When you are about to do a release, and not before:
For automated release process:
- Merge all changes into main
- Commit
File with new release version number in it (no 'v') - GitHub Action will automatically create a draft release
- Edit draft release notes and title
- Publish the release
- Update Foundry admin with new release paths for both download and manifest
For manual release process:
- Merge in all changes to main
- Update system.json to change the version number at the top
- Update system.json to change the zipfile path at the bottom (you have to guess the path, because you haven't created release yet)
- Update system.json to change the manifest path at the bottom (you have to guess the path, because you haven't created release yet)
- Create a release in Github with new version number
- Go through commits since last release and use them to create release notes
- Publish the release
- Update Foundry admin with new release paths for both download and manifest