- 1-Cookie Consent App
- 2-Shopping List App
- 3-Meme Picker App
- 4-Twitter Clone App
- 5-Restaurant Order App
Completed these projects that are parts of Scrimba's Essential JavaScript Concepts. I mastered HTML/CSS and intermediate JavaScript functions in these projects. You can see the visual representations of the each app below.
- The project is created to take personal informations within the cookie consent.
- setTimeOut()
- element.style
- forms
- FormData & get()
- event.preventDefault()
- CSS: row-reverse
- toggling classes
- disabled attribute
- aria-label attribute
- mouseenter event
- The project is created to provide a list of shopping .
- The project is created to pick a cat GIF relevant with user's mood
- Click outside the modal to close modal
- Display more than one result (thumbnails in a gallery)
- Refactor the UX
- for of()
- radio & checkbox
- getElementsByClassName()
- querySelector()
- classList.add(), .remove()
- import/export
- includes()
- filter()
- event.target
- mouseup event
- window.addeventListener()
- The project provides a clone of Twitter using pure Javascript. Users can able;
- Send a tweet to feed
- List tweets' replies by clicking icon
- Like an tweet
- Retweet a tweet
- textarea
- data-attributes
- conditionally render style
- Not operator (!)
- CDNs(add icons using fontawesome)
- uuid
- class.toggle
- forEach
- The project provides to list restaurant menu and order them. Users can able;
- Get an order when clicked add button
- Added multiple orders same time
- List total price of orders
- Complete orders by adding card details on a form