Lindenmayer Systems or L-systems were first outlined by Aristid Lindenmayer as a method for modeling the growth of algae and fungi. Through the work of fractal pioneers like Michael Barnsley and others, L-Systems have been created for fractals like the Harter-Heighway dragon, the Hilbert curve, and several methods for the Sierpinski Gasket.
L-System is a grammar for drawing fractals. L-Systems grow by parsing a string character by character to build a new string. Each character is either added directly to the new string, or replaced by a sequence of characters outlined by our replacement rules. Initial string is called the Axiom and is often used to define the initial shape of the fractal.
Bent H-figure:
Spiky Square:
Square Islands:
Penrose Tilings:
Arrowhead Gasket:
Koch Square:
L-system with recursion:
L-system Dragon:
Turtle Dragon:
Turtle Koch Square curve:
Recursion Tree: