Cloud Save interface with implementations for the Unity Editor, Apple's Game Center and Google Play Games Services.
Future implementations might include Unity Gaming Services, Epic Online Services, Steam Cloud and Firebase Cloud Storage.
Note from gilzoide: since I work as a mobile game developer, iOS and Android support is enough for my needs. I will likely not work on the suggested future implementations in the mid term, unless this work is sponsored.
- Simple interface with async methods for fetching, loading, saving and deleting cloud save games
- Single interface for all implementations, for easy multiplatform development
- Supports the Unity Editor by saving files in the "Library/Gilzoide.CloudSave" folder
- Supports macOS / iOS / tvOS / visionOS platforms using Game Center + iCloud
- Supports Android platforms using Google Play Games Services
- Store additional metadata in Game Center provider
- Add support for choosing how to resolve conflicts between cloud saved games
- Add a way to automate Game Center / iCloud capabilities in XCode project
- Use the openupm registry and install this package using the openupm-cli:
openupm add
- Install using the Unity Package Manager with the following URL:
- Clone this repository or download a snapshot of it directly inside your project's
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Gilzoide.CloudSave;
using Gilzoide.CloudSave.Providers;
using UnityEngine;
public class MyCloudSaveBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
// 1. Instantiate the wanted cloud save provider implementation.
ICloudSaveProvider cloudSaveProvider;
// 1.a The Editor provider stores files in the "Library/Gilzoide.CloudSave" folder.
// This is not the folder one would usually store game save data, so it functions
// as a "cloud save" folder even after you clear regular save files or PlayerPrefs.
cloudSaveProvider = new EditorCloudSaveProvider();
// 1.b Android + Google Play Games Services provider.
// Requires installing the Google Play Games plugin and setting it up first.
// You need to define the `HAVE_GOOGLE_PLAY_GAMES` scripting symbol on Android.
// Users must be logged in to Play Games for cloud save to work.
cloudSaveProvider = new PlayGamesCloudSaveProvider();
// 1.c Apple Game Center provider (macOS, iOS, tvOS, visionOS).
// Requires defining the Game Center capability in XCode project.
// Requires defining the iCloud capability with the "iCloud Documents"
// checkbox enabled and an iCloud container configured in XCode.
// Users must be logged in to Game Center and iCloud for cloud save to work.
cloudSaveProvider = new GameCenterCloudSaveProvider();
// 1.d The Dummy provider does nothing and exists for use in unsupported platforms.
// Calling methods on it do not throw, but they also do not save anything.
cloudSaveProvider = new DummyCloudSaveProvider();
// 2. Activate Play Games as the current Social provider in Unity.
// Alternativelly, use Play Games API directly instead of UnityEngine.Social
// 3. Make sure user is logged in to Play Games / Game Center before using cloud save.
// This is not required by the Editor implementation.
if (Social.localUser.authenticated)
Social.localUser.Authenticate((success, message) =>
if (success)
Debug.LogError($"Social authenticate error: {message}");
async void DoSomethingWithCloudSave(ICloudSaveProvider cloudSaveProvider)
// 4. Check if cloud save is enabled before using cloud save functionality.
// Some providers require logging in to a social account before using cloud save.
// Providers will likely throw exceptions on operations when cloud save is not enabled.
if (!cloudSaveProvider.IsCloudSaveEnabled)
// 5. Now do something with the cloud save provider
List<ICloudSaveGameMetadata> savedGames = await cloudSaveProvider.FetchAllAsync();
foreach (ICloudSaveGameMetadata savedGame in savedGames)
Debug.Log($"Found saved game with name {savedGame.Name}");
byte[] data = await cloudSaveProvider.LoadBytesAsync(savedGame);
await cloudSaveProvider.SaveTextAsync("SaveText", "Sample text data");
await cloudSaveProvider.SaveBytesAsync("SaveBytes", new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 });
await cloudSaveProvider.SaveJsonAsync("SaveJson", new Vector3(1, 2, 3));
string savedText = await cloudSaveProvider.LoadTextAsync("SaveText");
byte[] savedBytes = await cloudSaveProvider.LoadBytesAsync("SaveBytes");
Vector3 savedJson = await cloudSaveProvider.LoadJsonAsync<Vector3>("SaveJson");
await cloudSaveProvider.DeleteAsync("SaveText");
- Game Center is supported on macOS, iOS, tvOS and visionOS platforms.
- You must add the Game Center capability to the XCode project.
- You must add the iCloud capability to the XCode project. The "iCloud Documents" checkbox must be enabled and an iCloud container must be configured for the cloud save to work.
- The user must be signed in to Game Center and have iCloud Drive enabled in their account for cloud save to work.
- Play Games is supported on Android platforms
- You must install the Google Play Games plugin for Unity in your project.
If you use an old version of the plugin that does not come with Assembly Definition files, create the
asmdef in the plugin's root folder, as well as theGoogle.Play.Games.Editor
editor-only asmdef on the plugin's "Editor" folder. - You must define the
custom scripting symbol. This package needs this to avoid compilation errors when Google Play Games plugin is not installed. - The user must be signed in to Play Games for the cloud save to work