This tool is intended to retrieve a basic review count for the pull requests for a GitHub organization in a given time frame. The default time from is 2 weeks. The tool will retrieve statistics only on all repositories in the specified organization unless there are specific languages specified.
This tool uses the GitHub API to retrieve the data. The tool requires that
you have your GitHub token set as an environment variable. The environment
variable should be named GITHUB_TOKEN
basic usage:
review-tally -o expressjs -l javascript
which would produce the following output
user total
--------------------- --
user1 26
user2 18
user3 15
This output shows the number of reviews that each user has carried out in the time period for the repositories that have python as a language specified.
A comma separated list of languages can be provided to filter the repositories that are included in the statistics. If no languages are provided then all of the repositories will be included in the statistics.
multiple languages:
review-tally -o crossplane -l python,go
All languages:
review-tally -o expressjs
Specifying the time frame:
review-tally -o expressjs -l javascript -s 2021-01-01 -e 2021-01-31
- -o, --organization The Github organization that you want to query
- -l, --languages A comma separated list of languages that you want to include
- -s, --start-date The start date for the time frame that you want to query (optional)
- -e, --end-date The end date for the time frame that you want to query (optional)
- -h, --help Show this message and exit
- -v, --version Show the version of the tool