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Releases: FxMorin/carpet-fixes

Carpet-Fixes v1.7.9 for Minecraft 1.18.x

12 May 03:38
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New Rules:
depthStriderSlowsRiptideFix MC-136249
teleportPastWorldBorderFix MC-106416
grassSnowLayersFix MC-150654
lavaIgnoresBubbleColumnFix MC-137713
directionalMinecartCollisionFix MC-14850
minecartWontBounceFix MC-6311 and MC-171903
detectorRailDetectsTooEarlyFix MC-868

#64, #65, and #66 A game crash that only happens to certain people, most likely due to mod incompatibilities.

Carpet-Fixes v1.8.9 for Minecraft 22w14a

09 May 16:44
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Hot Fixes a Mixin crash caused by injecting in an interface.

#62 & #63

Highly recommended that you use this version instead of v1.8.8
v1.8.8 will not crash for everyone, although there's no reason to use it over this version

Carpet-Fixes v1.8.8 for 22w14a

09 May 03:19
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I have not updated the mod past 22w14a since I have been too busy to do so. A bunch of fixes are also fixed by Mojang in these snapshots.

New Rules:
beaconsAlwaysPlaySoundOnBreakFix MC-153086
markerArmorStandsTriggerBlocksFix MC-135809
markerArmorStandsCreateBubblesFix MC-78314
armorStandsCantRideVehiclesFix MC-90923
boatsCreatedTooHighFix Dispensers can place boats around 1.5 block higher then it needs to
boatsStuckInDispensersFix MC-1310
creativeEnchantingCostsExperienceFix MC-12656
ocelotsAndCatsTryToFleeInVehicleFix MC-53721
sheepEatGrassThroughBlocksFix MC-76490
snowmanCreateSnowWhileFloatingFix MC-214344
leashKnotNotUpdatingOnBreakFix MC-16663, MC-96347, and MC-102214
bucketableMobsNotDetachingLeashesFix MC-229057
followParentGoalBreaksMovementFix MC-149838
beesDropLikeBouldersFix MC-190042
pistonsPushTooFarFix Entities are pushed 0.01 further than they should be
convertConvertingZombieVillagersFix MC-166984
beesFearRainFix MC-178119
mobsAttackThroughBlocksFix MC-2310
selfHarmFix MC-110386
doubleBlocksSkipEntityCheckFix MC-123619
dripstoneSkipsEntityCheckFix MC-206599
recordWorldEventFix MC-112245
bedTeleportExploitFix Fixes an 8x teleportation exploit
viewerCountNegativesFix MC-229680 and [MC-208051] (
shulkerBoxMissingUpdateFix MC-190815
snowGolemAttackCreepersFix MC-73964
sweepingIgnoresFireAspectFix MC-93669
spawnInsideGatewayFix MC-193421
enderDragonDoesntDropBlocksFix MC-220519
projectileGoalTargetsDeadEntitiesFix MC-165516
inhabitedTimeFix MC-127407 Thanks @henkelmax
badVillagerPyrotechnicsFix MC-195326 and MC-233250
endermanPainfulTeleportFix MC-186119
endermanAvoidProjectilesInVehicleFix MC-183446
comparatorTransparencyFix Fixes comparators not being able to read through pistons and observers
daylightSensorPlacementFix MC-156867
tridentFallingDamageFix MC-130151
tntMinecartTerribleCollisionFix MC-7464
tntExtendedHitboxClipFix MC-12730
brewingResetsOnUnloadFix MC-26304
comparatorSkipsBlockedChestFix MC-100302
chorusFruitFallDamageFix MC-112133
potionEffectsAffectDeadEntitiesFix MC-114761
movableCoralFanFix MC-133541
obsidianPlatformDestroysBlocksFix MC-902
grindstonesNotMovableFix MC-140498

#53 Crash due to mod conflict
#52 With optimizedPoweredRails Rails were giving more updates than they should... So it's also faster now
#59 With optimizedRecipeManager Furnaces couldn't smelt. It only optimizes crafting now

debugStackTrace Turtle eggs on jigsaw blocks will now print a stack trace when receiving shape updates

For anyone who cares, yes I'm still challenging myself to make 2 fixes a day. I have not failed yet, although it's eaten into my time for doing other things such as updating the mod to the new snapshots.

That's 46 fixes in 19 days - Brace yourself since I ported all fixes in the dev branch that worked in 1.18 to the 1.18 branch. Coming Soon!

Carpet-Fixes v1.7.8 for Minecraft 1.18.x

09 May 16:46
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Hot Fixes a Mixin crash caused by injecting in an interface.

#62 & #63

Highly recommended that you use this version instead of v1.7.7
v1.7.7 will not crash for everyone, although there's no reason to use it over this version

Carpet-Fixes v1.7.7 for 1.18.x

09 May 03:41
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I have ported all rules that where in-development in the dev branch to 1.18 branch (those that work in 1.18)

I would love to list every rule change although I think I would just be stabbing myself at that point. So here's the list instead...

That's 84 new rules! Check out the dev branch changelogs to get a good idea of what got added.

Carpet-Fixes v1.8.7 for 22w14a

20 Apr 05:05
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New Rules:
crystalExplosionGivesWrongEventFix - MC-249962
allayCanBeEquippedWithArmorFix - MC-249745
allayLosesItemOnUnloadFix - MC-249745
shulkersAreLowerInChestBoatFix - MC-249463
pistonReloadInconsistencyFix - Related to MC-89146
zeroDamageHurtsWolvesFix - MC-72151
noteBlockNotPoweredOnPlaceFix - Self-Explanatory, Thanks to Hunsinger for finding the bug
shipwreckChunkBorderIssuesFix - MC-131745
doorBreakNotStoppedOnDeathFix - MC-185597
projectileKeepsVelocityFix - MC-198908
cantJumpOffBlockWhenSneakingFix - MC-197647
giantTreesHaveExtraLogFix - Top of giant trees has a singular log
duplicateEntityUUIDFix - MC-137370
iceWaterSkipsWaterloggedFix - MC-206185
witchAndCatSpawnMergedFix - MC-163503
deathTimeCorruptsMobsFix - MC-84873
jukeboxDiscItemOffsetOnBreakFix - MC-166032
hoppersSelectMinecartsRandomlyFix - MC-124099
beesSwimInWaterAndDieFix - MC-190261
hungerGoesDownInPeacefulFix - MC-31819
crossDimensionTeleportLosesStatsFix - MC-124177
fallingBlockDamageIsOffsetFix - MC-203302
armorStandNegateAnvilDamageFix - MC-203302

#51 - incorrectExplosionExposureFix ignoring entities
A bug causing reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving to halt world saving (Actually this time xD)

Public Message:
I've challenged myself to make 2 fixes every day (I wonder if you can tell xD)
So far ive managed to do so and on many days even do more. I'm also working on a newer version of carpet-fixes under a new name. I'll give more info once im in the testing phase!

Carpet-Fixes v1.7.6 for 1.18.x

20 Apr 04:48
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New Rules:
crossDimensionTeleportLosesStatsFix - MC-124177


A bug causing reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving to halt world saving (Actually this time xD)

Carpet-Fixes v1.8.6 for 22w14a

11 Apr 07:57
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New Rules:

#46 - playerBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix being buggy
#48 - optimizedRecipeManager not working as intended
A bug causing reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving to halt world saving

Carpet-Fixes v1.7.5 for 1.18.x

11 Apr 07:50
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#46 - playerBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix being buggy
#48 - optimizedRecipeManager not working as intended
A bug causing reIntroduceOnlyAutoSaveSaving to halt world saving

Carpet-Fixes v1.8.5 for 22w14a

09 Apr 02:09
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New Rules:

Crash with tagKeyMemoryLeakFix
playerBlockCollisionUsingCenterFix using wrong velocity