We welcome all users to contribute. Whether it be to documentation, or code, we love it all. We use a typical PR system:
- You fork & clone
- Commit and push changes to your fork
- Make a pull request (PR)
If you are making a pull request which fixes a bug, adds a feature or changes documentation, expect your PR to be reviewed. Be sure to read Contributing to projects on the GitHub documentation.
If you want to help but you're unsure what to work on, here are two easy places to start:
- Check out the 'good first issue' tag in our issues.
- See what improvements can be made to our documentation.
Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed.
- @connorholyday
- @worksofliam
- @alanseiden
- @richardschoen
- @barrettotte
- @thebeardedgeek
- @dferrand
- @dariocs
- @priceaj
- @sgi495
- @SJLennon
- @onewheelonly
- @chrjorgensen
- @szsascha
- @dman247
- @EddieSmith
- @fathert
- @Teqed
- @jwoehr
- @Wright4i
- @sebjulliand
- @ScottKlement
- @jhannafin
- @sebCIL
- @steph-beneschan-256
- @novy400
- @beckhamrryyaann
- @angelorpa
- @SanjulaGanepola
- @shamby87
- @edmundreinhardt
- @richardm90