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improvement(git): don't require Garden static dir to be a Git repo (#…
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* improvement(git): don't require Garden `static` dir to be a Git repo


Co-authored-by: Jon Edvald <>

* chore: remove unnecessary `git init` calls for `static` dirs

* chore: remove unnecessary git safe-dir checks for Garden `static` dir


Co-authored-by: Jon Edvald <>
  • Loading branch information
vvagaytsev and edvald authored Nov 9, 2023
1 parent 3637b34 commit dc8ba20
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Showing 8 changed files with 15 additions and 302 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions cli/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,8 +51,7 @@
"typescript": "^5.1.3"
"scripts": {
"add-version-files": "node build/src/add-version-files.js",
"build": "tsc --build . --verbose && npm run add-version-files && npm run generate-docs",
"build": "tsc --build . --verbose && npm run generate-docs",
"check-package-lock": "git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- package-lock.json || (echo 'package-lock.json is dirty!' && exit 1)",
"clean": "shx rm -rf build dist",
"fix-format": "npm run lint -- --fix --quiet",
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58 changes: 0 additions & 58 deletions cli/src/add-version-files.ts

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion cli/src/build-pkg.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ async function buildBinaries(args: string[]) {
// Copy static dir, stripping out undesired files for the dist build
console.log(chalk.cyan("Copying static directory"))
await exec("rsync", ["-r", "-L", "", "--exclude=.git", STATIC_DIR, distTmpDir])
await exec("git", ["init"], { cwd: tmpStaticDir })

// Copy each package to the temp dir
console.log(chalk.cyan("Getting package info"))
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion core/src/constants.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ export const MUTAGEN_DIR_NAME = "mutagen"
export const LOGS_DIR_NAME = "logs"
export const GARDEN_GLOBAL_PATH = join(homedir(), DEFAULT_GARDEN_DIR_NAME)
export const ERROR_LOG_FILENAME = "error.log"
export const GARDEN_VERSIONFILE_NAME = ".garden-version"

export enum GardenApiVersion {
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110 changes: 1 addition & 109 deletions core/src/vcs/git.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { performance } from "perf_hooks"
import { isAbsolute, join, posix, relative, resolve } from "path"
import { isString } from "lodash-es"
import fsExtra from "fs-extra"

const { createReadStream, ensureDir, lstat, pathExists, readlink, realpath, stat } = fsExtra
import { PassThrough } from "stream"
import type { GetFilesParams, RemoteSourceParams, VcsFile, VcsInfo, VcsHandlerParams } from "./vcs.js"
Expand All @@ -22,7 +23,6 @@ import type { Log } from "../logger/log-entry.js"
import parseGitConfig from "parse-git-config"
import type { Profiler } from "../util/profiling.js"
import { getDefaultProfiler, Profile } from "../util/profiling.js"
import { STATIC_DIR } from "../constants.js"
import isGlob from "is-glob"
import chalk from "chalk"
import { pMemoizeDecorator } from "../lib/p-memoize.js"
Expand All @@ -34,14 +34,7 @@ import type { ExecaError } from "execa"
import { execa } from "execa"
import hasha from "hasha"

const gitConfigAsyncLock = new AsyncLock()

const submoduleErrorSuggestion = `Perhaps you need to run ${chalk.underline(`git submodule update --recursive`)}?`
const currentPlatformName = process.platform

const gitSafeDirs = new Set<string>()
let gitSafeDirsRead = false
let staticDirSafe = false

interface GitEntry extends VcsFile {
mode: string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,101 +112,6 @@ export class GitHandler extends VcsHandler {

toGitConfigCompatiblePath(path: string, platformName: string): string {
// Windows paths require some pre-processing,
// see the full list of platform names here:
if (platformName !== "win32") {
return path

// Replace back-slashes with forward-slashes to make paths compatible with .gitconfig in Windows
return path.replace(/\\/g, "/")

// TODO-0.13.1+ - get rid of this in/after
* Checks if a given {@code path} is a valid and safe Git repository.
* If it is a valid Git repository owned by another user,
* then the static dir will be added to the list of safe directories in .gitconfig.
* Git has stricter repository ownerships checks since 2.36.0,
* see for more details.
private async ensureSafeDirGitRepo(log: Log, path: string, failOnPrompt = false): Promise<void> {
if (gitSafeDirs.has(path)) {

// Avoid multiple concurrent checks on the same path
await this.lock.acquire(`safe-dir:${path}`, async () => {
if (gitSafeDirs.has(path)) {

const git = this.gitCli(log, path, failOnPrompt)

if (!gitSafeDirsRead) {
await gitConfigAsyncLock.acquire(".gitconfig", async () => {
if (!gitSafeDirsRead) {
const gitCli = this.gitCli(log, path, failOnPrompt)
try {
const safeDirectories = await gitCli("config", "--get-all", "")
safeDirectories.forEach((safeDir) => gitSafeDirs.add(safeDir))
} catch (err) {
// ignore the error if there are no safe directories defined
log.debug(`Error reading safe directories from the .gitconfig: ${err}`)
gitSafeDirsRead = true

try {
await git("status")
} catch (err) {
if (!(err instanceof ChildProcessError)) {
throw err

// Git has stricter repo ownerships checks since 2.36.0
if (err.details.code === 128 && err.details.stderr.toLowerCase().includes("fatal: unsafe repository")) {
`It looks like you're using Git 2.36.0 or newer and the directory "${path}" is owned by someone else. It will be added to list in the .gitconfig.`

if (!gitSafeDirs.has(path)) {
await gitConfigAsyncLock.acquire(".gitconfig", async () => {
if (!gitSafeDirs.has(path)) {
const gitConfigCompatiblePath = this.toGitConfigCompatiblePath(path, currentPlatformName)
// Add the safe directory globally to be able to run git command outside a (trusted) git repo
// Wrap the path in quotes to pass it as a single argument in case if it contains any whitespaces
await git("config", "--global", "--add", "", `'${gitConfigCompatiblePath}'`)
log.debug(`Configured git to trust repository in ${path}`)

} else if (
err.details.code === 128 &&
err.details.stderr.toLowerCase().includes("fatal: not a git repository")
) {
throw new RuntimeError({ message: notInRepoRootErrorMessage(path) })
} else {
`Unexpected Git error occurred while running 'git status' from path "${path}". Exit code: ${err.details.code}. Error message: ${err.details.stderr}`
throw err

async getRepoRoot(log: Log, path: string, failOnPrompt = false) {
if (this.repoRoots.has(path)) {
return this.repoRoots.get(path)
Expand All @@ -225,12 +123,6 @@ export class GitHandler extends VcsHandler {
return this.repoRoots.get(path)

// TODO-0.13.1+ - get rid of this in/after
if (!staticDirSafe) {
staticDirSafe = true
await this.ensureSafeDirGitRepo(log, STATIC_DIR, failOnPrompt)

const git = this.gitCli(log, path, failOnPrompt)

try {
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68 changes: 9 additions & 59 deletions core/src/vcs/vcs.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,22 +6,18 @@
* file, You can obtain one at

import type Joi from "@hapi/joi"
import normalize from "normalize-path"
import { sortBy, pick } from "lodash-es"
import { createHash } from "node:crypto"
import { validateSchema } from "../config/validation.js"
import { join, relative, isAbsolute, sep } from "path"
import { relative, sep } from "path"
import { DOCS_BASE_URL } from "../constants.js"
import fsExtra from "fs-extra"
const { pathExists, readFile, writeFile } = fsExtra
import { ConfigurationError } from "../exceptions.js"

const { writeFile } = fsExtra
import type { ExternalSourceType } from "../util/ext-source-util.js"
import { getRemoteSourceLocalPath, getRemoteSourcesPath } from "../util/ext-source-util.js"
import type { ModuleConfig } from "../config/module.js"
import { serializeConfig } from "../config/module.js"
import type { Log } from "../logger/log-entry.js"
import { treeVersionSchema } from "../config/common.js"
import { dedent, splitLast } from "../util/string.js"
import { fixedProjectExcludes } from "../util/fs.js"
import type { TreeCache } from "../cache.js"
Expand All @@ -38,6 +34,7 @@ import chalk from "chalk"
import { Profile } from "../util/profiling.js"

import AsyncLock from "async-lock"

const scanLock = new AsyncLock()

export const versionStringPrefix = "v-"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,9 +161,13 @@ export abstract class VcsHandler {
abstract name: string

abstract getRepoRoot(log: Log, path: string): Promise<string>

abstract getFiles(params: GetFilesParams): Promise<VcsFile[]>

abstract ensureRemoteSource(params: RemoteSourceParams): Promise<string>

abstract updateRemoteSource(params: RemoteSourceParams): Promise<void>

abstract getPathInfo(log: Log, path: string): Promise<VcsInfo>

clearTreeCache() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,14 +267,6 @@ export abstract class VcsHandler {
this.cache.invalidateUp(log, pathToCacheContext(path))

async resolveTreeVersion(params: GetTreeVersionParams): Promise<TreeVersion> {
// the version file is used internally to specify versions outside of source control
const path = getSourcePath(params.config)
const versionFilePath = join(path, GARDEN_TREEVERSION_FILENAME)
const fileVersion = await readTreeVersionFile(versionFilePath)
return fileVersion || (await this.getTreeVersion(params))

* Returns a map of the optimal paths for each of the given action/module source path.
* This is used to avoid scanning more of each git repository than necessary, and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,49 +339,6 @@ export abstract class VcsHandler {

async function readVersionFile(path: string, schema: Joi.Schema): Promise<any> {
if (!(await pathExists(path))) {
return null

// this is used internally to specify version outside of source control
const versionFileContents = (await readFile(path)).toString().trim()

if (!versionFileContents) {
return null

try {
return validateSchema(JSON.parse(versionFileContents), schema)
} catch (error) {
throw new ConfigurationError({
message: `Unable to parse ${path} as valid version file: ${error}`,

export async function readTreeVersionFile(path: string): Promise<TreeVersion | null> {
return readVersionFile(path, treeVersionSchema())

* Writes a normalized TreeVersion file to the specified directory
* @param dir The directory to write the file to
* @param version The TreeVersion for the directory
export async function writeTreeVersionFile(dir: string, version: TreeVersion) {
const processed = {
files: version.files
// Always write relative paths, normalized to POSIX style
.map((f) => normalize(isAbsolute(f) ? relative(dir, f) : f))
.filter((f) => f !== GARDEN_TREEVERSION_FILENAME),
const path = join(dir, GARDEN_TREEVERSION_FILENAME)
await writeFile(path, JSON.stringify(processed, null, 4) + "\n")

* We prefix with "v-" to prevent this.version from being read as a number when only a prefix of the
* commit hash is used, and that prefix consists of only numbers. This can cause errors in certain contexts
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19 changes: 1 addition & 18 deletions core/test/unit/src/vcs/git.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { execa } from "execa"
import { expect } from "chai"
import tmp from "tmp-promise"
import fsExtra from "fs-extra"

const { createFile, ensureSymlink, lstat, mkdir, mkdirp, realpath, remove, symlink, writeFile } = fsExtra
import { basename, join, relative, resolve } from "path"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,24 +610,6 @@ export const commonGitHandlerTests = (handlerCls: new (params: VcsHandlerParams)

describe("toGitConfigCompatiblePath", () => {
it("should return an unmodified path in Linux", async () => {
const path = "/home/user/repo"
expect(handler.toGitConfigCompatiblePath(path, "linux")).to.equal(path)

it("should return an unmodified path in macOS", async () => {
const path = "/Users/user/repo"
expect(handler.toGitConfigCompatiblePath(path, "darwin")).to.equal(path)

it("should return a modified and corrected path in Windows", async () => {
const path = "C:\\Users\\user\\repo"
const expectedPath = "C:/Users/user/repo"
expect(handler.toGitConfigCompatiblePath(path, "win32")).to.equal(expectedPath)

describe("getRepoRoot", () => {
it("should return the repo root if it is the same as the given path", async () => {
const path = tmpPath
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