I'm a Research Scientist at Apple
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{% include social-link.html link=link %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I design and develop interactive interfaces to help people understand machine learning models and data-driven systems. Besides building tools, I also create data visualizations and write interactive articles to simply communicate complex ideas.
I have collaborated with designers, developers, artists, and scientists while working at
Microsoft Research,
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, and
Pacific Northwest National Lab.
Latest research for fans of human-computer interaction, data visualization, and machine learning.
{% assign sortedPublications = site.categories.papers | sort: 'feature-order' %}
{% for feature in sortedPublications %}
{% if feature.featured == true %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
My dissertation contributed interactive interfaces to enable machine learning interpretability at scale and for everyone.
{% include dissertation/document.html details=false location=home %}
{% assign sortedPublications = site.categories.papers | sort: 'feature-order' %}
{% for feature in sortedPublications %}
{% if feature.dissertation == true %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Guidance and best practices to help designers and developers create the best charts for Apple platforms.
{% for feature in site.data.designs %}
{% if feature.featured == true %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Enhanced reading experiences that demonstrate what's possible when dynamic media are effectively combined.
{% assign sortedArticles = site.data.articles | where: "featured", true %}
{% assign ia = site.categories.papers | where:"permalink", "papers/interactive-articles" %}
{% assign feature = sortedArticles[1] %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
{% assign feature = sortedArticles[0] %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
{% assign feature = ia[0] %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
A born-digital, experimental magazine dedicated to showcasing the expository power of the web.
{% assign parametric = site.data.articles | where: "parametric-issue", true %}
{% for feature in parametric %}
{% include feature.html feature=feature %}
{% endfor %}
[cv]: {{ site.url }}/cv
[polo]: http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~dchau/ "Polo Chau"
[alex]: http://va.gatech.edu/endert/ "Alex Endert"
[poloclub]: http://poloclub.gatech.edu "Polo Club of Data Science"
[nstrf]: https://www.nasa.gov/strg/nstrf "NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship"