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iBaby Smarthome Application

This application is designed to show how to connect 1 or more EMSKs and iBaby Smarthome Gateway using embARC. The connection between EMSK and Gateway is based on LwM2M protocol as shown in the following figure. All the iBaby nodes interact with AWS IoT through the Gateway indirectly. There are only 2 nodes available now, but you can add more nodes easily to iBaby Smarthome by taking these 2 examples as a reference. And the lamp node is more simple and easy to learn for beginner.


iBaby Infant Sleep Monitoring System


  • Heartrate and body temperature detecting
  • Sleep monitoring (Alarm of face down during sleeping, Sleep-Wake state detecting and notify of baby awake)
  • Communicate with Gateway(LwM2M
  • OTA based on LwM2M protocol (Supports file transfer over 2k size)
  • Multi-node access, connecting and communicating with each other. Control Lamp Node to turn on automatically when the Wearable Node detecting baby sleep on his stomach. ( Indirectly control ! Wearable node sends the warnning information to gateway when it detecting exceptional situations, then the gateway transmits the information to lamp node and turns the lamp on.)


System Architecture


Freeboard UI


Hardware and Software Setup

Required Hardware

We designed integrated module for 3 sensors above, I'll call it Foot Ring Module. The physical picture of wearable node is as follows:


Required Software

Hardware Connection

  1. EMSK 1 implement wearable node, as an intelligent foot ring for baby, it will publish baby's status to AWS IoT Cloud via the Gateway, including body temperature, heartrate, sleep-wake state, motion intensity and some warning information. We can view all data on the Freeboard UI.
    • Connect PMOD WiFi to J5, connect Foot Ring Module to J4(Using IIC1 interface).
  2. EMSK 2 implement lamp node, as an desk lamp in parents' room, it will publish the working state of lamp to AWS IoT Cloud via the Gateway. We use the LED0 to simulate real desk lamp to make the application more simple and easy to learn. The lamp can be controlled by button A manually, or wearable node automatically. We can also view it's state on the Freeboard UI.
    • Connect PMOD WiFi to J5.
  3. Configure your EMSKs with proper core configuration.

User Manual

Before Running This Application

Firstly, download source code of iBaby Smarthome Gateway and iBaby Freeboard UI from github. Then you need an AWS account, and create things for ibaby Gateway, generate and save the certs for it, and modify specific config.js(path: ./ibaby_smarthome_gateway/config.js) for your project.

Secondly, run the iBaby Smarthome Gateway, open the browser and type IP address of the Gateway to access user interface. You can push iBaby Freeboard UI to github so that it can support remote access data.

EMSK Implemented Node AWS IoT Thing Source Folder
wearable node ibaby src/wearable_node
lamp node ibaby src/lamp_node

The hardware resources are allocated as following table.

Hardware Resource Function
MPU6050 Acceleration sensor
MAX30102 Heartrate sensor
MLX90614 Body temperature sensor
PMOD WiFi Provide WiFi Connection

Run This Application

Modify the settings for connecting to the LwM2M Server(Gateway), as shown below:

(path: src/wearable_node/function/lwm2m/lwm2m.c):

	const static char *p_port   = (char *)"5683";    /* lwm2mServer's port and IP */
	const static char *p_server = (char *)"";
	const static char *p_client_name = (char *)"wn"; /* name of lwm2m client node */

(path: src/lamp_node/function/lwm2m/lwm2m.c):

	const static char *p_port   = (char *)"5683";    /* lwm2mServer's port and IP */
	const static char *p_server = (char *)"";
	const static char *p_client_name = (char *)"ln"; /* name of lwm2m client node */

Here take EMSK2.2 - ARC EM11D with Metaware Toolset for example to show how to run this application.

  1. We need to use embARC 2nd bootloader to automatically load application binary for different EMSK and run. See embARC Secondary Bootloader Example for reference.

  2. Open your serial terminal such as Tera-Term on PC, and configure it to right COM port and 115200bps.

  3. Interact using EMSK and Freeboard.

Add a New Node

See Lamp Node for reference. It's complete and very helpful to learn how to add a new node to iBaby System although it seems very simple.

folder/file Function
driver source code of drivers
function source code of function modules
lwm2m_client source code of LwM2M Client
FreeRTOSConfig.h header file of FreeRTOS configurations
main.c main entry of embARC Application
makefile Makefile of embARC Application


  • Selected FreeRTOS here, then you can use FreeRTOS API in your application:

      # Selected OS
      OS_SEL ?= freertos
  • Target options about EMSK and toolchain:

      BOARD ?= emsk
      BD_VER ?= 22
      CUR_CORE ?= arcem11d
      TOOLCHAIN ?= gnu
  • Reset the heap and stack size for LwM2M, make sure they are big enough for your application:

      # For LwM2M Stack Usage
      HEAPSZ ?= 81920
      STACKSZ ?= 81920
  • The relative series of the root directory, here the path of the Makefile is ./embarc_osp/application/ibaby_smarthome_multinode/src/lamp_node/makefile:

      # root dir of embARC
      EMBARC_ROOT = ../../../..
  • The middleware used in your application:

      MID_SEL = common lwip-contrib wakaama fatfs lwip

    common for baremetal function, lwip, lwip-contrib and wakaama for LwM2M, fatfs for file system .

    You might be wondering about how wifi works? There is nothing about it in the lamp node or wearable node application. Goto ./embarc_osp/board/board.c, and you'll solve the problem:

      #if defined(OS_FREERTOS) && defined(MID_LWIP)
      static void task_wifi(void *par)

    Wifi works as a independent task on the FreeRTOS, so you ought to select freertos for OS_SEL and include lwip in the MID_SEL. Then, the task for wifi will start to work automatically.


  • Directories of source files and header files, notice that it is not recursive:

      # application source dirs
      APPL_CSRC_DIR = . ./lwm2m_client ./driver/acceleration ./driver/body_temperature ./driver/heartrate ./driver/timer ./function/ ./function/lwm2m ./function/print_msg ./function/process_acc ./function/process_hrate
      # application include dirs
      APPL_INC_DIR = . ./lwm2m_client ./driver/acceleration ./driver/body_temperature ./driver/heartrate ./driver/timer ./function/ ./function/lwm2m ./function/print_msg ./function/process_acc ./function/process_hrate

See embARC Example User Guide, "Options to Hard-Code in the Application Makefile" for more detailed information about Makefile Options.

Main Entry

  • Firstly, initializing the hardware, such as buttons on the emsk and GPIO interface for lamp.

  • Secondly, try to start LwM2M Client. Before that, modify the ssid and password of WIFI AP in ./embarc_osp/board/emsk/emsk.h:

      143 #define WF_HOTSPOT_NAME             "embARC"
          #define WF_HOTSPOT_PASSWD           "qazwsxedc"

    You ought to modify the flag of WIFI module selection if you are using RW009 not MRF24G, in ./embarc_osp/board/

      16 WIFI_SEL ?= 1


  • Finally, starting to run the function moudles. Reading value from sensors, processing it and controlling someting to work according to the results, just like the wearable node and lamp node do.



Placing the drivers' source code in driver folder, you can see there are subfolders for button and lamp drivers. Placing the C source file and header file in the corresponding subfolder.

folder/file Function
btn button driver
lamp lamp driver

Function Module

  • The function folder contains the API implementations of functions.

    folder/file Function
    lamp_work lamp controller
    lwm2m LwM2M Client start to work
    print_msg print out message for debug
    common.h common variables, settings and reported data
  • In the common.h, set 1 to enable corresponding function, set 0 to disable.

       * \name    macros for settings
       * @{
      #define LWM2M_CLIENT      (1) /*!< set 1 to be lwm2m client */
      #define PRINT_DEBUG_FUNC  (1) /*!< set 1 to print out message for debug major function */
      /** @} end of name */

LwM2M Client

  • In the lwm2m_client folder, you can see several files about LwM2M. See LwM2M Protocol and LwM2M Object and Resource to learn more about it.

  • The following objects are nessary, you ought to keep them:

  • Only the object_flag_lamp_work.c is custom here, you ought to remove it and add the new object definition files for your node. Then, modify lwm2mclient.c:

    The number of objects in your node:

      87 #define OBJ_COUNT 7

    Logic of reporting data to LwM2M Server:

      346 /* update the flag of lamp working value */
              if (data_report_ln.flag_lamp_work != data_report_ln_old.flag_lamp_work)
      	    lwm2m_stringToUri("/3311/0/5850", 12, &uri);
      	    valueLength = sprintf(value, "%d", data_report_ln.flag_lamp_work);
      	    handle_value_changed(context, &uri, value, valueLength);
      	    data_report_ln_old.flag_lamp_work = data_report_ln.flag_lamp_work;

    Register custom objects:

      667 objArray[5] = get_lamp_object();
          if (NULL == objArray[5]) {
      	    EMBARC_PRINTF("Failed to create lamp object\r\n");
      	    return -1;

    Finally, modify lwm2mclient.h:

      62   extern lwm2m_object_t * get_lamp_object();