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EVA Release Guide

Before You Start

Make sure you have PyPI account with maintainer access to the EVA project. Create a .pypirc in your home directory. It should look like this:

index-servers =


Then run chmod 600 ./.pypirc so only you can read/write.

Release Steps

  1. Make sure you're in the top-level eva directory.

  2. Make certain your branch is in sync with head:

    $ git pull origin main
  3. Add a new changelog entry for the release.

    ##  [0.0.6]
    ### [Breaking Changes]
    ### [Added]
    ### [Changed]
    ### [Deprecated]
    ### [Removed]

Make sure is up to date for the release: compare against PRs merged since the last release.

  1. Update version to, e.g. 0.0.6 (remove the +dev label) in eva/

  2. Commit these changes and create a PR:

    git checkout -b release-v0.0.6
    git add . -u
    git commit -m "[RELEASE]: v0.0.6"
    git push --set-upstream origin release-v0.0.6
  3. Once the PR is approved, merge it and pull main locally.

  4. Tag the release:

    git tag -a v0.0.6 -m "v0.0.6 release"
    git push origin v0.0.6
  5. Build source & wheel distributions:

    rm -rf dist build  # clean old builds & distributions
    python3 sdist  # create a source distribution
    python3 bdist_wheel  # create a universal wheel
  6. Check that everything looks correct by installing the wheel locally and checking the version:

    python3 -m venv test_evadb  # create a virtualenv for testing
    source test_evadb/bin/activate  # activate virtualenv
    python3 -m pip install dist/evadb-0.9.1-py3-none-any.whl
    python3 -c "import eva; print(eva.__version__)"
  7. Publish to PyPI

    pip install twine  # if not installed
    twine upload dist/* -r pypi
  8. A PR is auto-submitted (this will take a few hours) on conda-forge/eva-feedstock to update the version.

    • A maintainer needs to accept and merge those changes.
  9. Create a new release on Github.

    • Input the recently-created Tag Version: v0.0.6
    • Copy the release notes in to the GitHub tag.
    • Attach the resulting binaries in (dist/evadb-x.x.x.*) to the release.
    • Publish the release.
  10. Update version to, e.g. 0.9.1+dev in eva/

  11. Add a new changelog entry for the unreleased version in

    ##  [Unreleased]
    ### [Breaking Changes]
    ### [Added]
    ### [Changed]
    ### [Deprecated]
    ### [Removed]
  12. Commit these changes and create a PR:

    git checkout -b bump-v0.9.1+dev
    git add . -u
    git commit -m "[BUMP]: v0.9.1+dev"
    git push --set-upstream origin bump-v0.9.1+dev
  13. Add the new tag to the EVA project on ReadTheDocs,

    • Trigger a build for main to pull new tags.
    • Go to the "Versions" tab, and "Activate" the new tag.
    • Go to Admin/Advanced to set this tag as the new default version.
    • In "Overview", make sure a build is triggered:
      • For the tag v0.9.1
      • For latest
