Releases: foundation/foundation-sites
Releases · foundation/foundation-sites
Version 5.4.4
v5.4.4 Removing extra release integer
Version 5.4.3
5.4.3- September 9, 2014
- Adds Mega Dropdown option for dropdown plugin - 1595792
- Fixes customizer issue with top-bar
- Updates Gemfile and codebase for compatibility with Sass 3.4 & Compass 1.0 - 8421ac4
- Tooltips now work inside Reveal modals - 0f14f58
- Fixes table layout issue - 8a9ff18
- Fixes issue with abide error applied to other valid fields - 1851f7a
- Fixes abide email validation - ff77d59
- Adds 'even' class and examples to buttons documentation - 2dbcb39
- Dropdowns now respect the viewport - 228306b
- Add autohiding scrollbar to Windows devices on off-canvas menu - 7ad4098
- Adds accessibility section to off-canvas and updates docs page - 3220635
- And many, many more fixes and improvements. Includes over 187 commits in this release.
You can compare the commits here
Version 5.4.2
- Fixing Topbar Scss issue that breaks build
Version 5.4.1
- Adding Version Update to SCSS & JS files
- Fixing Jasmine dependency break
Version 5.4
Accessibility - this release includes accessibility updates for all components. Each component's docs page has an accessibility section that includes the accessible code or a description about how the component is more accessible. This includes keyboard tabbing screen reader access, and best practices.
- Adds stacking option for button groups -
- Adds breakpont classes to icon-bar - a7ff4ae
- Audit and simplify excess colors by changing to variables -
- Adds Multi-level off-canvas menu - b6d3c62
- Fixes issue with abide error applied to other valid fields - 1739417
- Added html5 Number Spinner mixin and setting to form selects - ce7a767
- Fix for dropdown pip position - 334d9ab
- Enable Joyride keyboard accessibility and previous button option - c7bc46f
- Adds max-width and border-radius to reveal - f81c996
- Adds off-canvas individual overlay option - 52fb467
- And loads of other fixes and improvements. Includes over 150 kick-ass commits in this release. #enjoyit!
You can compare the commits here
Version 5.3.3
- Fix Reveal modal z-index Issue - c70650e
Version 5.3.2
- Fix duplicate MQ errors in reveal - 82ed782
- Adds top-bar mobile parent link as well as back button so user knows where they are - dc6d2ca
- Off-canvas overlap now has an exit off-canvas button - f7f4c4e
- Fix off-canvas overlap causing double border - 334d9ab
- Fix for top-bar form textarea being too tall in the CSS version - 2d7a083
- Adds settings for button hover and border colors - f81c996
- Switches now respect -speed and -ease in animations - 2d7a083
- Adds fastclick-enhanced touch events - be629d7
- Joyride can now have an optional previous button - be629d7
- Adds html5 Number Spinner mixin and setting to forms - be7f24b
- Fix for button hover color bug - fa7ae84
- And lots of other fixes and improvements. Includes 106 important commits in this release. #awesomelyrad!
Version 5.3.1
- Fix for clearing issue on mobile where lightbox allows vertical scroll outside container - 57bc2bf
- Fixes Reveal bug with modals locking when target is clicked while modal is open - 1c966e7
- Adds Scss variables for Icon-bar to _settings.scss - 52d9a7e
- Remove experimental variable and mixin which caused deprecation messages 3b3c67d
- Update _settings.scss to include missing Side Nav variables - a7d8239
- Added Warning-Color in labels - b9ba74f
- Fix for Incompatible units: 'rem' and 'px' in _settings.scss for switches - aef0164
- Fixes icon-bar scss variables - 37f7587, 4f1112a
- Added 'Semantic Markup with CSS' section to Icon Bar Component Page - ec2dfc9
- Fixes for Magellan active state on click - 97ed451
- Fixing reveal modals w/video issue. Forcing iframe reload when re-opened - 8638964
- Fix for vertical sliders touch issue on mobile - 9de2ee7
- More detailed Sass install page, and 2 new Sass pages to expalin project structure & how to use - (, (, (
- And tons of other fixes and improvements. Includes 95 important commits in this release. #powerful!
Version 5.3.0
- Adds new component - Switches 1268cc3
- Adds new component - Icon Bar (ios style tab-bar) 1268cc3
- Adds new component - Vertical Range Sliders e63beb1
- All the emitted JS events are now namespaced with
cf0156d - Fixes clearing bug on load for Firefox and Safari browsers f9f38d0
- Orbit got a version revision and fixes that brings it back to it's last most stable state 060f01a
- Added disabled state to range-sliders 3f01103
- Added accordion mixins f10731d
- Decoupled binding some UI elements from very specific markup (ex: add a class instead of tying styles to ul) f10731d
- Fixes form select arrow issue in Firefox. f057733
- And tons of other fixes and improvements. Over 180 important commits in this release. Enjoy it!
Version 5.2.3
- Numerous fixes and changes to Orbit for performance and functionality
- Lots of documentation updates, class options, explanations, markup examples
- Equalizer can now equalize when stacked, or in block grid 931f047
- Accordion can now be spread across different parent containers 3acb3e7
- Adds accessability classes db38232
- Joyride Threshold implemented and fixed top option added 9cc7098
- Added accordion toggle callback 2344a82
- Offcanvas can now overlap content instead of pushing content 5cc0934
- Added event bindings and much more to Off-canvas 7a799ba
- Allow controlling heading sizes on small screens 596d5f9
- And tons of other fixes and improvements. Over 320 commits in this release. Boom!