A low overhead Lua profiler for Neovim.
- low overhead instrumentation
- captures a function's definition and reference (caller) locations
- profiling of autocmds
- profiling of required modules
- buffer highlighting of functions and calls
- lots of different ways to filter and group traces
- show traces with:
Before the snacks profiler, I used to use a combination of my own profiler(s), lazy.nvim's internal profiler, profile.nvim and perfanno.nvim.
They all have their strengths and weaknesses:
- lazy.nvim's profiler is great for structured traces, but needed a lot of manual work to get the traces I wanted.
- profile.nvim does proper instrumentation, but was lacking in the UI department.
- perfanno.nvim has a great UI, but uses
which is not as detailed as instrumentation.
The snacks profiler tries to combine the best of all worlds.
The easiest way to use the profiler is to toggle it with the suggested keybindings.
When the profiler stops, it will show a picker using the on_stop
To quickly change picker options, you can use the Snacks.profiler.scratch()
scratch buffer.
- your Neovim session might slow down when profiling
- due to the overhead of instrumentation, fast functions that are called
often, might skew the results. Best to add those to the
config. - by default, only captures functions defined on lua modules.
If you want to profile others, add them to
- the profiler is not perfect and might not capture all calls
- the profiler might not work well with some plugins
- it can only profile
created when the profiler is running. - only
with a lua function callback can be profiled - functions that
won't be captured correctly - functions that do blocking calls like
will work, but the time will include the time spent waiting for the blocking call
opts = function()
-- Toggle the profiler
-- Toggle the profiler highlights
keys = {
{ "<leader>ps", function() Snacks.profiler.scratch() end, desc = "Profiler Scratch Bufer" },
-- optional lualine component to show captured events
-- when the profiler is running
opts = function(_, opts)
table.insert(opts.sections.lualine_x, Snacks.profiler.status())
In order to profile Neovim's startup, you need to make sure snacks.nvim
installed and loaded before doing anything else. So also before loading
your plugin manager.
You can add something like the below to the top of your init.lua
Then you can profile your Neovim session, with PROF=1 nvim
if vim.env.PROF then
-- example for lazy.nvim
-- change this to the correct path for your plugin manager
local snacks = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/snacks.nvim"
startup = {
event = "VimEnter", -- stop profiler on this event. Defaults to `VimEnter`
-- event = "UIEnter",
-- event = "VeryLazy",
For the full definition, see the snacks.profiler.Filter
Each field can be a string or a boolean.
When a field is a string, it will match the exact value,
unless it starts with ^
in which case it will match the pattern.
When any of the def
fields are true
the filter matches the current location of the cursor.
For example, {ref_file = true}
will match all traces calling something,
in the current file.
All other fields equal to true
will match if the trace has a value for that field.
-- lazy.nvim
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
profiler = {
-- your profiler configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
---@class snacks.profiler.Config
autocmds = true,
runtime = vim.env.VIMRUNTIME, ---@type string
-- thresholds for buttons to be shown as info, warn or error
-- value is a tuple of [warn, error]
thresholds = {
time = { 2, 10 },
pct = { 10, 20 },
count = { 10, 100 },
on_stop = {
highlights = true, -- highlight entries after stopping the profiler
pick = true, -- show a picker after stopping the profiler (uses the `on_stop` preset)
---@type snacks.profiler.Highlights
highlights = {
min_time = 0, -- only highlight entries with time > min_time (in ms)
max_shade = 20, -- time in ms for the darkest shade
badges = { "time", "pct", "count", "trace" },
align = 80,
pick = {
picker = "snacks", ---@type snacks.profiler.Picker
---@type snacks.profiler.Badge.type[]
badges = { "time", "count", "name" },
---@type snacks.profiler.Highlights
preview = {
badges = { "time", "pct", "count" },
align = "right",
startup = {
event = "VimEnter", -- stop profiler on this event. Defaults to `VimEnter`
after = true, -- stop the profiler **after** the event. When false it stops **at** the event
pattern = nil, -- pattern to match for the autocmd
pick = true, -- show a picker after starting the profiler (uses the `startup` preset)
---@type table<string, snacks.profiler.Pick|fun():snacks.profiler.Pick?>
presets = {
startup = { min_time = 1, sort = false },
on_stop = {},
filter_by_plugin = function()
return { filter = { def_plugin = vim.fn.input("Filter by plugin: ") } }
---@type string[]
globals = {
-- "vim",
-- "vim.api",
-- "vim.keymap",
-- "Snacks.dashboard.Dashboard",
-- filter modules by pattern.
-- longest patterns are matched first
filter_mod = {
default = true, -- default value for unmatched patterns
["^vim%."] = false,
["mason-core.functional"] = false,
["mason-core.functional.data"] = false,
["mason-core.optional"] = false,
["which-key.state"] = false,
filter_fn = {
default = true,
["^.*%._[^%.]*$"] = false,
["trouble.filter.is"] = false,
["trouble.item.__index"] = false,
["which-key.node.__index"] = false,
["smear_cursor.draw.wo"] = false,
["^ibl%.utils%."] = false,
icons = {
time = "ο ",
pct = "ο ",
count = "ο‘ ",
require = "σ°Ί ",
modname = "σ°Ό ",
plugin = "ο ",
autocmd = "β‘",
file = "ο ",
fn = "σ° ",
status = "σ°Έ ",
---@class snacks.profiler.Trace
---@field name string fully qualified name of the function
---@field time number time in nanoseconds
---@field depth number stack depth
---@field [number] snacks.profiler.Trace child traces
---@field fname string function name
---@field fn function function reference
---@field modname? string module name
---@field require? string special case for require
---@field autocmd? string special case for autocmd
---@field count? number number of calls
---@field def? snacks.profiler.Loc location of the definition
---@field ref? snacks.profiler.Loc location of the reference (caller)
---@field loc? snacks.profiler.Loc normalized location
---@class snacks.profiler.Loc
---@field file string path to the file
---@field line number line number
---@field loc? string normalized location
---@field modname? string module name
---@field plugin? string plugin name
---@class snacks.profiler.Find
---@field structure? boolean show traces as a tree or flat list
---@field sort? "time"|"count"|false sort by time or count, or keep original order
---@field loc? "def"|"ref" what location to show in the preview
---@field group? boolean|snacks.profiler.Field group traces by field
---@field filter? snacks.profiler.Filter filter traces by field(s)
---@field min_time? number only show grouped traces with `time >= min_time`
---@class snacks.profiler.Pick: snacks.profiler.Find
---@field picker? snacks.profiler.Picker
---@alias snacks.profiler.Picker "snacks"|"trouble"
---@alias snacks.profiler.Pick.spec snacks.profiler.Pick|{preset?:string}|fun():snacks.profiler.Pick
---@alias snacks.profiler.Field
---| "name" fully qualified name of the function
---| "def" definition
---| "ref" reference (caller)
---| "require" require
---| "autocmd" autocmd
---| "modname" module name of the called function
---| "def_file" file of the definition
---| "def_modname" module name of the definition
---| "def_plugin" plugin that defines the function
---| "ref_file" file of the reference
---| "ref_modname" module name of the reference
---| "ref_plugin" plugin that references the function
---@class snacks.profiler.Filter
---@field name? string|boolean fully qualified name of the function
---@field def? string|boolean location of the definition
---@field ref? string|boolean location of the reference (caller)
---@field require? string|boolean special case for require
---@field autocmd? string|boolean special case for autocmd
---@field modname? string|boolean module name
---@field def_file? string|boolean file of the definition
---@field def_modname? string|boolean module name of the definition
---@field def_plugin? string|boolean plugin that defines the function
---@field ref_file? string|boolean file of the reference
---@field ref_modname? string|boolean module name of the reference
---@field ref_plugin? string|boolean plugin that references the function
---@alias snacks.profiler.Badge {icon:string, text:string, padding?:boolean, level?:string}
---@alias snacks.profiler.Badge.type "time"|"pct"|"count"|"name"|"trace"
---@class snacks.profiler.Highlights
---@field min_time? number only highlight entries with time >= min_time
---@field max_shade? number -- time in ms for the darkest shade
---@field badges? snacks.profiler.Badge.type[] badges to show
---@field align? "right"|"left"|number align the badges right, left or at a specific column
---@class snacks.profiler.Startup
---@field event? string
---@field pattern? string|string[] pattern to match for the autocmd
---@alias snacks.profiler.GroupFn fun(entry:snacks.profiler.Trace):{key:string, name?:string}?
---@class snacks.profiler
---@field core snacks.profiler.core
---@field loc snacks.profiler.loc
---@field tracer snacks.profiler.tracer
---@field ui snacks.profiler.ui
---@field picker snacks.profiler.picker
Snacks.profiler = {}
Group and filter traces
---@param opts snacks.profiler.Find
Toggle the profiler highlights
---@param enable? boolean
Group and filter traces and open a picker
---@param opts? snacks.profiler.Pick.spec
Check if the profiler is running
Open a scratch buffer with the profiler picker options
Start the profiler
---@param opts? snacks.profiler.Config
Start the profiler on startup, and stop it after the event has been triggered.
---@param opts snacks.profiler.Config
Statusline component
Stop the profiler
---@param opts? {highlights?:boolean, pick?:snacks.profiler.Pick.spec}
Toggle the profiler