Release FortiFlex 2.2.3.
- Added two configurations, fortiRecon and fortiSIEMCloud.
- Configuration fortiSASE supported new argument computeRegion.
- Improved error message content.
Release FortiFlex 2.2.2.
- Fixed description error in the document.
- Improved logic of existing modules.
Release FortiFlex 2.2.1, 2 new configurations.
- Configuration fortiAnalyzer support parameter addons.
- Suppoered 2 new configuration fortiAPHardware, fortiSwitchHardware.
- fortiflexvm_entitlements_vm_create supported parameter skipPending.
Added 1 new resource, 2 new configurations.
- Added 1 new resource, fortiflexvm_tool_calc_info.
- Added 2 new configurations, fortiSASE and fortiEDR.
- fortiflexvm_entitlements_list_info supported options "description", "serialnumber", "status", "tokenstatus".
- fortiflexvm_groups_nexttoken_info supported option "status".
- Imporved the format of example Ansible playbooks.
- Improved logic of fortiflexvm_entitlements_update.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_tools_calc_info - Estimate points that will be consumed for configuration with certain parameters.
Support one new module and one configuration.
- One new module entitlements_cloud_create.
- Support new configurations, fortiClientEMSCloud.
- Change the tpye of parameter cpu in fortiGateBundle from str to int.
- Configuration fortiGateBundle supports new parameters, fortiGuardServices, cloudServices and supportService.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_entitlements_cloud_create - Create one cloud entitlement based on a FortiFlex Configuration.
Support 3 new configurations.
- Support 3 new configurations, fortiClientEMSOP, fortiCloudPrivate and fortiCloudPublic.
- Support optional argument accountId in some modules.
- Update parameters for existing products.
- entitlements_points_info supports getting results for specified entitlement.
Improve document. Release to Ansible Automation Hub.
- Improve document quality.
Update FortiFlexVM Ansible to support FortiFlex v2.
- Support creating hardware entitlements by using fortiflexvm_entitlements_hardware_create.
- Support bypass_validation and check_parameters in fortiflexvm_configs_create and fortiflexvm_configs_update.
- Support two new configurations, fortiADC and fortiGateHardware.
- All vms modules are renamed to entitlements modules. The return value vms are renamed to entitlements.
- fortiflexvm_vms_create (renamed to fortiflexvm_entitlements_vm_create)
- fortiflexvm_vms_list_info (renamed to fortiflexvm_entitlements_list_info)
- fortiflexvm_vms_points_info (renamed to fortiflexvm_entitlements_points_info)
- fortiflexvm_vms_update (renamed to fortiflexvm_entitlements_update)
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_entitlements_hardware_create - Create hardware entitlements based on a FortiFlex Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_entitlements_list_info - Get list of existing entitlements for a FlexVM Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_entitlements_points_info - Get point usage for entitlements.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_entitlements_vm_create - Create one or more VMs based on a FortiFlex Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_entitlements_vm_regenerate_token - Regenerate token for a VM.
This is the first proper release of the fortiflex.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_configs_create - Create a new FlexVM Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_configs_list_info - Get list of FlexVM Configurations.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_configs_update - Update a FlexVM Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_groups_list_info - Get list of FlexVM groups (asset folders).
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_groups_nexttoken_info - Get net available (unused) token.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_programs_list_info - Get list of Flex VM Programs for the account.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_vms_create - Create one or more VMs based on a FlexVM Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_vms_list_info - Get list of existing VMs for FlexVM Configuration.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_vms_points_info - Get point usage for VMs.
- fortinet.fortiflexvm.fortiflexvm_vms_update - Update an existing VM.