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SVT-AV1 Parameters

Configuration File Parameters

The encoder parameters are listed in this table below along with their status of support, command line parameter and the range of values that the parameters can take. Any of the parameters below that have a non-empty Configuration file parameter field, can be set by adding them to the Sample.cfg file.


Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
--help Shows the command line options currently available
--version Shows the version of the library that's linked to the library
InputFile -i any string None Input raw video (y4m and yuv) file path, use stdin or - to read from pipe
StreamFile -b any string None Output compressed (ivf) file path, use stdout or - to write to pipe
-c any string None Configuration file path
ErrorFile --errlog any string stderr Error file path
ReconFile -o any string None Reconstructed yuv file path
StatFile --stat-file any string None PSNR / SSIM per picture stat output file path, requires --enable-stat-report 1
PredStructFile --pred-struct-file any string None Manual prediction structure file path
Progress --progress [0-2] 1 Verbosity of the output [0: no progress is printed, 2: aomenc style output]
NoProgress --no-progress [0-1] 0 Do not print out progress [1: --progress 0, 0: --progress 1]
EncoderMode --preset [-3-13] 10 Encoder preset, presets -3, -2, -1, & 13 are for debugging. Higher presets means faster encodes, but with a quality tradeoff
SvtAv1Params --svtav1-params any string None Colon-separated list of key=value pairs of parameters with keys based on command line options without --
--nch [1-6] 1 Number of channels (library instance) that will be instantiated

Usage of SvtAv1Params

To use the --svtav1-params option, the syntax is --svtav1-params option1=value1:option2=value2....

An example is:

SvtAv1EncApp \
  -i input.y4m \
  -b output.ivf \
  --svtav1-params \

This will set --preset to 10 and --crf to 30 inside the API along with some other parameters.

Do note however, that there is no error checking for duplicate keys and only for invalid keys or values.

For more information on valid values for specific keys, refer to the EbEncSettings file.

Encoder Global Options

Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
SourceWidth -w [64-16384] None Frame width in pixels, inferred if y4m.
SourceHeight -h [64-8704] None Frame height in pixels, inferred if y4m.
ForcedMaximumFrameWidth --forced-max-frame-width [64-16384] None Maximum frame width value to force.
ForcedMaximumFrameheight --forced-max-frame-height [64-8704] None Maximum frame height value to force.
FrameToBeEncoded -n [0-(2^63)-1] 0 Number of frames to encode. If n is larger than the input, the encoder will loop back and continue encoding
FrameToBeSkipped --skip [0-(2^63)-1] 0 Number of frames to skip.
BufferedInput --nb [-1, 1-(2^31)-1] -1 Buffer n input frames into memory and use them to encode. Only buffered frames will be encoded.
EncoderColorFormat --color-format [0-3] 1 Color format, only yuv420 is supported at this time [0: yuv400, 1: yuv420, 2: yuv422, 3: yuv444]
Profile --profile [0-2] 0 Bitstream profile [0: main, 1: high, 2: professional]
Level --level [0,2.0-7.3] 0 Bitstream level, defined in A.3 of the av1 spec [0: auto]
HighDynamicRangeInput --enable-hdr [0-1] 0 Enable writing of HDR metadata in the bitstream
FrameRate --fps [1-240] 60 Input video frame rate, integer values only, inferred if y4m
FrameRateNumerator --fps-num [0-2^32-1] 60000 Input video frame rate numerator
FrameRateDenominator --fps-denom [0-2^32-1] 1000 Input video frame rate denominator
EncoderBitDepth --input-depth [8, 10] 10 Input video file and output bitstream bit-depth
Injector --inj [0-1] 0 Inject pictures to the library at defined frame rate
InjectorFrameRate --inj-frm-rt [0-240] 60 Set injector frame rate, only applicable with --inj 1
StatReport --enable-stat-report [0-1] 0 Calculates and outputs PSNR SSIM metrics at the end of encoding
Asm --asm [0-11, c-max] max Limit assembly instruction set [c, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4_1, sse4_2, avx, avx2, avx512, max]
LogicalProcessors --lp [0, 6] 0 Controls the number of threads to create and the number of picture buffers to allocate (higher level means more parallelism). 0 means choose level based on machine core count. Refer to Appendix A.1. To be deprecated in v3.0.
LevelOfParallelism --lp [0, 6] 0 Controls the number of threads to create and the number of picture buffers to allocate (higher level means more parallelism). 0 means choose level based on machine core count. Refer to Appendix A.1
PinnedExecution --pin [0-core count of the machine] 0 Pin the execution to the first N cores. [0: no pinning, N: number of cores to pin to]. Refer to Appendix A.1
TargetSocket --ss [-1,1] -1 Specifies which socket to run on, assumes a max of two equally-sized sockets. Refer to Appendix A.1
FastDecode --fast-decode [0,2] 0 Tune settings to output bitstreams that can be decoded faster, [0 = OFF, 1,2 = levels for decode-targeted optimization (2 yields faster decoder speed)]. Defaults to 5 temporal layers structure but may override with --hierarchical-levels
Tune --tune [0-4] 2 Optimize the encoding process for different desired outcomes [0 = VQ, 1 = PSNR, 2 = SSIM, 3 = Subjective SSIM, 4 = Still Picture]
Sharpness --sharpness [-7-7] 1 Bias towards block sharpness in rate-distortion optimization of transform coefficients
FrameLumaBias --frame-luma-bias [0-100] 0 Adjusts frame-level QP based on average luminance across each frame
Max32TxSize --max-32-tx-size [0,1] 0 Restricts use of block transform sizes to a maximum of 32x32 pixels (disabled: use max of 64x64 pixels)
AdaptiveFilmGrain --adaptive-film-grain [0,1] 1 Allows film grain synthesis to be sourced from different block sizes depending on resolution
TemporalFilteringStrength --tf-strength [0-4] 1 Manually adjust temporal filtering strength. Higher values = stronger temporal filtering
KeyframeTemporalFilteringStrength --kf-tf-strength [0-4] 1 Manually adjust temporal filtering strength for keyframes. Higher values = stronger temporal filtering
NoiseNormStrength --noise-norm-strength [0-4] 0 Selectively boost AC coefficients to improve fine detail retention in certain circumstances

Rate Control Options

Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
RateControlMode --rc [0-2] 0 Rate control mode [0: CRF or CQP (if --aq-mode is 0) [Default], 1: VBR, 2: CBR]
QP --qp [1-63] 35 Initial QP level value
CRF --crf [1-70] 35 Constant Rate Factor value, setting this value is equal to --rc 0 --aq-mode 2 --qp x, and can be set up in quarter-step increments
TargetBitRate --tbr [1-100000] 2000 Target Bitrate (kbps), only applicable for VBR and CBR encoding, also accepts b, k, and m suffixes
MaxBitRate --mbr [1-100000] 0 Maximum Bitrate (kbps) only applicable for CRF encoding, also accepts b, k, and m suffixes
UseQpFile --use-q-file [0-1] 0 Overwrite the encoder default picture based QP assignments and use QP values from --qp-file
QpFile --qpfile any string Null Path to a file containing per picture QP value
MaxQpAllowed --max-qp [1-63] 63 Maximum (highest) quantizer, only applicable for VBR and CBR
MinQpAllowed --min-qp [1-62] 1 Minimum (lowest) quantizer with the max value being max QP value allowed - 1, only applicable for VBR and CBR
EnableVarianceBoost --enable-variance-boost [0-1] 1 Enable variance boost
VarianceBoostStrength --variance-boost-strength [1-4] 2 Set variance curve strength for variance boost feature [1: mild, 2: gentle [Default], 3: medium, 4: aggressive]
VarianceOctile --variance-octile [1-8] 6 Set variance algorithm 8x8 block selectivity level [1: 1st octile, 4: median, 6: 6th octile [Default], 8: maximum]
AdaptiveQuantization --aq-mode [0-2] 2 Set adaptive QP level [0: off, 1: variance base using AV1 segments, 2: deltaq pred efficiency]
EnableAltCurve --enable-alt-curve [0-1] 0 Enable alternative variance boost curve
PsyRd --psy-rd [0.0-6.0] 0 Use psychovisual rate distortion optimization
SpyRd --spy-rd [0-1] 0 Use alternate psychovisual rate distortion optimization (more sharpness and detail, slightly more chances of banding and blocking)
QpScaleCompressStrength --qp-scale-compress-strength [0-3] 1 Sets the strength the QP scale algorithm compresses values across all temporal layers, which results in more consistent video quality (less quality variation across frames in a mini-gop) [0: SVT-AV1 default, 1: SVT-AV1-PSY default, 3: maximum]
UseFixedQIndexOffsets --use-fixed-qindex-offsets [0-2] 0 Overwrite the encoder default hierarchical layer based QP assignment and use fixed Q index offsets
KeyFrameQIndexOffset --key-frame-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default keyframe Q index assignment
KeyFrameChromaQIndexOffset --key-frame-chroma-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default chroma keyframe Q index assignment
LumaYDCQindexOffset --luma-y-dc-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default dc Q index offset for luma plane
ChromaUDCQindexOffset --chroma-u-dc-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default dc Q index offset for chroma Cb plane
ChromaUACQindexOffset --chroma-u-ac-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default ac Q index offset for chroma Cb plane
ChromaVDCQindexOffset --chroma-v-dc-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default dc Q index offset for chroma Cr plane
ChromaVACQindexOffset --chroma-v-ac-qindex-offset [-64-63] 0 Overwrite the encoder default ac Q index offset for chroma Cr plane
QIndexOffsets --qindex-offsets any string 0,0,..,0 list of luma Q index offsets per hierarchical layer, separated by , with each offset in the range of [-64-63]
ChromaQIndexOffsets --chroma-qindex-offsets any string 0,0,..,0 list of chroma Q index offsets per hierarchical layer, separated by , with each offset in the range of [-64-63]
UnderShootPct --undershoot-pct [0-100] 25, 50 Allowable datarate undershoot (min) target (%), default depends on the rate control mode (25 for CBR, 50 for VBR)
OverShootPct --overshoot-pct [0-100] 25 Allowable datarate overshoot (max) target (%), default depends on the rate control mode
MbrOverShootPct --mbr-overshoot-pct [0-100] 50 Allowable datarate overshoot (max) target (%), Only applicable for Capped CRF
BufSz --buf-sz [20-10000] 1000 Client maximum buffer size (ms), only applicable for CBR
BufInitialSz --buf-initial-sz [20-10000] 600 Client initial buffer size (ms), only applicable for CBR
BufOptimalSz --buf-optimal-sz [20-10000] 600 Client optimal buffer size (ms), only applicable for CBR
RecodeLoop --recode-loop [0-4] 4 Recode loop level, look at the "Recode loop level table" in the user's guide for more info [0: off, 4: preset based]
VBRBiasPct --bias-pct [0-100] 100 CBR/VBR bias [0: CBR-like, 100: VBR-like]DEPRECATED: to be removed in 2.0.
MinSectionPct --minsection-pct [0-100] 0 GOP min bitrate (expressed as a percentage of the target rate)
MaxSectionPct --maxsection-pct [0-10000] 2000 GOP max bitrate (expressed as a percentage of the target rate)
GopConstraintRc --gop-constraint-rc [0-1] 0 Constrains the rate control to match the target rate for each GoP [0 = OFF, 1 = ON]
EnableQM --enable-qm [0-1] 1 Enable quantisation matrices
MinQmLevel --qm-min [0-15] 0 Min quant matrix flatness
MaxQmLevel --qm-max [0-15] 15 Max quant matrix flatness
MinChromaQmLevel --chroma-qm-min [0-15] 8 Min chroma quant matrix flatness
MaxChromaQmLevel --chroma-qm-max [0-15] 15 Max chroma quant matrix flatness
LambdaScaleFactors --lambda-scale-factors [0- ] '128,.,128' list of scale factors for lambda values used for different SvtAv1FrameUpdateType, separated by , divide by 128 is the actual scale factor in float
RoiMapFile --roi-map-file any string Null Path to a file containing picture based QP offset map

UseFixedQIndexOffsets and more information

UseFixedQIndexOffsets and its associated arguments (HierarchicalLevels, QIndexOffsets, ChromaQIndexOffsets, KeyFrameQIndexOffset, KeyFrameChromaQIndexOffset) are used together to specify the qindex offsets based on frame type and temporal layer when rc is set to 0.

QP value specified by the --qp argument is assigned to the pictures at the highest temporal layer. It is first converted to a qindex, then the corresponding qindex offsets are added on top of it based on the frame types (Key/Inter) and temporal layer id.

Qindex offset can be negative. The final qindex value will be clamped within the valid min/max qindex range.

For chroma plane, after deciding the qindex for the luma plane, the corresponding chroma qindex offsets are added on top of the luma plane qindex based on frame types and temporal layer id.

--qindex-offsets and --chroma-qindex-offsets have to be used after the --hierarchical-levels parameter. The number of qindex offsets should be HierarchicalLevels plus 1, and they can be enclosed in [] to separate the list.

An example command line is:

SvtAv1EncApp -i in.y4m -b out.ivf --rc 0 -q 42 --hierarchical-levels 3 --use-fixed-qindex-offsets 1 --qindex-offsets [-12,-8,-4,0] --key-frame-qindex-offset -20 --key-frame-chroma-qindex-offset -6 --chroma-qindex-offsets [-6,0,12,24]

For this command line, corresponding qindex values are:

Frame Type Luma qindex Chroma qindex
Key Frame 148 (42x4 - 20) 142 (148 - 6)
Layer0 Frame 156 (42x4 - 12) 150 (156 - 6)
Layer1 Frame 160 (42x4 - 8) 160 (160 + 0)
Layer2 Frame 164 (42x4 - 4) 176 (164 + 12)
Layer3 Frame 168 (42x4 + 0) 192 (168 + 24)

EnableQM and more information

With EnableQM, MinQmLevel and MaxQmLevel, user can customize the quantization matrix used in luma quantization procedure (MinChromaQmLevel & MaxChromaQmLevel for chroma control) instead of using the default one. With the default quantization matrix, all coefficients share the same weight, whereas with non-default ones, coefficients can have different weight through the settings made by users. The deviation of weight (or flatness, equivalently) is controlled by arguments MinQmLevel and MaxQmLevel. There are sixteen quantization matrix levels, ranging from level 0 to level 15. The lower the level is the larger deviation of weight the quantization matrix will provide. Level 15 is fully flat in weight and is set as the default quantization matrix. A lower level quantization matrix typically results in bitstreams with lower bitrate and slightly worse quality in CRF rate control mode. The reduction in bitrate is more obvious with low CRF than high CRF.

The quantization matrices feature signals at frame level. When the feature is enabled, the encoder decides each frame’s quantization matrix level by normalizing its qindex to user specified quantization matrix level range (from MinQmLevel to MaxQmLevel).

An example command line is:

SvtAv1EncApp -i in.y4m -b out.ivf --keyint -1 --enable-qm 1 --qm-min 0 --qm-max 15

Another example with chroma QM min/max specified:

SvtAv1EncApp -i in.y4m -b out.ivf --keyint -1 --enable-qm 1 --qm-min 0 --qm-max 15 --chroma-qm-min 4 --chroma-qm-max 8

Recode loop level table

level description
0 Off
1 Allow recode for KF and exceeding maximum frame bandwidth
2 Allow recode only for key frames, alternate reference frames, and Golden frames
3 Allow recode for all frame types based on bitrate constraints
4 Preset based decision

RoiMapFile and QP Offset Map file format

In some applications such as AR / VR, identifying the ROI (Region Of Interest) helps the encoder focus the bit usage where it's needed. This is realized by allowing applications to pass a picture based ROI map to the encoder.

The QP Offset Map file contains one or more picture based QP offset maps. Every line consists of a frame number and the QP offsets for each 64x64 block set in a row-by-row order. Below is an example ROI map file for a 352x288 content:

0 12 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 12 -32 -32 -32 -32 -32 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

The encoder uses alternate quantizer segment feature to set block level qindex and uses alternate loop filter segment feature to set loop filter strength level. When both AQ mode 1 (variance base adaptive QP) and ROI are enabled, segment QP is decided by ROI map instead of by variance.

An example command line is:

SvtAv1EncApp -i in.y4m -b out.ivf --roi-map-file roi_map.txt

Multi-pass Options

Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
Pass --pass [0-2] 0 Multi-pass selection [0: single pass encode, 1: first pass, 2: second pass]
Stats --stats any string "svtav1_2pass.log" Filename for multi-pass encoding
Passes --passes [1-2] 1 Number of encoding passes, default is preset dependent [1: one pass encode, 2: multi-pass encode]

Pass information

Pass Stats io
0 ""
1 "w"
2 "r"

--pass 2 is only available for non-crf modes and all passes except single-pass requires the --stats parameter to point to a valid path

GOP size and type Options

Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
Keyint --keyint [-2-(2^31)-1] -2 GOP size (frames), use s suffix for seconds (SvtAv1EncApp only) [-2: ~10 seconds, -1: "infinite" only for CRF, 0: == -1]
IntraRefreshType --irefresh-type [1-2] 2 Intra refresh type [1: FWD Frame (Open GOP), 2: KEY Frame (Closed GOP)]
SceneChangeDetection --scd [0-1] 0 Scene change detection control
Lookahead --lookahead [-1,0-120] -1 Number of frames in the future to look ahead, beyond minigop, temporal filtering, and rate control [-1: auto]
HierarchicalLevels --hierarchical-levels [2-5] <=M12:5 , else: 4 Set hierarchical levels beyond the base layer [2: 3 temporal layers, 3: 4 temporal layers, 5: 6 temporal layers]
PredStructure --pred-struct [1-2] 2 Set prediction structure [1: low delay, 2: random access]
ForceKeyFrames --force-key-frames any string None Force key frames at the comma separated specifiers. #f for frames, #.#s for seconds
EnableDg --enable-dg [0-1] 1 Enable Dynamic GoP. The algorithm changes the hierarchical structure based on the content
StartupMgSize --startup-mg-size [0, 2, 3, 4] 0 Specify another mini-gop configuration for the first mini-gop after the key-frame [0: OFF, 2: 3 temporal layers, 3: 4 temporal layers, 4: 5 temporal layers]

AV1 Specific Options

Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
TileRow --tile-rows [0-6] 0 Number of tile rows to use, TileRow == log2(x), default changes per resolution
TileCol --tile-columns [0-4] 0 Number of tile columns to use, TileCol == log2(x), default changes per resolution
LoopFilterEnable --enable-dlf [0-2] 1 Deblocking loop filter control (1: enabled, 2: slower, more accurate filtering)
CDEFLevel --enable-cdef [0-1] 1 Enable Constrained Directional Enhancement Filter
EnableRestoration --enable-restoration [0-1] 1 Enable loop restoration filter
EnableTPLModel --enable-tpl-la [0-1] 1 Temporal Dependency model control, currently forced on library side, only applicable for CRF/CQP
Mfmv --enable-mfmv [-1-1] -1 Motion Field Motion Vector control [-1: auto]
EnableTF --enable-tf [0-2] 1 Enable ALT-REF (temporally filtered) frames [0: off, 1: on, 2: adaptive]
EnableOverlays --enable-overlays [0-1] 0 Enable the insertion of overlayer pictures which will be used as an additional reference frame for the base layer picture
ScreenContentMode --scm [0-2] 2 Set screen content detection level [0: off, 1: on, 2: content adaptive]
RestrictedMotionVector --rmv [0-1] 0 Restrict motion vectors from reaching outside the picture boundary
FilmGrain --film-grain [0-50] 0 Enable film grain [0: off, 1-50: level of denoising for film grain]
FilmGrainDenoise --film-grain-denoise [0-1] 0 Apply denoising when film grain is ON, default is 0 [0: no denoising, film grain data sent in frame header, 1: level of denoising is set by the film-grain parameter]
FGSTable --fgs-table any string None Path to a file containing a pre-generated film grain table for grain synthesis, only available through SvtAv1Enc interface
SuperresMode --superres-mode [0-4] 0 Enable super-resolution mode, refer to the super-resolution section below for more info
SuperresDenom --superres-denom [8-16] 8 Super-resolution denominator, only applicable for mode == 1 [8: no scaling, 16: half-scaling]
SuperresKfDenom --superres-kf-denom [8-16] 8 Super-resolution denominator for key frames, only applicable for mode == 1 [8: no scaling, 16: half-scaling]
SuperresQthres --superres-qthres [0-63] 43 Super-resolution q-threshold, only applicable for mode == 3
SuperresKfQthres --superres-kf-qthres [0-63] 43 Super-resolution q-threshold for key frames, only applicable for mode == 3
SframeInterval --sframe-dist [0-(2^31)-1] 0 S-Frame interval (frames) [0: OFF, > 0: ON]
SframeMode --sframe-mode [1-2] 2 S-Frame insertion mode [1: the considered frame will be made into an S-Frame only if it is an altref frame, 2: the next altref frame will be made into an S-Frame]
ResizeMode --resize-mode [0-4] 0 Enable reference scaling mode
ResizeDenom --resize-denom [8-16] 8 Reference scaling denominator, only applicable for mode == 1 [8: no scaling, 16: half-scaling]
ResizeKfDenom --resize-kf-denom [8-16] 8 Reference scaling denominator for key frames, only applicable for mode == 1 [8: no scaling, 16: half-scaling]
ResizeFrameEvents --frame-resz-events any string None Frame scale events, in a list separated by ',', scaling process starts from the given frame number (0 based) with new denominators, only applicable for mode == 4
ResizeFrameKfDenoms --frame-resz-kf-denoms [8-16] 8 Frame scale denominator for key frames in event, in a list separated by ',', only applicable for mode == 4
ResizeFrameDenoms --frame-resz-denoms [8-16] 8 Frame scale denominator in event, in a list separated by ',', only applicable for mode == 4


Super resolution is better described in the Super-Resolution documentation, but this basically allows the input to be encoded at a lower resolution, horizontally, but then later upscaled back to the original resolution by the decoder.

SuperresMode Value
0 None, no frame super-resolution allowed
1 All frames are encoded at the specified scale of 8/denom, thus a denom of 8 means no scaling, and 16 means half-scaling
2 All frames are coded at a random scale
3 Super-resolution scale for a frame is determined based on the q_index, a qthreshold of 63 means no scaling
4 Automatically select the super-resolution mode for appropriate frames

The performance of the encoder will be affected for all modes other than mode 0. And for mode 4, it should be noted that the encoder will run at least twice, one for down scaling, and another with no scaling, and then it will choose the best one for each of the appropriate frames.

For more information on the decision-making process, please look at section 2.2 of the super-resolution doc

Reference Scaling

Reference Scaling is better described in the reference scaling documentation, but this basically allows the input to be encoded and the output at a lower resolution, scaling ratio applys on both horizontally and vertically.

ResizeMode Value
0 None, no frame resize allowed
1 Fixed mode, all frames are encoded at the specified scale of 8/denom, thus a denom of 8 means no scaling, and 16 means half-scaling
2 Random mode, all frames are coded at a random scale, the scaling denom can be picked from 8 to 16
3 Dynamic mode, scale for a frame is determined based on buffer level and average qp in rate control, scaling ratio can be 3/4 or 1/2. This mode can only work in 1-pass CBR low-delay mode
4 Random access mode, scaling is controlled by scale events, which determine scaling in a specified scaling denom or recover to original resolution

Example CLI of reference scaling dynamic mode:

-i input.yuv -b output.ivf --resize-mode 3 --rc 2 --pred-struct 1 --tbr 1000

Example CLI of reference scaling random access mode:

-i input.yuv -b output.ivf --resize-mode 4 --frame-resz-events 5,10,15,20,25,30 --frame-resz-kf-denoms 8,9,10,11,12,13 --frame-resz-denoms 16,15,14,13,12,11 --frame-resz-events, --frame-resz-kf-denoms and --frame-resz-denoms shall be all set in same amount of parameters in list

Updating Encoding Parameters During the Encoding Sessions

The --force-key-frames option is meant to allow the non-uniform placement of key frames within the stream. While this option is currently supported only for the CRF mode via the commandline, using it within the CBR mode can be achieved by passing the command of inserting a keyframe through the API field EbAv1PictureType pic_type; in the EbBufferHeaderType structure. A sample programming usage of this option can be found in the sample application file EbAppProcessCmd.c tracking the FTR_KF_ON_FLY_SAMPLE macro defined in EbDebugMacros.h. Similarly by setting the field uint32_t qp; in the EbBufferHeaderType structure at a key frame placement, the encoder will update the sequence QP or CRF level according to the newly defined level (only applicable to CRF mode).

Other options such as updating the Bitrate and resolution during the encoding sessions have been added to the API (starting v1.8.0) by using the abstract structure EbPrivDataNode and a programming sample showing its usage can be found by tracking the marcos FTR_RATE_ON_FLY_SAMPLE and FTR_RES_ON_FLY_SAMPLE respectively. In the case of a resolution update request, please note that the encoder library will assume the upscaling and downscaling to have been preformed prior to passing the frames.

Color Description Options

Configuration file parameter Command line Range Default Description
ColorPrimaries --color-primaries [0-12, 22] 2 Color primaries, refer to the user guide Appendix A.2 for full details
TransferCharacteristics --transfer-characteristics [0-22] 2 Transfer characteristics, refer to the user guide Appendix A.2 for full details
MatrixCoefficients --matrix-coefficients [0-14] 2 Matrix coefficients, refer to the user guide Appendix A.2 for full details
ColorRange --color-range [0-1] 0 Color range [0: Studio, 1: Full]
ChromaSamplePosition --chroma-sample-position any string unknown Chroma sample position ['unknown', 'vertical'/'left', 'colocated'/'topleft']
MasteringDisplay --mastering-display any string none Mastering display metadata in the format of "G(x,y)B(x,y)R(x,y)WP(x,y)L(max,min)", refer to the user guide Appendix A.2 for full details
ContentLightLevel --content-light any string none Set content light level in the format of "max_cll,max_fall", refer to the user guide Appendix A.2 for full details

Appendix A Encoder Parameters

1. Thread management parameters

PinnedExecution (--pin) and TargetSocket (--ss) parameters are used to manage thread affinity on Windows and Ubuntu OS. LogicalProcessors (LogicalProcessors will be deprecated in v3.0 and replaced with LevelOfParallelism; henceforth, the documentation will refer to 'LevelOfParallelsim` instead) is used to specify how much parallelism is desired; higher levels will create more threads and process more pictures in parallel, leading to greater fps but larger memory use. These are some examples how you use them together.

If PinnedExecution and TargetSocket are not set, threads are managed by OS thread scheduler. If LevelOfParallelism is not set, the amount of parallelism (threads/memory) will be decided by the encoder based on the machine's core count.

SvtAv1EncApp.exe -i in.yuv -w 3840 -h 2160 --lp 4

If only LevelOfParallelism is set, the OS will determine which processors the job will run on. Threads may run on dual sockets. The --lp level does not indicate the number of threads targeted, nor does it constrain the encoder to run on a certain number of logical processors. The number of threads created and memory used is determined by settings in the code (see load_default_buffer_configuration_settings).

Parallelism is achieved in two ways:

  1. By creating new threads to process pictures and sub-picture blocks (e.g. superblocks) in parallel.
  2. By increasing the number of pictures in the pipeline, which can then be processed concurrently.

Higher LevelOfParallelism will increase both the threads and pictures in a way that optimizes speed and memory at each level. In CRF mode, levels 4 and higher will process extra mini-gops in parallel as well, leading to higher speed, but much higher memory. In low-delay mode, only one picture can be processed at once, so no extra pictures will be allocated.

SvtAv1EncApp.exe -i in.yuv -w 3840 -h 2160 --ss 1

If only TargetSocket is set, threads run on all the logical processors of socket 1. If '--lp' is not specified with '--ss' the number of threads would be decided by the encoder based on the number of available cores on the socket.

SvtAv1EncApp.exe -i in.yuv -w 3840 -h 2160 --lp 4 --ss 0

If both LevelOfParallelism and TargetSocket are set, threads run on socket 0. The number of threads created is set in the library, based on the desired level of parallelism.

The --pin option allows the user to pin the execution to a specific number of cores, specifically, the first N cores, where N is the value passed with --pin. If '--lp' is not specified, the default parallelism will be based on the N cores available for the process to run, rather than all the cores on the machine. If '--lp' is specified, that level of parallelism will be used, regardless of N.

This is an example on how to use --lp and --pin together.

Setting --lp 4 with --pin 4 would restrict the encoder to work on cpu 0-3 and set the resource allocation to the amount of threads/memory associated with --lp 4. Using --pin 0 with --lp 4 would result in the same allocation of threads/memory but not restrict the encoder to run on cpu 0-3; in this case the encoder may use more than 4 cores due to the multi-threading nature of the encoder, but would at least allow for more multiple --lp 4 encodes to run on the same machine without them being all restricted to run on cpu 0-3 or overflow the memory usage.

To set cpu affinity beyond the first --pin cores, a cpu affinity utility such as taskset or numactl to control could be used to pin execution to desired threads.


taskset --cpu-list 0-3 ./SvtAv1EncApp --preset 4 -q 32 --keyint 200 -i input1.y4m -b svt_1.bin --lp 3 taskset --cpu-list 4-7 ./SvtAv1EncApp --preset 4 -q 32 --keyint 200 -i input2.y4m -b svt_2.bin --lp 3

This example will ensure that the first encode will run on the first 4 cores and the second encode will run on the second 4 cores. In this example, if CPU utilization is not saturated for --lp 3 for these cores, higher levels of --lp could be employed for more parallelism with a memory usage increase.

2. AV1 metadata

Please see the subsection 6.4.2, 6.7.3, and 6.7.4 of the AV1 Bitstream & Decoding Process Specification for more details on some expected values.

The available options for ColorPrimaries (--color-primaries) are:

  • 1: bt709, BT.709
  • 2: unspecified, default
  • 4: bt470m, BT.470 System M (historical)
  • 5: bt470bg, BT.470 System B, G (historical)
  • 6: bt601, BT.601
  • 7: smpte240, SMPTE 240
  • 8: film, Generic film (color filters using illuminant C)
  • 9: bt2020, BT.2020, BT.2100
  • 10: xyz, SMPTE 428 (CIE 1921 XYZ)
  • 11: smpte431, SMPTE RP 431-2
  • 12: smpte432, SMPTE EG 432-1
  • 22: ebu3213, EBU Tech. 3213-E

The available options for TransferCharacteristics (--transfer-characteristics) are:

  • 1: bt709, BT.709
  • 2: unspecified, default
  • 4: bt470m, BT.470 System M (historical)
  • 5: bt470bg, BT.470 System B, G (historical)
  • 6: bt601, BT.601
  • 7: smpte240, SMPTE 240 M
  • 8: linear, Linear
  • 9: log100, Logarithmic (100 : 1 range)
  • 10: log100-sqrt10, Logarithmic (100 * Sqrt(10) : 1 range)
  • 11: iec61966, IEC 61966-2-4
  • 12: bt1361, BT.1361
  • 13: srgb, sRGB or sYCC
  • 14: bt2020-10, BT.2020 10-bit systems
  • 15: bt2020-12, BT.2020 12-bit systems
  • 16: smpte2084, SMPTE ST 2084, ITU BT.2100 PQ
  • 17: smpte428, SMPTE ST 428
  • 18: hlg, BT.2100 HLG, ARIB STD-B67

The available options for MatrixCoefficients (--matrix-coefficients) are:

  • 0: identity, Identity matrix
  • 1: bt709, BT.709
  • 2: unspecified, default
  • 4: fcc, US FCC 73.628
  • 5: bt470bg, BT.470 System B, G (historical)
  • 6: bt601, BT.601
  • 7: smpte240, SMPTE 240 M
  • 8: ycgco, YCgCo
  • 9: bt2020-ncl, BT.2020 non-constant luminance, BT.2100 YCbCr
  • 10: bt2020-cl, BT.2020 constant luminance
  • 11: smpte2085, SMPTE ST 2085 YDzDx
  • 12: chroma-ncl, Chromaticity-derived non-constant luminance
  • 13: chroma-cl, Chromaticity-derived constant luminance
  • 14: ictcp, BT.2100 ICtCp

The available options for ColorRange (--color-range) are:

  • 0: studio, default
  • 1: full

The available options for ChromaSamplePosition (--chroma-sample-position) are:

  • 0: unknown, default
  • 1: vertical/left, horizontally co-located with luma samples, vertical position in the middle between two luma samples
  • 2: colocated/topleft, co-located with luma samples

MasteringDisplay (--mastering-display) and ContentLightLevel (--content-light) parameters are used to set the mastering display and content light level in the AV1 bitstream.

MasteringDisplay takes the format of G(x,y)B(x,y)R(x,y)WP(x,y)L(max,min) where

  • G(x,y) is the green channel of the mastering display
  • B(x,y) is the blue channel of the mastering display
  • R(x,y) is the red channel of the mastering display
  • WP(x,y) is the white point of the mastering display
  • L(max,min) is the light level of the mastering display

The x and y values can be coordinates from 0.0 to 1.0, as specified in CIE 1931 while the min,max values can be floating point values representing candelas per square meter, or nits. For the max,min values, they are generally specified in the range of 0.0 to 1.0, but there are no constraints on the provided values. Invalid values will be clipped accordingly.

ContentLightLevel takes the format of max_cll,max_fall where both values are integers clipped into a range of 0 to 65535.


SvtAv1EncApp -i in.y4m -b out.ivf \
    --mastering-display "G(0.2649,0.6900)B(0.1500,0.0600)R(0.6800,0.3200)WP(0.3127,0.3290)L(1000.0,1)" \
    --content-light 100,50 \
    --color-primaries bt2020 \
    --transfer-characteristics smpte2084 \
    --matrix-coefficients bt2020-ncl \
    --chroma-sample-position topleft
    # Color primary is BT.2020, BT.2100
    # Transfer characteristic is SMPTE ST 2084, ITU BT.2100 PQ
    # matrix coefficients is BT.2020 non-constant luminance, BT.2100 YCbCr

# or

ffmpeg -y -i in.mp4 \
  -strict -2 \
  -c:a opus \
  -c:v libsvtav1 \
  -color_primaries:v bt2020 \
  -color_trc:v smpte2084 \
  -color_range:v pc \
  -chroma_sample_location:v topleft \
  -svtav1-params \
    chroma-sample-position=topleft" \
# chroma-sample-position needs to be repeated because it currently isn't set ffmpeg's side