Clone the repository, install all the dependencies and build the library.
git clone
cd list
npm install
npm run build
cd bench
npm install
The benchmarks support comparing List against older versions of itself. Some secondary List version needs to be present for the benchamrks to run.
git clone list-old
cd list-old
npm install
npm run build
There are two groups of benchmarks. The first outputs data on the command line and the second generate graphs for viewing in a browser.
Run the first group with.
node index.js
Generate the data for the graphs with.
npm run create-report -- run
And then view the results in you browser by openening the index.html
open index.html
Generating all the data for the benchmarks can take a long time (5-10 minutes). If you're only interested in some of the results you can filter which benchmark cases are run and which libraries are tested.
For instance to only run the concat and the foldl benchmark run this:
npm run create-report-data -- run -b concat foldl
To only compare List with and older version of itself you can run:
npm run create-report-data -- run -p list
The options can be combined. The below command will only run the concat benchmark and only test List and Lodash.
npm run create-report-data -- run -b concat -p list lodash