GitHub Actions for building and testing static site projects
parameter | description | required | default |
project-path | The path to the project to check | false |
is-sub-path | Whether the project is a sub-path | false |
false |
package-manager | The package manager which is used to manager dependencies | false |
pnpm |
package-manager-version | The version of package manager to use | false |
latest |
lock-file | The lock file which is used to manage dependencies | false |
pnpm-lock.yaml |
node-version | The version of Node.js to use | false |
latest |
lint-script | The script name to lint code | false |
lint |
build-script | The script name to build the project | false |
build |
test-script | The script name to run test cases | false |
test |
skip-lint | Skip the lint step | false |
false |
skip-build | Skip the build step | false |
false |
skip-test | Skip the test step | false |
false |
artifact-name | The name of the artifact to upload | false |
dist |
output-dir | The path to the output directory | false |
dist/ |
Le Minh Tri @ansidev.
This source code is available under the MIT LICENSE.