By default the admin panel home page (index page) is just a blank page with navigation bar, but without any content.
You can customize it to fit your needs.
If you don't need any extra logic, you can just override the home page template file with your own.
index_page: YourAdminBundle:Admin:index.html.twig
It is a good idea to let your custom home page template file extend the FSi Admin Bundle base template file.
# YourAdminBundle/Resources/views/Admin/index.html.twig
{% extends admin_templates_base %}
{% block content %}
{# Your content goes here... #}
{% endblock %}
If you want to have your own controller with custom logic, you can override the home page route (just like any other route in Symfony 2).
# app/config/routing.yml
path: /
_controller: YourAdminBundle:Admin:index