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File metadata and controls

363 lines (298 loc) · 12.9 KB

This page has moved to the Gatsby monorepo!

Hi there! 👋 thank you so much for being a beta/alpha tester of this plugin! You've helped us bring a much more stable WordPress integration to Gatsby and we're very thankful for that!

We've shipped this plugin as gatsby-source-wordpress@4.0.0. gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental is now deprecated. Please upgrade by npm/yarn installing the latest version of the stable plugin and updating your gatsby-config.js to include the stable plugin name.

We've chosen this point to release this plugin as a stable release not because there are no bugs (all software has some bugs), but because this plugin is far more stable than the last major version of gatsby-source-wordpress.

Note that we will continue fixing Github issues you've opened in the -experimental repo - those are not forgotten and will be transferred to the Gatsby monorepo.

Thank you! 💜

Creating a new site from scratch

What this tutorial covers:

In this tutorial, you will install the gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental plugin in order to pull blog and image data from a WordPress install into your Gatsby site and render that data. This Gatsby + WordPress starter shows you the source code for an example site similar to what you’re going to be building in this tutorial.

Creating a site with the gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental plugin

Create a new Gatsby project and change directories into the new project you just created:

gatsby new wordpress-tutorial-site
cd wordpress-tutorial-site

Install the gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental plugin. For extra reading on the plugin’s features and examples of GraphQL queries not included in this tutorial, see the gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental plugin’s README file.

npm install gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental

Add the gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental plugin to gatsby-config.js using the following code, which you can also find in this starter’s source code.

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: `Gatsby WordPress Tutorial`,
    description: `An example to learn how to source data from WordPress.`,
    author: `@gatsbyjs`,
  plugins: [
     * Gatsby's data processing layer begins with “source”
     * plugins. Here the site sources its data from WordPress.
    // highlight-start
      resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental`,
      options: {
         * The full URL of the WordPress site's GraphQL API.
         * Example : ''
        url: ``,
    // highlight-end
     * The following plugins aren't required for gatsby-source-wordpress,
     * but we need them so the default starter we installed above will keep working.
      resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
      options: {
        name: `images`,
        path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
      options: {
        name: `gatsby-starter-default`,
        short_name: `starter`,
        start_url: `/`,
        background_color: `#663399`,
        theme_color: `#663399`,
        display: `minimal-ui`,
        icon: `src/images/gatsby-icon.png`, // This path is relative to the root of the site.

Creating GraphQL queries that pull data from WordPress

Now you are ready to create a GraphQL query to pull in some data from the WordPress site. You will create a query that pulls in the title of the blog posts, date they were posted, and blogpost content.


gatsby develop

In your browser, open http://localhost:8000 to see your site, and http://localhost:8000/___graphql to see Graphiql. You can use Graphiql to create your GraphQL queries.

As an exercise, try re-creating the following queries in your GraphiQL explorer.

Tip: If you've never used Graphiql before, try pressing shift+space to be given a list of available fields you can query for. Press up and down on your keyboard to select a field and press enter to write it to your query. Alternatively you can use the explorer pane to the left side of the page. If your explorer pane isn't open, you can open it by clicking "Explorer" at the top of the screen.

This first query will pull in the blogpost content from WordPress:

query {
  allWpPost {
    nodes {
      date(formatString: "MMMM DD, YYYY")

This next query will pull in a sorted list of the blog posts:

  allWpPost(sort: { fields: [date] }) {
    nodes {

Rendering the blog posts to index.js

Now that you've created GraphQL queries that pull in the data you want, you'll use that second query to create a list of sorted blogpost titles on your site's homepage. Here's what your home page component in src/pages/index.js should look like:

import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import SEO from "../components/seo"

export default function Home({ data }) {
  return (
      <SEO title="home" />
      {/* highlight-start */}
      <h1>My WordPress Blog</h1>
      { => (
          <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: node.excerpt }} />
      {/* highlight-end */}

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query {
    allWpPost(sort: { fields: [date] }) {
      nodes {

Save these changes and look at http://localhost:8000 to see your new homepage with a list of sorted blog posts!

Creating pages for each blog post and linking to them

An index page with a post title and excerpt is great, but you should also build pages out for each of the blog posts, and link to them from your index.js file.

To do this, you need to:

  1. Create pages for each blog post
  2. Link up the title on the index page with the post page.

If you haven't already, please read through Part 7 of the foundational tutorial, as it goes through the concept and examples of this process with Markdown instead of WordPress.

Creating pages for each blog post

In Part 7 of the tutorial, the first step in creating pages is creating slugs for the markdown files. Since you are using WordPress and not Markdown files, you can grab the slugs that get returned from your API call to the WordPress source. You can skip creating slugs, since you already have them.

Open up your gatsby-node.js file in the root of your project (it should be blank except for some comments) and add the following:

const path = require(`path`)

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions
  return graphql(`
      allWpPost(sort: { fields: [date] }) {
        nodes {
  `).then((result) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4))

Next, stop and restart the gatsby develop environment. As you watch the terminal you should see two Post objects log to the terminal.

Excellent! As explained in Part 7 of the tutorial, this createPages export is one of the Gatsby "workhorses" and allows us to create your blog posts (or pages, or custom post types, etc.) from your WordPress install.

Before you can create the blog posts, however, you need to specify a template to build the pages.

In your src directory, create a directory called templates and in the newly created templates folder, create a filed named blog-post.js. In that new file, paste the following:

import React from "react"
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"

export default function BlogPost({ data }) {
  const post = data.allWpPost.nodes[0]
  return (
        <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.content }} />
export const query = graphql`
  query($slug: String!) {
    allWpPost(filter: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) {
      nodes {

What is this file doing? After importing your dependencies, it constructs the layout of the post with JSX. It wraps everything in the Layout component, so the style is the same throughout the site. Then, it simply adds the post title and the post content. You can add anything you want and can query for here (e.g. feature image, post meta, custom fields, etc.).

Below that, you can see the GraphQL query calling the specific post based on the $slug. This variable is passed to the blog-post.js template when the page is created in gatsby-node.js. To accomplish this, add the following code to the gatsby-node.js file:

const path = require(`path`)

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createPage } = actions
  return graphql(`
      allWpPost(sort: { fields: [date] }) {
        nodes {
  `).then((result) => {
    //highlight-start => {
        path: node.slug,
        component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/blog-post.js`),
        context: {
          // This is the $slug variable
          // passed to blog-post.js
          slug: node.slug,

You will need to stop and start your environment again using gatsby develop. When you do, you will not see a change on the index page of the site, but if you navigate to a 404 page, like http://localhost:8000/asdf, you should see the two sample posts created and be able to click on them to go to the sample posts.

But nobody likes to go to a 404 page to find a blog post! So, let's link these up from the home page.

Linking to posts from the homepage

Since you already have your structure and query done for the index.js page, all you need to do is use the Link component to wrap your titles and you should be good to go.

Open up src/pages/index.js again and add the following:

import React from "react"
import { Link, graphql } from "gatsby" //highlight-line
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import SEO from "../components/seo"

export default function Home({ data }) {
  return (
      <SEO title="home" />
      <h1>My WordPress Blog</h1>
      { => (
        <div key={node.slug}>
          {/* highlight-start */}
          <Link to={node.slug}>
          {/* highlight-end */}
          <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: node.excerpt }} />

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query {
    allWpPost(sort: { fields: [date] }) {
      nodes {

And that's it! When you wrap the title in the Link component and reference the slug of the post, Gatsby will add some magic to the link, preload it, and make the transition between pages incredibly fast

Wrapping up

You can apply the same procedure to calling and creating pages, custom post types, custom fields, taxonomies, and all the fun and flexible content WordPress is known for. This can be as simple or as complex as you would like it to be, so explore and have fun with it!

Up Next 👉