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Development Guide

FreeScout edited this page Sep 29, 2023 · 231 revisions

This guide is for developers only. If you just want to install FreeScout, please follow Installation Guide.

Architecture & Philosophy

The main idea is to keep FreeScout core neat and clean and not to turn application into a monster by stuffing with all kinds of functionality, which some users may never need. Before adding features to the core we are making sure that they are really needed by analysing GitHub Forum, feature requests and emails to the support. We don't include in the core features required for example by 1% of users, such functionality can be implemented as custom modules.

FreeScout has modular architecture (same idea as WordPress, Redmine, etc), which allows to keep the dist as small as possible and install & update the app on shared hostings. FreeScout core is always lightweight, free and open source. Modules can be free or paid.

Maintaining Security and Laravel No-Upgrade Policy

To think that updating Laravel to the latest version makes your application much better and secure is a BIG illusion - every framework update brings new bugs, new security issues, tons of useless never-ending work and extra megabytes of code making dist of the app bigger and heavier. Laravel version of the FreeScout always stays the same. In order to fix bugs or make FreeScout compatible with newer PHP version we are patching and overriding vendor files. This way FreeScout always stays secure, stable and lightweight.

Audit tools may show some vulnerabilities in dependencies, but it does not mean they exist in the app and can be exploited. If some issues are discovered - we are fixing them right away by overriding individual package files (see /overrides folder). Since the beginning of FreeScout in 2018 we have not heard of a single hacked FreeScout instance.

New Features

New features are not added to the core just in case or when just someone just wants to have them. There is a system for tracking and analyzing feature requests.

Keep in mind, that not all your feature requests, ideas and pull requests will be accepted. Stay humble and remember that any aspect of the application can be adjusted using custom modules and filters & actions. See an example of how contribution should not be done.


Don't forget that you are not a project manager. Try to be polite, friendly and positive. Otherwise your account may be banned.

"I've bought a lot of modules (or I've spent $$$ on modules), now all my needs have to be fulfilled" - this kind of attitude is a mistake which may lead to being banned.

Here is the FreeScout Development Process described in details.

GitHub Workflow

  1. dist branch is set as a default branch that people see when they visit project's Github page and download a ready to go build (/vendor directory is committed in this branch).
  2. Contributors are using master branch, where /vendor directory is added to .gitignore
  3. Composer lock file is committed, so dependencies can be quickly installed with composer install --ignore-platform-reqs.

When running composer commands always add --ignore-platform-reqs flag.

When creating a pull request to master, double check the branch name, as GitHub may automatically pre-select a default branch (dist).

Step-by-Step Instruction

  1. Create an issue to get an approval on implementing this or that feature or comment on the existing issue to let others know that you are working on it.
  2. Install the application and switch into master branch.
  3. Run composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
  4. Run the following command to populate test data into your database: php artisan db:seed
  5. Enable debugging via .env file:
  1. Fork master branch of the project.
  2. Implement/fix your feature (comment your code, follow the code style of the project, make sure that design is mobile-friendly).
  3. Write or adapt tests as needed.
  4. Perform a pull request into master branch.

After pulling updates from master branch always run the following commands afterwards:

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
php artisan freescout:after-app-update

Development Guidelines

  • Node.js, VueJS are not used at all.
  • See tasks in Todo List.
  • Before implementing some functionality please create an issue to discuss it.
  • Do not use any HelpScout's files (images, icons, fonts, etc) or code (HTML, CSS, JS, etc) or texts from the help pages. Write and create everything by yourself or use free libraries, etc.
  • FreeScout API must be completely equal to HelpScout's API
  • All strings must be translatable (except system emails/alerts and Manage » Translate page). Do not edit manually files in /resources/lang/, use Translate tool.
  • Design must be mobile friendly.
  • Always use User::dateFormat($date, $format) function to display dates to take user's timezone and time format into account.
  • Use only Bootstrap Icons.
  • Always specify length for strings in migrations.
  • After changing routes, make sure to run php artisan freescout:build to make new routes available in JS via laroute.url() function.
  • Scripts and styles must be included using Minify::stylesheet or Minify::javascript, as in .htaccess browser caching is enabled in css and js folders.
  • Class for miscellaneous functions - App\Misc\Helper, available via \Helper alias.
  • In composer.json make sure to specify only exact versions of packages (example: 1.0.2)
  • DB query caching is implemented using Watson\Rememberable trait. It uses array as a cache driver, i.e. queries are cached in memory for each request.
  • Custom settings are stored using \Option::get() and \Option::set(), default values can be set in config/app.php in options parameter (don't forget to clear cache after editing app.php)
  • Polycast JS script regularly sends ajax requests, which you can see in Laravel debugbar. To stop these requests you can type poly.disconnect(); in the browser console.
  • In forms make sure to have same size units for label and input container (for example, col-sm-2 and col-sm-6), if they are different (for example, col-sm-2 and col-md-6), the form will be broken when resized.
  • Do not use env() function to get config parameters, use config('app.url') instead, as config is cached.
  • After changing config files in /config don't forget to run php artisan config:clear.
  • If using select('field') and orderBy() in query make sure that all fields from order clause are present in select().
  • Every time you create some route, make sure to add it to the \Helper::$menu to properly highlight menu item.
  • Keep in mind that user can be deleted. Deleted user still visible in the past threads, notifications, etc, but does not receive notifications, etc.
  • To perform ajax request create an ajax method in controller (see other controllers) and use fsAjax function in JavaScript. Each controller has one ajax() method.
  • To log exceptions use \Helper::logException($e);
  • You can write messages to the App Log using standard \Log::error() function or you can write to activity log visible in Manage » Logs using \Helper::log() function.
  • By default Storage::put() saves files in app/storage/public, to save in app/storage use Storage::disk('private')->put().
  • Application must be able to work in a subdirectory.
  • In templates and PHP all assets must be included using asset('favicon.ico') function application to be able to work in subdirectory.
  • Do not use enum fields in DB, instead use unsignedTinyInteger type and constants.
  • Instead of json_encode() use \Helper::jsonEncodeUtf8() to avoid converting symbols into \u0411.
  • Instead of json_decode() use \Helper::jsonDecode().
  • DB tables should always have id field to avoid this.
  • Custom data for Mailboxes, Customers and Threads can be stored in meta fields: $mailbox->setMetaParam('eup', $meta_settings ) and $meta_settings = $mailbox->meta['eup'] ?? []
  • When running \Artisan::call() not in the console make sure to pass '--force' => true to avoid this issue.
  • When using curl or GuzzleHttp ALWAYS use \Helper::setCurlDefaultOptions() or \Helper::setGuzzleDefaultOptions() functions.
  • Always add "id" to DB tables as some DBs require a primary key.
  • When using sync() function for models make sure you are passing an array to it: $mailbox->users()->sync($request->users) ?: []);. Otherwise PostgreSQL will through an error.


For timestamp field the following works: `where('field', '!=', null);

Additional Information

Naming conventions


Regular variables: snake_case.

JavaScript and Content Security Policy (CSP)

FreeScout sets Content Security Policy (CSP) via meta tag to script-src 'self' to prevent possible XSS attacks.

With this CSP configuration events can't be attached to DOM elements directly via HTML (for example <button onclick="someFunction" />). All events should be attached via jQuery.

If you need to insert JavaScript tag <script> directly into the HTML, do it like this (this way your script will not be blocked by CSP):

<script type="text/javascript" {!! \Helper::cspNonceAttr() !!}>

If you need to add some external JavaScript files to the page you need to list them in .env file:


Or you can list your scripts via the hook:

        \Eventy::addFilter('csp.script_src', function ($value) {
            return $value.'';

It's very convenient to use Firefox browser console to debug CSP errors on the page.

JavaScript localization and PHP variables

  1. Add strings or variables to /resources/views/js/vars.blade.php
  2. Run php artisan freescout:build

Retrieving localized strings in JS:

Lang.get('messages.ajax_error', { name: 'Joe' });

Retrieving variables in JS:


Routes in JavaScript

In order to have access to the route in JS, add laroute => true to the route:

Route::get('/conversation/{id}', ['uses' => 'ConversationsController@view', 'laroute' => true])->name('conversations.view');

Using in JS:

laroute.route('conversations.view', { id: 7' });

Ajax requests

Project JSON specifiction:

    "msg": "Error occured",
    "msg_success": "Done"
  • status - Status code: "success" or "error".
  • msg - Error message.
  • msg_success - Success message.

Background jobs


  • email (sending outgoing emails)
  • default (queue for general tasks)

FreeScout uses schedule:run to process queued jobs. queue:work command uses cache mutex which uses cache to prevent process overlapping. If you run schedule:run in console and terminate it, the cache mutex will not be removed, so you need to clear cache to remove mutex: cache:clear

For testing to process queued jobs in foreground you may change queue driver to sync in .env file:


After making changes to the code in order changes to take effect for background jobs you need to clear cache:

php artisan cache:clear

Failed background jobs are cleaned once a week in scheduler.

Real-time notifications

Modified version of is used to pass notifications to JavaScript in real time:

  1. App\Subscription creates BroadcastNotification notifications using notify() and sets a delay to allow undoing.
  2. BroadcastNotification via custom channel RealtimeBroadcastChannel fires RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated broadcastable event.
  3. RealtimeBroadcastNotificationCreated event is being processed immediately and PolycastBroadcaster->broadcast() method is executed.
  4. PolycastBroadcaster->broadcast() saves notification data to polycast_events table.
  5. Polycast JS script via ajax request receives new notification and displays in the menu and if needed as browser push notification.

Actions and Filters

Actions and filters are hooks which allow to extend application functionality. Actions and filters system is implemented via Eventy (documentation is available here). See how to use actions & filters in the Modules Development Guide.

Actions are pieces of code you want to execute at certain points in your code. Actions never return anything but merely serve as the option to hook in to your existing code without having to mess things up. (Examples)

Filters are made to modify entities. They always return some kind of value. By default they return their first parameter and you should too. (Examples)


There are two types of folders:

  • Common folders (Unassigned, Drafts, Assigned, Closed, Spam, Deleted).
  • Personal folders (Mine, Starred), they are counting conversations on per user basis.

Useful links

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