Install and config Borg and Borgmatic backup solution.
# Base vars
DISK_LABEL: disk # Label of the disk from which data is backed up
# Borg vars
BORG_TYPE: server # Role of this machine in backup process (server or client)
BORG_SERVER_GROUP: backup_server # Ansible inventory group for backup servers
BORG_CLIENT_GROUP: master_server # Ansible inventory group for servers to be backed up
BORG_USER: borg # User under which Borg backup will run
BORG_DISK_LABEL: BORG_BACKUP_DISK # Label of the disk where Borg repository will be stored
BORG_BACKUP_PATH: /mnt/{{ BORG_DISK_LABEL }}/borg # Path to the Borg backup repository
BORG_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME: borg_ssh.pem # Name of the Borg SSH private key file
BORG_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY_NAME: '{{ BORG_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_NAME }}.pub' # Name of the Borg SSH public key file
# Borgmatic config vars
BORGMATIC_BACKUP_FREQUENCY: 00:00 # Frequency of backups in cron format
BORGMATIC_ENCRYPTION_PASS: qwerty1234! # Password for encrypting Borg backups
BORGMATIC_COMPRESSION: zlib # Compression algorithm to be used by Borg
BORGMATIC_KEEP_DAILY: 7 # Number of daily backups to keep
BORGMATIC_KEEP_WEEKLY: 4 # Number of weekly backups to keep
BORGMATIC_KEEP_MOUNTHLY: 6 # Number of monthly backups to keep
BORGMATIC_KEEP_YEARLY: 1 # Number of yearly backups to keep
BORGMATIC_BACKUP_SOURCES: # List of directories to backup
- /mnt/{{ DISK_LABEL }}/backup
- hosts: backup_server
- role: borg