- Brush up on my Japanese font terminology.
- Enlarge の slightly. (Not strictly necessary.)
- Enlarge う just slightly. (Lengthen, to be more precise.) (Actually, don't.)
- The top stroke of the hiragana こ has a misaligned brush return. This should essentially be similar to an uroko (うろこ), typographically speaking, but is not currently. Fix it.
- Take a second look. Adjust again if necessary.
- Write up a brief explanation of how an understanding of calligraphic influence and the calligraphic origins are import in understanding letter design, using this as an example.
- Rotate dakuten (濁点 = ゙) slightly. It currently feels very vertical.
- The lead-in strokes and flicks on some glyphs are small. Redesign. (Getting there!)
- Check all glyphs for consistency of those components. Compare and even out.
- Adjust hiragana shapes and modify glyphs.
- Resize some glyphs (right now they are slightly uneven – は looks big compared to あ, for instance)
- Link all horizontal glyphs to vertical.
- Create Katakana.
- Include U+1b000 (𛀀) and U+1b001 (𛀁) archaic kana glyphs, as well as the archaic form of お(於)(OpenType).
- Make extra punctuation (and add fullwidth quote marks).
- Link all new horizontal glyphs to vertical.
- The Python test file shows an error somewhere – the vertical spacing of glyphs is uneven. Find out why and fix.
- Add へのへのもへじ face as an OpenType feature ligature.
- Make small kana.
- Make modified dakuten (濁点 = ゙) glyphs for ease of reading at small sizes.
- Make halfwidth glyphs.
- Create 小 verstion (all glyphs slightly scaled down).
- Then carefully copy kana to the AlbaPrintMincho fonts to make photopolymer-suitable version.
- Increase contrast on AlbaPrintMincho (predominantly by thinning hairlines)?
Should the 点 on the ン be bigger?
- Don't use glyps u10FFDE to u10FFED for vertical glyphs.
々すむロ u10FFEF
Horizontal setting small kana glyphs should be horizontally centred but moved down by 100. 84.5 - 85% size (84.5% and then broaden).
Ctrl-A Ctrl-Shift-_ Ctrl-Shift-D
A reminder for myself of how to Git. git add . (or git add -A) git commit git push