was found automatically
    • It is also directly addressible via


Install Canon Print Service

  • Print in any application and choose AirPrint Canon_TS5100_series @ cups


This is based on awesome work of others