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File metadata and controls

216 lines (153 loc) · 3.36 KB


MongoDB + Express + Node + Prisma + TypeScript API Template

Getting Started

Prerequisites Node.js (>= version 14) MongoDB (Make sure MongoDB is installed and running)


Clone the repository:

  git clone

Change into the project directory:

  cd nanolink

Install dependencies:

   pnpm install

Create a '.env' file in the root directory and set the following environment variables:


Adjust the port and MONGODB_URI values as needed.

Database Setup

  1. Ensure that your MongoDB server is running.
  2. Create a database named 'url-shortener' (or the name specified in your '.env' file).

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  pnpm run dev


1. User Signup

  1. Method: POST
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/signup
  3. Request Body:
  "username": "example_user",
  "name": "xyz",
  "email": "",
  "password": "password"
  1. Responses:
  "message": "User signed up successfully"
  "status": 200,

2. User Login

  1. Method: POST
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/login
  3. Request Body:
  "username": "example_user",
  "password": "password"
  1. Responses:
   "status": 200,
    "msg": "Loggedin Successfully"

3. Shorten URL

  1. Method: POST
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/shorten
  3. Request Body:
  "originalUrl": ""
  1. Responses:
    "msg": "Url shortened successfully",
    "status": 200,
    "shortUrl": "https://our-nanolink/abc123"

4. Fetch All URLs

  1. Method: GET
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/url/fetchAll
  3. Request Body:
   "userId": "66235a95d41ea94865cc01e6"
  1. Responses:
        "id": "66235b13d41ea94865cc01e8",
        "originalUrl": "https//",
        "shortUrl": "localhost/st6Wnp",
        "clickedCount": 0,
        "lastClicked": "Never",
        "createdAt": "April 20th 2024, 11:35:07 am",
        "updatedAt": "April 20th 2024, 11:35:07 am",
        "userId": "66235a95d41ea94865cc01e6"

5. Manage Shortened URLs

  1. Method: POST
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/url/manage/shortUrl_ID
  3. Request Body:
    "originalUrl": "",
  1. Responses:
 "msg": "Url updated successfully",
 "status": 200

6. DeleteUrl

  1. Method: DELETE
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/DeleteUrl/shortUrl_ID
  3. Responses:
  "status": 200,
  "message": "URL deleted successfully"

7. analytics

  1. Method: GET
  2. Endpoint: /api/v1/analytics/shortUrl_ID
  3. Responses:
    "id": "6622da11df9bf4bfb7a347cf",
    "originalUrl": "",
    "shortUrl": "localhost/ofib6x",
    "clickedCount": 0,
    "lastClicked": "Never",
    "createdAt": "April 20th 2024, 2:24:40 am",
    "updatedAt": "April 20th 2024, 2:24:40 am"


1. Authentication Middleware

  1. Purpose: Verifies the JWT token sent by the client and adds the authenticated user's information to the request object.

  2. Usage: Applied to protected routes that require authentication.


Contributions are always welcome!