This document describes how to get started with the mPlane SDK, the included component runtime mpcom
, the debugging client mpcli
, and the demonstration supervisor mpsup
. It presumes that the software is run from the root directory of a working copy of the Git repository. The demonstration supervisor and the sample configuration files are not installed with the release SDK module.
To start the demonstration Supervisor with the included sample configuration and certificates, change to the repository directory and run:
scripts/mpsup --config ./conf/supervisor.conf
To run the Component:
scripts/mpcom --config ./conf/component.conf
At this point, the Component will automatically register its capabilities to the Supervisor. Now launch the Client:
mpcli --config ./conf/client.conf
As soon as it's launched, the Client connects to the Supervisor and retrieves the capabilities. To get a list of commands available, type help
The minimum sequence of commands to run a capability and retrieve results is:
will show all the available capabilities.runcap <name_or_token>
runs a capability from thelistcap
list. You will be asked to insert parameter values for that capability.listmeas
shows all pending receipts and received measures.showmeas <name_or_token>
shows the measure (or pending receipt) in detail.
While executing these operations, the supervisor and the component will print some status udate messages, giving information about the communications going on.
If an error like this
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'url'
shows up, try to update the urllib3 library:sudo pip3 install --upgrade urllib3
If you get something like
ssl.CertificateError: hostname '' doesn't match ''
, try the following steps:
- add the following entry in
- replace all “” with “” in the conf files.
Sample configuration files are located in protocol-ri/conf/
in the mPlane GitHub repository.
[TLS] - paths to the certificate and key of the component, and to the root-ca certificate (or ca-chain) [Roles] - bindings between Distinguished Names (of supervisors and clients) and Roles [Authorizations] - for each capability, there is a list of Roles that are authorized to see that capability [module_] - parameters needed by specific component modules (e.g. ping, tStat, etc). If you don't need a module, remove the related section. If you add a module that needs parameters, add the corresponding section.
[component] - miscellaneous settings:
- registry_uri: link to the registry.json file to be used
- workflow: type of interaction between component and client/supervisor. Can be component-initiated or client-initiated. This must be the same both for the component and the client/supervisor, otherwise they will not be able to talk to each other.
To be properly set only if component-initiated workflow is selected:
- client_host: IP address of the client/supervisor to which the component must connect
- client_port: port number of the client/supervisor
- registration _ path: path to which capability registration messages will be sent (see [register capability] (
- specification _ path: path from which retrieve specifications (see [retrieve specification] (
- result _ path: path to which results of specifications are returned (see [return result] (
To be properly set only if client-initiated workflow is selected:
- listen_port: port number on which the component starts listening for mplane messages
[TLS] - paths to the certificate and key of the client, and to the root-ca certificate (or ca-chain) [client] - miscellaneous settings:
- registry_uri: link to the registry.json file to be used
- workflow: type of interaction between client and component/supervisor. Can be component-initiated or client-initiated. This must be the same both for the client and the component/supervisor, otherwise they will not be able to talk to each other.
To be properly set only if component-initiated workflow is selected:
- listen_host: IP address where the client starts listening for mplane messages
- listen_port: port number on which the client starts listening
- registration _ path: path to which capability registration messages will be received (see [register capability] (
- specification _ path: path where specifications will be exposed to components/supervisors (see [retrieve specification] (
- result _ path: path where results of specifications will be received (see [return result] (
To be properly set only if client-initiated workflow is selected:
- capability _ url: path from which capabilities will be retrieved
Since the Supervisor is just a composition of component and client, its configuration file is just a union of the file described above. [client] section regards the configuration of the part of the supervisor facing the component, in other words its "client part" [component] section erregards the configuration of the part of the supervisor facing the client, in other words its "component part"
Unit testing is done with the nose package. To run:
nosetests --with-doctest mplane.model
API documentation on github is autogenerated from Python docstrings with sphinx. Regenerating the documentation requires the sphinx package; once this is installed, use the following command from the sphinx directory to rebuild the documentation.
PYTHONPATH=.. make html