#Tidal GE: Grammatical Evolution of Tidal Mini-Language
This is a web-based API for evolving populations of tidal music patterns. It is primarily intended for use with the extramuros framework. It uses CORS to allow any web service to grab patterns.
#Admin Guide-ish
##Current setup procedure
Set up my branch of git extramuros by running the
script in my git/extramuros branch. -
Startup the tomcat server - go to localtomcat/bin and enter ``catalina.sh run''
Open the page - it has a standard exramuros layout, but with extra buttons.
###Tomcat notes
We're running Tomcat 7
###Compiling the parser classes
To compile java to classes, from the WEB-INF
directory, do:
javac -cp ../../../../lib/servlet-api.jar *.java
(not all java classes compile at the moment, but the ones we need do!)
There's a script in WEB-INF/classes called updateparser.sh
that does this for you - note the command is slightly different to the above - so, TODO: check which is the correct method!
#User Guide-ish
##Button actions:
sends the pattern to tidal for rendering audio
sends the pattern to the GA population. If the bucket isn't full, it is simply appended with a fitness of one.
includes a parsing step to make sure we aren't pushing rubbish into the population.
requests a mutated individual from the population
`Regulates' a pattern in the population - up increases it's regulation, down decreases it.
#Development notes
##Current todo:
##in-browser population:
The idea is that a population is run in a browser
##Notes on installing from scratch / updating
Needs to be enabled in catatlina using the following code
I've got this statement in both conf/web.xml
and webapps/tidalGE/web.xml
but I'm not sure which is the correct one..
###Static files
Require the following entries:
There are several in tidalGE, used for debugging and testing. Let's list them here:
- http://localhost:8080/tidalGE/sayhello This just checks that catalina is running ok, and executing code
- http://localhost:8080/tidalGE/index.html Is supposed to load this README!