Releases: gdotdesign/elm-ui
0.2.1 - Elm 0.17 Compatibility
This version marks support for Elm 0.17 with many changes to make Elm-UI more accessible.
Breaking Changes
The index.html is now served from public
directory to make it more accessible and allow people to easily add CSS and third party JavaScript to their applications.
Singals Removal
Because of the removal of Signals the way how components receive changes from sub components is changed from using a valueAddress
to having a subscription of changes.
{- This made sure that we receive changes form
the input on the Changed action
input = Ui.Input.initWithAddress Changed "value" "placeholder"
{- Initialize an input like normal. -}
input = Ui.Input.init "value" "placeholder"
{- Subscribe to the changes with a subscription. -}
subscriptions: (\model -> Ui.Input.subscribe Changed model.input)
This works because of the Ui.Helpers.Emitter module.
New Components
- Ui.Layout - A component for rendering commonly used layouts
- Signal related modules are removed (Ext.Signal)
- All files are now formatted with elm-format (2 space indentation)
- Browser native module have been separated into 3 modules:
- Browser - Browser related functions (alert, redirect, openWindow)
- Dom - DOM related related functions (focus, blur)
- Number - Number related functions (toFixed, rem)
- Ext.Color - Added encodeHsv and decodeHsv functions
- Html.Extra module have been cleaned up and separated into 3 modules:
- Html.Events.Extra - Extra event handlers
- Html.Events.Geomtery - Functions and decoders for getting HTML Element dimensions
- Html.Events.Options - Extra options for event handlers
- Storage.Local module have been renamed to Ui.Native.LocalStorage
- Ui.Utils.Env:
- Have been renamed to Ui.Helpers.Env
- get changed to return a result instead of requiring a default value
- Added getString to get string values easily
- Removed Ui.Helpers.Animation module
- Removed Ui.Charts.Bar module
- Added Ui.Helpers.Emitter module (pub / sub) to send values to different channels
- Added Ui.Native.Browser module to interface with it's native module
- Added Ui.Native.Dom module to interface with it's native module
- Added Ui.Native.Scrolls module to get the scroll events from window
- Added Ui.Native.FileManager module to manage files
- Ui.Tagger - Simplified implementation
- And many small changes...
Style Changes
- Changed the all the colors
- The cursor for readonly and disabled states are more "descriptive"
- The readonly focus color is the same as the not readonly one
- The style of Ui.NumberPad changed to be more in line with the theme
- The style of Ui.Tabs changed to be more in line with the theme
- The style of Ui.Slider changed to be more in line with the theme
- The focus style of Ui.Button changed to show a "ripple effect"
- And many small changes...
Pull Requests Closed
- Changing mgold's elm-date-format dependency for more powerful rluiten…
- Fix typo in README
- Fix typo in documentation
- Fix documentation for iconAttributes
- Tabs +1
New Components
- Ui.Tabs - A component to handle tabbed contents
- Ui.scrolledPanel - A static component for scrollable content (scrollbar styled for Chrome)
- Now using elm-date-extra for date formatting instead of elm-date-format
- Unified how values are set for components with setValue:
- renamed to Ui.Chooser.setValue
- setValue functions no longer send the given value to the valueAddress
- Added setAndSendValue to some components
- Header componets are moved into a seprate module:
- Ui.header is now Ui.Header.view
- Ui.headerIcon is now Ui.Header.icon
- Ui.headerTitle is now Ui.Header.title
- Added Ui.Header.separator
- Added Ui.Header.item
- Added Ui.Header.iconItem
- Added docs command to generate Elm documentation.
- Added start alias for server command.
- Environment data and Elm app initialization is now bundled into JS file
- render function is now exposed
- Added focus function to focus a Ui.Input component
- Added focus function to focus a Ui.Textarea component
- Added ability to tab to the remove icons
- Added onWheel event handler
- Added deltaDecoder to decode wheel deltas
- Changed how DOM elements are accessed internally
- Added haveSelector function to check for an element in the DOM
- Added atElement decoder which tries to find the first child element with the given selector
- Added closest decoder which tries to find the closest element with the given selector
- Added focusTask to focus an element with the given selector as a Task
- Changed it to use Task instead of Result
- Added support for storage.
Moved some testing dependencies to "devDependencies".
New Components
- Ui.ButtonGroup - A component for handling multiple buttons together
- Ui.Tagger - A component for managing tags on an entity
- Ui.Time - A component for displaying relative time
- Ui.Loader - A loader component (with a timeout before showing)
- Ui.SearchInput - A component for handling text search
- Ui.breadcrumbs - A component for displaying breadcrumbs navigation
- Ui.headerIcon - Added to be used in specifically in Ui.header
Component Changes
- Ui.text is now Ui.textBlock to avoid collision with Html.text
- Added remaining variations to Ui.Container
- Providing a placeholder for Ui.Input is now mandatory
- Switched the viewModel and address parameters in Ui.NumberPad
to be more consistent with the other components - Changed the default colors for success, danger and warning
- Fixed an issue with Safari slowness #5
- Fixed an issue that prevented Elm-UI from working in Safari
- Fixed Ui.Choosers closeOnSelect behavior when pressing the enter key
- Optimized rendering of many components
- Optimized rendering of the KitchenSink demo (~5ms down from ~16ms)
This release adds support for different environments by adding the Ui.Utils.Env
module and environment specific json files in the config
directory of the projects.
CLI Alpha
This release makes Elm-UI installable via npm and provides a command line interface elm-ui
for easy project management.
Usage: elm-ui [options] [command]
install Installs Elm dependencies
new <dir> Scaffolds a new Elm-UI project
server Starts development server
build Builds final files
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
First release.
Initial release.