This is a plugin to render AsciiDoc blocks in Obsidian, initially focused on tables. 'Cause markdown tables are so limited!
[frame="none", grid="none", cols="^3,^1,^2"]
| 2 × 1 | = | 2
| 2 × 2 | = | 4
| 2 × 3 | = | 6
[%header, format=csv]
Artist, Track, Genre
Baauer, Harlem Shake, Hip Hop
The Lumineers, Ho Hey, Folk Rock
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3
3+| colspan="3" - full line
.2+| rowspan="2" - two lines
| Line 2 - Column 2
| Line 2 - Column 3
| Line 3 - Column 2
| Line 3 - Column 3
| Line 4 - Column 1
2.2+| rowspan="2" colspan="2" - two lines and two columns
| Line 5 - Column 1
For more information about AsciiDoc Tables.
At the moment any AsciiDoc feature might work, but there isn't any warranty and support! I hope in the future I could support other features officially!
Maybe I'll restrain asciidoc-table
for only support tables and create another unsupported block: asciidoc-raw
- The first inspiration (and some code) came from Obsidian Admonition, thanks @valentine195;
- So many thanks, @francbreno for introducing me to Obsidian and spending some time discussing the idea of this plugin.