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This package contains data structures and algorithms for matching tracks and cosmic ray tagger (CRT) objects in liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) data.

Matching Algorithm Overview

The matching algorithm contained in this repository is a Python port of code already developed in LArSoft for the ICARUS experiment. While the implentation here may differ slightly, the credit for algorithm development goes to the original authors of the LArSoft code.

The purpose of the matching algorithm is to identify tracks in the LArTPC which are cosmogenic in origin, as opposed to neutrino-induced. Tracks identified as cosmic can then be rejected as background, thereby enhancing the signal "purity" of the neutrino sample. To this end, modern LArTPCs generally use cosmic ray tagger (CRT) planes surrounding the detector to identify particles that originated outside the active detector volume. This matching algorithm seeks to determine if tracks in the detector are likely cosmics by checking if the track timing and geometry are consistent with a CRT "hit."

For each track in a LArTPC image (or "event"), the track start and end points, as well as their direction unit vectors, are estimated using principal component analysis (PCA). Each point and unit vector then defines a line in 3D space. For each CRT hit, we then calculate the distance of closest approach (DCA) between the extrapolated track line and the CRT hit. If the DCA falls below some configurable threshold, the pair is considered a match candidate. The "best" match is then determined to be the pair with the minimum DCA.

Due to the inherent ambiguity in the drift coordinate in a LArTPC (typically denoted as the x coordinate), each track end point must first be shifted according to the measured (or at least estimated) ionization electron drift velocity and the track entry time, or t0. Since our goal is to determine potential matches between tracks and CRT hits, the track t0 is assumed to be the CRT hit time. The shifted x coordinate is therefore calculated as

x_shifted = drift_direction * drift_velocity * t0

where drift_direction is either +1 or -1, depending on the coordinate system and the region of the LArTPC in which the track point is located.


Though intentionally lightweight, matcha does include some external dependencies which should be installed in a virtual environment to avoid conflicts with other packages. If you have access to anaconda, create a virtual environment as follows:

conda create -n my_environment
conda activate my_environment

Or, using Python's built-in venv module:

cd /path/to/virtual/environments 
python3 -m venv my_environment
source /path/to/virtual/environments/my_environment/bin/activate

Once your environment is setup, matcha can be installed simply by using pip:

cd /path/to/matcha
python3 -m pip install .

Optional nbstripout Install

nbstripout is a handy Python package for "stripping out" cell output and metadata from Jupyter notebooks. While not necessary for running the Jupyter code in matcha, this tool makes committing and pushing Jupyter notebooks to Github much easier. If you plan to modify and submit pull requests for any Jupyter notebooks contained in this repository, please first install and run nbstripout to avoid superfluous conflicts. See the file for more information.

To install nbstripout from within matcha, simply run

python3 -m pip install matcha[nbstripout]

Then, to strip the output of a notebook:

nbstripout FILE.ipynb [FILE2.ipynb ...]

where FILE.ipynb could be replaced with visualizer.ipynb.


The matching algorithm is called from Before running the matching, however, you'll need to fill the Track and CRTHit classes.

CRTHit Class

The available attributes in the matcha.CRTHit class is based on the implementation in larcv, which is in turn based on the implementation in sbnobj. The required attributes are

  • id: unique instance identifier
  • t0_sec: seconds part of the hit t0. For Monte Carlo (MC), this will be 0.
  • t0_ns: nanoseconds part of the hit t0, relative to t0_sec.
  • t1_ns: timestamp of the CRT hit relative to the trigger timestamp. Only needed for data, not MC.
  • position_x: x-position in cm.
  • position_y: y-position in cm.
  • position_z: z-position in cm.

The optional attributes are

  • error_x: x-position error in cm. Only necessary for alternative DCA calculations. Default value is 0.
  • error_y: y-position error in cm. Only necessary for alternative DCA calculations. Default value is 0.
  • error_z: z-position error in cm. Only necessary for alternative DCA calculations. Default value is 0.
  • total_pe: Total number of photoelectrons (PE). Default value is -1.
  • plane: Integer identifying the CRT wall. Default value is -1.
  • tagger: String idenifying the CRT wall. Default value is ''.

All of these attributes should be available from the larcv or sbnobj CRTHit instances.

CRTHit contains one internatl method, get_time_in_microseconds, which uses the provided t0 information and converts it to a value in microseconds. This is called automatically when running get_track_crthit_matches.

Track Class

The Track class attributes are based on the Particle class from lartpc_mlreco3d. The required attributes are

  • id: unique instance identifier
  • image_id: identifier of the track image (or "event").
  • interaction_id: identifier of the track interaction (or "vertex").
  • points: (N, 3) array of 3D track points in cm.
  • depositions: (N, 3) array of track point energy depositions. This array is used for determining track track and end points based on which end of the track has greater average energy within a given radius. Since this is relative, the specific unit used doesn't matter.

The optional Track attributes correspond to track start and end point positions and directions. If all of these are not provided, the start and end points, as well as their directions, are estimated using PCA on each track end within a user-defined radius.

  • start_x: x-position of start point in cm. Default value is None.
  • start_y: y-position of start point in cm. Default value is None.
  • start_z: z-position of start point in cm. Default value is None.
  • start_dir_x: x-direction of start point. Default value is None.
  • start_dir_y: y-direction of start point. Default value is None.
  • start_dir_z: z-direction of start point. Default value is None.
  • end_x: x-position of end point in cm. Default value is None.
  • end_y: y-position of end point in cm. Default value is None.
  • end_z: z-position of end point in cm. Default value is None.
  • end_dir_x: x-direction of end point. Default value is None.
  • end_dir_y: y-direction of end point. Default value is None.
  • end_dir_z: z-direction of end point. Default value is None.

MatchCandidate Class

When a match between a Track and CRTHit is found, the matched instances are stored in a MatchCandidate class instance. The attributes of this class are

  • track_id: id of the matched Track instance.
  • crthit_id: id of the matched CRTHit instance.
  • distance_of_closest_approach: calculated DCA between the matched Track and CRTHit.

yaml Configuration

In addition to lists of Track and CRTHit instances, the match-making algorithm takes as input a yaml congiruation file containing tuneable parameters. The default configuration can be found in /path/to/matcha/config/default.yaml:

  matching_method: 'dca'

  threshold: 50
  method: 'simple'
  trigger_timestamp: None
  isdata: False
  radius: 10
  min_points_in_radius: 10
  direction_method: 'pca'

  save_to_file: True
  save_file_path: '/sdf/data/neutrino/amogan/matcha/'
  save_file_name: 'matcha_output.pkl'

The default matching method is dca (distance of closest approach). dca_parameters contains fields that specify

  • a distance threshold in centimeters,
  • a simple method (currently the only method),
  • a trigger_timestamp (only necessary when running on data), and
  • an isdata boolean flag. Note that this must be True if trigger_timestamp is not None.

Note that the pca_parameters specifies fields for PCA estimation of Track start and end point position and direction estimation if and only if that information is not present in the Track instances. Finally, the file_save_config block specifies where to store the match-making output.

Running the Match-Making Algorithm

Once you have a list of Tracks and CRTHits, the match making can be run as

from matcha import match_maker
track_crthit_matches = match_maker.get_track_crthit_matches(tracks, crthits, config_path)

config_path should point to a valid yaml configuration file. By default, this points to path/to/matcha/config/default.yaml, which can also be used as an example of a valid configuration. The match-making algorithm returns a list of MatchCandidate instances. While each track end point can in principle have multiple match candidates, this function only returns the "best" match, i.e., the one with the minimum DCA for that Track. This means that the list track_crthit_matches will contain at most one MatchCandidate per Track. However, a single CRTHit may be matched to more than one Track.


Please read the file for information on how you can contribute.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
