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ShopifyAPI and Plug.ShopifyAPI


The package can be installed by adding shopify_api to your list of dependencies in mix.exs.

def deps do
    {:shopify_api, github: "pixelunion/elixir-shopifyapi", tag: "v0.9.3"}

Add it to your phoenix routes.

scope "/shop" do
  forward("/", ShopifyAPI.Router)

If you want to be able to handle webhooks you need to add this to your endpoint before the parsers section

plug(ShopifyAPI.Plugs.Webhook, mount: "/shop/webhook")

If you want persisted Apps, Shops, and Tokens add configuration to your functions.

config :shopify_api, ShopifyAPI.AuthTokenServer,
  initializer: {MyApp.AuthToken, :init, []},
  persistance: {MyApp.AuthToken, :save, []}
config :shopify_api, ShopifyAPI.AppServer,
  initializer: {MyApp.ShopifyApp, :init, []},
  persistance: {MyApp.ShopifyApp, :save, []}
config :shopify_api, ShopifyAPI.ShopServer,
  initializer: {MyApp.Shop, :init, []},
  persistance: {MyApp.Shop, :save, []}

Optional, add graphiql to your phoenix routes

if Mix.env == :dev do
    to: Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
    schema: GraphQL.Config.Schema,
    interface: :playground

Installing this app in a Shop

There is a boilerplate repo for quickly getting up and running at ShopifyApp

  1. Start something like ngrok
  2. Configure your app to allow your ngrok url as one of the redirect_urls
  3. Point your browser to http://localhost:4000/shop/install? and it should prompt you to login and authorize it.


There is a GraphQL interface to get and update configuration, this is the recommended way of pushing configuration in to your server.

API Version

Shopify introduced API versioning here:

Configure the version to use in your config.exs, it will default to a stable version as ref'd in the request module.

config :shopify_api, ShopifyAPI.REST, api_version: "2019-04"

Cache Supervisor

The ShopifyAPI has three cache servers, App, Shop, and Auth Token. These speed up access to data structures used for interacting with Shopify. A supervisor, ShopifyAPI.CacheSupervisor, is there to help manage start up and maintain all three. Add the CacheSupervisor to your application start up and define some hooks for preloading data.

NOTE: Make sure you start the services or supervisor after services that are using in preloading the data. (ie Ecto)

Add the following to your application:

def start(_type, _args) do
  # Define workers and child supervisors to be supervised
  children = [

  Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)


example fetch:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"query": "{ allShops { domain } }"}' \

example set:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"query": "mutation M { updateShop(domain: \"<STORE-DOMAIN>\",) { domain } }" }' \


example fetch:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"query": "{ allApps { authRedirectUri, clientId, clientSecret, name, nonce, scope } }"}' \

example set:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"query": "mutation M { updateApp(authRedirectUri: \"<REDIRECT-URI>\", clientId: <ID>, clientSecret: \"<SECRET>\", name: \"<APP-NAME>\", nonce: \"<NONCE>\", scope: \"<APP-SCOPE>\") { name } }" }' \


example fetch:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"query": "{ allAuthTokens { appName, shopName, token, timestamp, code } }"}' \

example set:

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{"query": "mutation M { updateAuthToken(token: \"<TOKEN>\", timestamp: <TIMESTAMP>, shopName: \"<SHOPIFY-STORE-DOMAIN>\", code: \"<RESPONSE-CODE>\", appName: \"<APP-NAME>\") { appName } }" }' \


Setting up webhook handling requires adding a handler to your configuration.

config :shopify_api, webhook_filter: {MyApp.WebhookFilter, :process, []}
config :shopify_api, ShopifyAPI.Webhook, uri: ""

A handler will need to be created

defmodule MyApp.WebhookFilter do
  def process(%{action: "orders/create", object: %{}} = event) do
    IO.inspect(event, label: event)
    # ....

And finally webhooks will have to be registered with Shopify. After installing a shop you will need to fire a webhook creation.

token = ShopifyAPI.AuthTokenServer.get("shop domain", "app name")

topic = "orders/create"
server_address = ShopifyAPI.REST.Webhook.webhook_uri(token)
webhook = %{topic: topic, address: server_address}

ShopifyAPI.REST.Webhook.create(token, %{webhook: webhook})

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


GraphQL implementation handles GraphQL Queries against Shopify API using HTTPoison library as client, this initial implementation consists of hitting Shopify GraphQL and returning the response in a tuple {:ok, %Response{}} | {:error, %Response{}} containing the response and metadata(actualQueryCost, throttleStatus).

Configure the version to use in your config.exs, it will default to a stable version as ref'd in the graphql module.

config :shopify_api, ShopifyAPI.GraphQL, graphql_version: "2019-07"

GraphQL Response

Because GraphQL responses can be a little complex we are parsing/wraping responses %HTTPoison.response to %GraphQL.Response.

Successful response:

{:ok, %ShopifyAPI.GraphQL.Response{response: %{}, metadata: %{}, status_code: code}}

Failed response:

{:error, %HTTPoison.Response{}}


The shopify_api library will emit events using the :telemetry library. Consumers of shopify_api can then use these events for customized metrics aggregation and more. The following telemetry events are generated:

  • [:shopify_api, :rest_request, :success]
  • [:shopify_api, :rest_request, :failure]
  • [:shopify_api, :throttling, :over_limit]
  • [:shopify_api, :throttling, :within_limit]
  • [:shopify_api, :graphql_request, :success]
  • [:shopify_api, :graphql_request, :failure]
  • [:shopify_api, :bulk_operation, :success]
  • [:shopify_api, :bulk_operation, :failure]

As an example, you could use an external module to instrument API requests made by shopify_api:

defmodule Instrumenter do
  def setup do
    events = [
      [:shopify_api, :rest_request, :success],
      [:shopify_api, :rest_request, :failure]

    :telemetry.attach_many("my-instrumenter", events, &handle_event/4, nil)

  def handle_event([:shopify_api, :rest_request, :success], measurements, metadata, _config) do
    # Ship success events