The recommended way to get rust is to use the rustup tool:
cd gui
for vulkan backend (or metal backend on OS X, untested):
cargo run
If on Linux and using x11 instead of Wayland:
cargo run --fetures=x11
for other backends:
cargo run --feature="backend" --no-default-features
with "backend" replaced by "dx11", "dx12" or "gl".
Install maturin (, then go to eco_sim_py\ffi
and from within a virtualenv run
maturin develop
Alternatively to install globally
maturin build
Left click to select entity, ctrl + left click to see inferred mental states for other entities, hover and tab to circle through multiple entities in the same square. Press t to toggle between sight range and threat mode for selected entity, and m to toggle showing map knowledge. Right click to instruct the seleced enityy to move to the clicked square. Space or pause button toggle the pause state, +/- adjust speed, F5 reloads the map.
contains the simulation itself, including agent behavior and mental state inference.
contains the GUI.
contains helper macros used in both sim
and gui
contains the Python bindings exposing sim
as reinforcement learning environment, with optional use of gui
for visualization.
uses the environment exposed in eco_sim_py/ffi
and pytorch to define and train a simple NN. The NN has two heads,
one predicting the rewards associated with actions, the second predicting the current mental states of other agents. The value head is used for Q-learning.