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Form JSON Schema

Travis Tidwell edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 7 revisions

All forms rendered within the platform are done through the use of a JSON Schema. This schema is used to tell the renderer how to render the form, but also provides a way for the API to automatically be generated to support the form. This documentation provides detailed specification over the structure of the Form JSON Schema, in addition to all components that can be rendered within a Form.


Every form defined within starts with the Form Definition. This describes the properties of the form itself, such as the display type of the form, the type of form, title, path, etc. For example, the following schema describes a form wizard called Registration.

  "title": "Registration",
  "name": "registration",
  "path": "register",
  "type": "form",
  "display": "wizard",
  "components": [...]

There are many more properties that can be defined, which are defined as follows.

Property Description Value Example
title The title of the form. any string Registration
name The API name of the form. Must be a camel-cased identifier used as a human readable identifier. any string registration
path The URL path of the form. This is relative to the base URL of the Project API, and it can contain nested paths such as "user/login". any string For the following form @, the base URL of this project is "" and the path is user/login
type This is the type of form that is defined. Currently, there are just two types, resource and form. Resources are special kinds of forms that serve as data structures that can be pulled into other forms through the resource component form or resource form
display The display configuration for this form, where each display interprets the JSON schema differently. For example, the wizard display turns any root Panel component into a separate page within a wizard workflow. form, wizard, pdf form
components An array of form components where each component is defined through a separate Schema definition described in the Components Schema section. Array of JSON components See Components JSON section
_id The unique identifier for this form object uuid string 59514e15ef644f006d512dc1
modified The modified date where this form schema was modified ISO-8601 Date String 2017-06-29T19:24:08.891Z
created The created date when this form was created ISO-8601 Date String 2017-06-29T19:24:08.891Z
action A custom URL to send the POST and PUT submission data to. URL string
tags An array of free-form tags that are assigned to this form. This is useful for categorization of the forms. Array of any string ["standard", "user"]
machineName A project unique identifier for this form, which allows for seamless migration into other projects and deployments into other environments. string in the format [project id]:[form name] jawjclewrjglla:benefitsEnrollment
project For forms hosted on, this is the Project ID which contains this form. Project ID 59514e10ef644f006d512db9
owner The user who was authenticated (using the x-jwt-token header), that created this form. Submission ID of the authenticated user 59514e10ef644f006d512db9
access An array of role-permission mappings that assign roles to certain permissions to form schema. Array of Role-Permission Schema See Role-Permission Schema
submissionAccess An array of role-permission mappings that assign roles to certain permissions to submissions of this form. Array of Role-Permission Schema See Role-Permission Schema

Role-Permission Schema

The schema that determines who has access to certain actions within the platform uses the Role-Permission schema as defined as follows.

Property Description Value
type The type of permission the roles have been assigned. create_own, create_all``, read_own, read_all, edit_own, edit_all, delete_own, delete_all```
roles An array of Role IDs that are assigned to this role-permission type. An array of Role ID's
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