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File metadata and controls

98 lines (86 loc) · 5.85 KB


A showcase of a value scanner within Kubernetes secrets, configmaps and env vars in all kinds of workloads.

Where is what

├── cmd
├── internal
│   ├── auth
│   └── scanner
├── kind-k8s
├── test-manifests
└── toolbox

The golang code is under cmd and internal directories. The kind-k8s, test-manifests and toolbox are used during dev.

How to use

$ k8s-value-scanner --help

k8s-value-scanner will search your entire cluster for the value you will give as argument

  k8s-value-scanner [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  scan        scan will search for the given value

  -h, --help                help for k8s-value-scanner
      --kubeconfig string   The path to your kube config file (default "/home/ilias/.kube/config")


$ k8s-value-scanner scan sEaRchFoRmE1234

|    KIND     |               NAME                | NAMESPACE |       KEY        |             VALUE              |
| Statefulset | nginx-statefulset                 | default   | DEPLOYMENTVAR    | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Pod         | nginx-statefulset-0               | default   | DEPLOYMENTVAR    | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Deployment  | nginx-deployment                  | test      | DEPLOYMENTVAR    | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Statefulset | nginx-statefulset                 | test      | STATEFULSETVAR   | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Daemonset   | nginx-daemonset                   | test      | DAEMONSETVAR     | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Pod         | nginx-daemonset-46zv8             | test      | DAEMONSETVAR     | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Pod         | nginx-daemonset-55ld5             | test      | DAEMONSETVAR     | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Pod         | nginx-deployment-8497859575-mmb8s | test      | DEPLOYMENTVAR    | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Pod         | nginx-pod                         | test      | PODVAR           | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Pod         | nginx-statefulset-0               | test      | STATEFULSETVAR   | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Configmap   | test-configmap-with-data          | test      | CONFIGMAPVAR     | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
| Configmap   | test-configmap-with-data-in-file  | test      |  | enemy.types=aliens,monsters    |
|             |                                   |           |                  | player.maximum-lives=5         |
|             |                                   |           |                  | CONFIGMAPVAR=sEaRchFoRmE1234   |
|             |                                   |           |                  |                                |
| Secret      | secret-match-data                 | test      | SECRETVAR        | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |
|             |                                   |           |                  |                                |
| Secret      | secret-match-file-data            | test      | top-secrets.conf | SECRETVAR=sEaRchFoRmE1234      |
|             |                                   |           |                  |                                |
| Secret      | secret-match-string-data          | test      | SECRETVAR        | sEaRchFoRmE1234                |

How to dev


In order to make the dev process easier, you can use the following commands:

$ make kind-create
$ make apply-test-manifests
$ make dev-toolbox

The above commands will start a local kind k8s cluster, apply some test manifests and start a container that you can use in order to code without even installing golang in your machine.

Upon finishing your dev process, clear everything via:

$ make dev-toolbox-destroy
$ make kind-delete