Think the Chatter REST API is awesome and powerful, but maybe a bit overwhelming? This native Java implementation aims to keep the implementation simple while keeping all the power at your fingertips.
- Atlassian Project:
- Code coverage report:
This Java Chatter REST API is a simple library using POJO's to interact with the Chatter REST API.
Simply download the java/src and required libraries and incorporate it into your project.
Compiling the source is easy using gradle:
gradle assemble
Or to run the unittests as well
gradle build
The jar file can be found at build/lib/JavaChatterRESTApi.jar.
Creating Chatter messages, including text, links, @mentions and #tags
Posting your status (on your own wall)
Posting to somebody else's wall
Posting on a group
Replying to a thread
Searching for users
Executing "raw" SOQL queries in case you need some advanced usage*
- The SOQL queries are executed through the REST API
The Java Chatter REST API supports various forms of authentication. All of them require a form of the IChatterData information to be fed into them, but different methods require different parts of this object to be filled in.
Also see for how this works.
If you already possess a Refresh token (from a previous client-secret authentication perhaps) you can use this authentication method.
If your org allows it (grant_type=password), you can use the client ID, client Secret and your username and password to authenticate. This is discouraged and the ClientSecret authentication is preferred over this one.
This requests information from the user to be returned via the console at runtime. Useful for token-less environments. It does requires a minimum of a Client Key and Client Callback to be configured.
public class ChatterData implements IChatterData {
private final String apiVersion = "24.0";
private final String instanceUrl = "";
private final ChatterAuthMethod authMethod = ChatterAuthMethod.PASSWORD;
private final String username = "";
private final String password = "myPassword";
private final String clientKey = "3MVG9yZ.WNe6byQDS1oBDJg6vP82qy7w.OVregoIATuJtBxxIxDQmb8kr8zmasqSUAsCED6CCNx.3zaWScqph";
private final String clientSecret = "6830641966138152974";
// And the required get/set methods
You can find loads of practical examples in the test/integration/src/ folder under the com.salesforce.chatter package. For example:
A very simple example:
ChatterService service = new ChatterService(new ChatterData());
Message msg = new Message();
msg.addSegment(new TextSegment("Hey "));
msg.addSegment(new MentionSegment(JASPER_PROFILE_ID));
msg.addSegment(new TextSegment(", check out this website: "));
msg.addSegment(new LinkSegment(""));
msg.addSegment(new TextSegment(" #salesforce"));
File img = new File("img.png");
msg.addAttachment(new ImageAttachment("Title", "Description", "image/png", img));
ChatterCommand cmd = new PostToThreadCommand(TEAM_GROUP_ID);
service.executeCommand(cmd, msg);
This contains almost all information you need. You create a simple Message object which holds whatever it is you would like to post (and which supports text, links and @mentions). The ChatterCommand decides where this message should go (to your own or somebody's wall, a particular group or as a response to somebody's thread). The ChatterData holds all the authentication information while the ChatterService takes care of making the magic happen
The BSD 2-Clause License