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Releases: github/gemoji

gemoji 3.0.0.rc1

29 Sep 22:05
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gemoji 3.0.0.rc1 Pre-release

This release removes all of Apple's images from the library. To obtain those images, run the new gemoji extract command on macOS:

gemoji extract public/images/emoji

Other changes are:

  • The Emoji.all collection now includes all emoji available in iOS 10.0 and macOS Sierra.
  • New Emoji.apple_palette method returns a hash of raw emoji data organized in categories as per Apple's character palette.
  • New Emoji::Character fields:
    • description
    • category
    • unicode_version
    • ios_version

gemoji 2.1.0

07 Aug 01:04
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API changes:

  • Emoji.find_by_alias/find_by_uncode no longer yield to block or raise an exception when emoji was not found. They just return nil.
  • Emoji::NotFound exception is now gone.

Other changes:

  • Unicode representations for a bunch of emoji have been tweak to better reflect what OS X actually renders as emoji.
  • A bunch of images have been renamed. Run rake emoji in your project after updating this gem to fetch the new image files. You could delete the old ones first, but it might be better to keep them around so they don't 404 during the transition phase.

gemoji 2.0.0

04 Jul 14:46
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New API ⚡ ✨

  • Emoji.all (Array) - Lists all emoji in the order they appear in Apple's character picker
  • Emoji.find_by_alias(name) { :not_found } (Emoji::Character) - Looks up an emoji by name. Yields to block if not found, or raises Emoji::NotFound if no block given.
  • Emoji.find_by_unicode(unicode) { :not_found } (Emoji::Character) - Looks up an emoji by Unicode representation. Yields to block if not found, or raises Emoji::NotFound if no block given.

Emoji::Character 🐴

  • raw (String or nil) - Raw representation of this emoji in UTF-8
  • name (String) - First of the list of aliases
  • aliases (Array) - Complete list of aliases referring uniquely to this emoji
  • unicode_aliases (Array) - List of Unicode representations of this emoji in UTF-8
  • image_filename (String) - A path such as shipit.png or unicode/1f604.png

Removed old API 🔥

  • No more Emoji.names or Emoji.name_for(unicode)
  • No more Emoji.unicodes or Emoji.unicode_for(name)