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Mozilla 要发力构造物联网框架,以期封装底层交互细节,最终通过 URL 或数据模型及接口的方式向外提供硬件能力,带我们走进安全,开放,强交互的去中心化物联网世界。 另附:Mozila - Introducing HumbleNet: a cross-platform networking library that works in the browser.

Nodejs 对所有线上产品安全性统一升级,这次升级覆盖了 v4.x 到 v8.x 的各个版本,打了个补丁。这次升级所针对的漏洞等级为 high,影响到的版本管理员应作响应升级。

Is GraphQL production ready? It was a fair question, since he never worked with GraphQL. Let’s be honest, GraphQL was only open sourced in 2015 and really just created as a standard in 2016. Is anyone besides Facebook really using GraphQL? Greg and his team were intimately familiar with REST and had built several apps in the last few years with REST. They leveraged Swagger for validation and documentation and it worked well for them. Hence the skepticism if GraphQL could really best REST as the communication conduit for apps.

附:VulcanJS: An Open-Source Project to “Meteorize” GraphQL.

这种对比文章俯拾皆是,不知这篇能否讲出些新意,React崇尚分而治之的构造方式,向开发者提供了一层薄薄的视图层,剩下的由开发者自己选择框架实现。Ember.js 是小团队的最爱,从最佳实践演练出来的产品。Angular是平台产品,而且越来越适合后端转前端的小伙伴来编写。Polymer 只能称作解决方案了,从设计到多端实现,他给出了各种方案。


本篇介绍了 m.uber 的构建过程及多端响应的实践

当程序员讨论一门语言的时候,默认的上下文经常是:“用 xxx 语言来完成 xxx 任务”。所以一直困扰着的我的一个问题就是,为什么完成某个任务,一定要选择特定的语言,比如安卓开发是 Java,前端要用 JavaScript,iOS 开发使用 Objective-C 或者 Swift。这些问题的答案非常复杂,有的是技术原因,有的是历史原因,有的会考虑成本,很难得出统一的结论,只能 case-by-case 的分析。这篇文章并非专门解答上述问题,而是希望通过介绍一些通用的概念,帮助读者掌握分析问题的能力


redux 核心能力是不可变数据带来的,mobx 的核心能力是可变数据带来的,如果使用动态修改数据的方式,使用 immutablejs 将其低成本转化为不可变数据,就可以接入 redux 并享受其生态了。


This article helps you to understand what to monitor if you have a Node.js application in production, and how to use Prometheus - an open-source solution, which provides powerful data compressions and fast data querying for time series data - for Node.js monitoring.

To answer this question we need to break it down into four separate parts: Server capacity, Server hardware, performance, Software Cost.Now remember, we’re not asking if Facebook should host on AWS - we’re just asking if it’s possible.

Versioning APIs is difficult, and everyone in the API space has opinions about how to do it properly. It’s also almost impossible to avoid. As teams build new software, occasionally they need to get rid of a feature (or provide that feature in a different way). Versioning gives your API users a reliable way to understand semantic changes in the API.

In the past three months we’ve built an entirely new de-duplication system to get as close as possible to exactly-once delivery, in the face of a wide variety of failure modes. The new system is able to track 100x the number of messages of the old system, with increased reliability, at a fraction of the cost. Here’s how.

使用 Serverless 来节省成本

Most people start to use React without thinking that there might be a better way to build a web app. That reflection made me try Cycle.js, a new reactive framework that is becoming more popular every day. In this article, I want to explain what reactive programming is, how Cycle.js works, and why I think it’s better than React. So let’s start!

In this article, I want to explain what serverless is, why I think it is an important new development, and where I think it will be the most impactful. This article will not focus on any one platform (my own experience is with Apache OpenWhisk), but rather keep things at a mostly generic level.

Using a typed language in our frontend has already paid dividends: our code has fewer type-related bugs, we are more confident making large refactors, and our inline documentation is focused around concepts instead of object shapes and function parameters.

Every comment represents a failure to make the code self explanatory - Robert C. Martin. However, this thinking raises interesting questions when it comes to a declarative language like CSS. Well… maybe. We use comments different ways for a variety of reason. Let’s look at some comments, and consider what they add (or not) to the code. I’ll start with some low-hanging fruit, then move on to the less obvious stuff.

关掉 AMP 蓄谋已久,好在在 WordPress 中打开和关闭 AMP 都比较简单,只需停掉该插件即可。24小时以后,Google 的搜索结果中就看不到我站点的 AMP了。

I had spent 25 minutes showing a content team the many ways Airstory would improve their lives when their manager looked at me and said: But you guys aren’t funded. It was then — in that moment — that I realized this: I suck at demos. Poor demoing leaves the viewer with BS objections like “you’re not funded.”

I’m thrilled that we have hit an exciting milestone the Kafka community has long been waiting for: we have  introduced exactly-once semantics in Apache Kafka in the 0.11 release. In this post, I’d like to tell you what exactly-once semantics mean in Apache Kafka, why it is a hard problem, and how the new idempotence and transactions features in Kafka enable correct exactly-once stream processing using Kafka’s Streams API.

In this blog post, I’m going to present what we’ve learned so far from this data. Technical interviewing is broken in a lot of ways. It’s easy to say this. (And many blog posts do!) The hard part is coming up with what to do about it. My goal for this post is to take on that challenge, and lay out specific advice for hiring managers and CTOs. Interviewing is hard. But I think that many of the problems can be fixed by running a careful process.

另附:The Best Frontend JavaScript Interview Questions

As I enter my final days as a member of the W3C Team*, I’d like to record some brief notes for what I see as possible future directions in the areas in which I’ve been most closely involved, particularly since taking on the ‘data brief’ 4 years ago.


ECMA2017 语言标准发布,ES2015火起来以后,后续梦想中的功能逐渐被社区兼容实现了,所以标准又落后了,所以标准出台都没有引起什么大新闻。

另附:TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript.

2.4新版本推出 动态 import() 表达式 字符串枚举值 严格检查 Generator 返回值作为参考对象 弱类型检查

Web Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development. Tools for building a great experience across many devices and performance oriented. Helping you to stay productive following the best practices outlined in Google’s Web Fundamentals. A solid starting point for both professionals and newcomers to the industry.

We released Docker CE 17.06 with new features, improvements, and bug fixes. Docker CE 17.06 is the first Docker version built entirely on the Moby Project, which we announced in April at DockerCon. You can see the complete list of changes in the changelog, but let’s take a look at some of the new features.

We are excited to announce the latest project to join the JS Foundation is sonar, a linting tool for the web. The concept for sonar was originally created by the Microsoft Edge team. As they started working on the project, it quickly became apparent that a tool meant to serve the entire web should be built in an openly governed and neutral home, which is why they have come to the JS Foundation.

In this article, we are going to talk about doing server rendering with our React components inside of Rails. An article by Tom Dale talks about misconceptions about server rendering. With so many misconceptions, what is it and why would you want it?

The GitHub for Unity extension we announced at the Game Developers Conference last March is now open source!

在 ECharts 新发布的 3.6 版本中,新增了 自定义系列(custom series),能让用户定制渲染逻辑,从而在已有坐标系中创造新的图表。此外还有极坐标柱状图、自定义维度映射、dataZoom 等其他一些增强。

Rax is a universal JavaScript library with a largely React-compatible API. If you use React, you already know how to use Rax. Fast: blazing fast virtual DOM. Tiny: 8.0 KB minified + gzipped. Universal: works in browsers, Weex, Node.js and could works more container that implement driver specification.

If you want to run automated tests using Headless Chrome, look no further! This article will get you all set up using Karma as a runner and Mocha+Chai for authoring tests.

使用 image-diff 来做测试

Node.js went from 8% in 2013 to 26% in 2017 and Java went from 42% to 39% in the same period (% of respondents that use the language). Considering the trend(s), even with just a slight drop for Java, Mikeal’s prediction might be true if the Node.js 100% growth rate carries on. That means that Node.js in on the right track to take over Java in terms of users.

Or how I obtained direct publish access to 13% of npm packages (including popular ones). The estimated number of packages potentially reachable through dependency chains is 52%.

Below you’ll find the ultimate list of JavaScript tools for web developers to help you with various coding tasks. You’ll discover helpful instruments to boost the development flow, reduce risks, optimize code, enhance security, and even more. It is a useful guide for business owners to understand their dev teams better.

I figured I could weigh in as well, focusing on around the last decade, which, coincidentally, is how old CSS-Tricks is. That just about matches up with my experience in the industry. Firebug, Chrome, CSS3, Preprocessing, Flexbox & Grid.


RE:DOM is a tiny DOM library by Juha Lindstedt and contributors, which adds some useful helpers to create DOM elements and keeping them in sync with the data. Because RE:DOM is so close to the metal and doesn’t use virtual dom, it’s actually faster and uses less memory than almost all virtual dom based libraries, including React. It’s also easy to create reusable components with RE:DOM. Another great benefit is, that you can use just pure JavaScript, so no complicated templating languages to learn and hassle with.

nfinite Scroll is a JavaScript plugin that automatically adds the next page, saving users from a full page load. You’ve likely seen it in use all over the web.

A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support.

Go 语言网络编程安全,Go 中级应知应会。可以参与翻译了。

另附: AWS Security Primer.

热插拔 APK 中心,滴滴制造, Android 的,有心力可以玩耍一下。

Nodejs 现有 Base64 已然飞快,将任务分块并发异步执行便能锦上添花。在处理非大型文件时,分治+同步执行会更快





Netflix 在 2009 年释出了一份 100 多页的 PPT,讲述的企业文化精髓。这份 PPT 被 Facebook 公司的 COO 桑德伯格称为“硅谷最重要的文件”。Netflix 的工程文化,被很多国内一线互联网公司研究借鉴,这个外国的月亮,究竟圆在哪里?

    即使可能令某些人感到不快,仍愿意表达可能对 Netflix 公司有所助益的观点
    将用户和 Netflix 的成功深系于心
    为 Netflix 追求最大利益,胜于自身或者所在团队


