(This is a place holder for developer's documentation).
TODO: Add documentation
To push sample data to ECMWF's object storage (authorised persons only):
First install s3cmd
if needed:
% pip install s3cmd
Then set ~/.s3cfg
host_base = object-store.os-api.cci1.ecmwf.int
host_bucket =
access_key = xxxxxxxxxxxx
secret_key = yyyyyyyyyyyy
use_https = True
First time (already done):
% s3cmd mb --no-preserve s3://climetlab
% s3cmd put --acl-public --no-preserve example.file s3://climetlab/directory/example.file
The file is then available at: https://object-store.os-api.cci1.ecmwf.int/climetlab/samples/example.file.
Please note that only https
is supported, even if s3cmd
reports a url starting with http
If you use several S3 account, use:
% s3cmd -c ~/.s3cfg.climetlab ...
Make sure that you can re-create, re-upload all data.