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Add syntax highlighting for PlantUML (#4740)
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* Created initial cut at syntax highlighting changes
for PlantUML, a popular diagram markup language

* Update color

* Trying another color - this time background color used in most plantUML diagrams

* Trying very light green

* Update vendor/licenses/grammar/vscode-plantuml.txt

Co-Authored-By: Colin Seymour <>

* Added 2 plantuml samples each for iuml, pu, and wsd

* Added heuristics for plantuml files

* Remove .pu, .wsd, mark as data

* Removed .pu and .wsd from heuristics file

* Undo changes to heuristics

* Add another iuml example

Co-authored-by: Colin Seymour <>
  • Loading branch information
karloskalcium and lildude authored Mar 10, 2020
1 parent 85d85a9 commit 743107d
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 13 changed files with 412 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitmodules
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1001,6 +1001,9 @@
[submodule "vendor/grammars/vscode-opa"]
path = vendor/grammars/vscode-opa
url =
[submodule "vendor/grammars/vscode-plantuml"]
path = vendor/grammars/vscode-plantuml
url =
[submodule "vendor/grammars/vscode-prisma"]
path = vendor/grammars/vscode-prisma
url =
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions grammars.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -851,6 +851,9 @@ vendor/grammars/vscode-lean:
- source.lean
- source.rego
- markdown.plantuml.codeblock
- source.wsd
- source.prisma
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions lib/linguist/languages.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3964,6 +3964,15 @@ Pike:
tm_scope: source.pike
ace_mode: text
language_id: 287
type: data
- ".puml"
- ".iuml"
- ".plantuml"
tm_scope: source.wsd
ace_mode: text
language_id: 833504686
type: prose
ace_mode: perl
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions samples/PlantUML/ProtectedMeta.iuml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
' from'

!ifndef CLASSES
!include ../Templates/Classes.cuml

class ProtectedMeta <<metaclass>> {
__getattribute__(): class A, str -> type A
__setattr__(): class A, str, type A -> None
__delattr__(): class A, str -> None
__new__(): type class A, str, list(class B), dict(str -> type A) -> class A
__del__(): class A -> None
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions samples/PlantUML/PublicallyAccessibleReDirect.puml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
@startuml PublicallyAccessibleReDirect
' from'

!define AzurePuml
!includeurl AzurePuml/AzureCommon.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Identity/AzureActiveDirectory.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Networking/AzureApplicationGateway.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Networking/AzureVirtualNetwork.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Compute/AzureFunction.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Compute/AzureAppService.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Web/AzureCDN.puml
!includeurl AzurePuml/Storage/AzureBlobStorage.puml

title Publically Accessible Re-Direct

System_Boundary(off, "Office 365") {
Component(out, "", "Outlook", "Contact")
System_Boundary(ios, "Ios Contact") {
Component(ac, "", "Apple", "Contact")

System_Boundary(Az, "Azure") {
Container(asa, "apple-app-site-association", "","")

AzureCDN(cdn, "CDN","","")
AzureApplicationGateway(fd, "ApplicationGateway","","")
AzureFunction(afHb, "HeartBeat","","")
AzureAppService(afRw, "ReWrite","","")
AzureBlobStorage(bs, "Blob Storage","","Static Content")

Container(hub, "", "Hub", "")

ac -down-> fd
out -down-> fd

fd -down-> afRw
fd -down-> afHb
fd -down-> cdn
bs -up-> cdn

afRw --> hub
asa -up-> bs

21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions samples/PlantUML/associations.iuml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
' from
/' = = = = = = = ASSOCIATION = = = = = = = '/
package "tag" {
class tag

package "lead" {
class contact
class contact_tag <<assoc>>

package "django.contrib.auth" {
class user

package "log" {
class entry
class entry_tag <<assoc>>
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions samples/PlantUML/casUtilisation.puml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
' from'

title Modèle d'usage\n <b>enflatme</b>
left to right direction
skinparam packageStyle rect
skinparam shadowing false

actor Visiteur as visiteur
actor Colocataire as coloc
actor :Responsable de la colocation: as respColoc
coloc <|-- respColoc

rectangle application {
(S'inscrire) as inscription
(Afficher la colocation) as afficher
(Modifier la colocation) as modifier
(Administrer la colocation) as administrer
(Modifier des tâches) as modifierTaches

(Créer une colocation) .> administrer : extends
(Supprimer une colocation) ..> administrer : extends
(Ajouter des tâches) ..> administrer : extends
(Supprimer des tâches) ..> administrer : extends

(Marquer une tâche commme complétée) .> modifier : extends
modifierTaches ..> modifier : extends
note right of modifierTaches
Exemple : indiquer qu'une tâche
ménagère a été effectuée.
end note

visiteur --> inscription
coloc --> afficher
coloc --> modifier
respColoc -> administrer
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions samples/PlantUML/common.iuml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
' section with id user to define user actor
' from'

!include includes/common.iuml!pla_sql
!include includes/common.iuml!pla_sp
!include includes/common.iuml!pla_couch
!include includes/common.iuml!svc_ad
!include includes/common.iuml!svc_mi
!include includes/common.iuml!sys_dsuite
!include includes/common.iuml!act_user


actor "Application User" <<person>> as ACT_USER

actor "Guest" <<function>> as ACT_GUEST

actor "Reader" <<function>> as ACT_READER

actor "Editor" <<function>> as ACT_EDITOR

actor "Owner" <<function>> as ACT_OWNER

actor "Administrator" <<function>> as ACT_ADMIN

actor "APS" <<person>> as ACT_APS

actor "DLO" <<person>> as ACT_DLO

actor "PMO" <<person>> as ACT_PMO

actor "VIP" <<person>> as ACT_VIP


node "DSuite" <<system>> as SYS_DSUITE

node "Couch DB" <<platform>> as PLA_COUCH

node "Web Servers" <<platform>> as PLA_WEB

node "SharePoint" <<platform>> as PLA_SP

node "MS SQL Server" <<platform>> as PLA_SQL


component "Mobile Iron" <<service>> as SVC_MI

component "Active Directory" <<service>> as SVC_AD

component "Vanguard" <<service>> as SVC_VANGUARD


node "Proxy Service" as SVC_COUCH_PROXY <<service>> {
component "Authentication Manager" as CPNT_USER_AUTH
component "Couch Proxy" as CPNT_COUCH_PROXY



component "Event Bridge" <<service>> as SVC_EVENT_BRIDGE

component "Event Publisher" <<service>> as SVC_EVENT_PUBLISHER

component "Brief Converter" <<service>> as SVC_BRIEF_CONVERTER

queue "Enterprise Service Bus" <<esb>> as SVC_ESB


component "Office" <<app>> as APP_MS_OFFICE

component "Web Browser" <<app>> as APP_BROWSER

component "Email" <<app>> as APP_EMAIL

69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions samples/PlantUML/overview.puml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
' from'

hide members

note "Automatic placement of classes\ndoesn't look good. This diagram\nhas to be improved." as n1

Auth "1" *--> "*" ConfigurableClientList
Auth --> DataSourceClient
Auth --> ZoneWriter
Auth --> ZoneTableAccessor
Auth --> DataSourceStatus
Auth --> ZoneTableIterator

ConfigurableClientList "1" *--> "*" DataSourceInfo
ConfigurableClientList ..> ZoneTableSegment : <<reset>>
ConfigurableClientList ..> DataSourceStatus : <<create>>
ConfigurableClientList ..> ZoneWriter : <<create>>
ConfigurableClientList ..> ZoneTableAccessor : <<create>>

DataSourceInfo "1" *--> "*" DataSourceClient
DataSourceInfo "1" *--> "*" CacheConfig
DataSourceInfo "1" *--> "*" ZoneTableSegment

ZoneTableAccessor ..> ZoneTableIterator : <<create>>

ZoneTableAccessorCache --> CacheConfig
ZoneTableAccessorCache ..> ZoneTableIteratorCache : <<create>>
ZoneTableAccessorCache --o ZoneTableAccessor

ZoneTableIteratorCache --o ZoneTableIterator
ZoneTableIteratorCache --> CacheConfig

ZoneWriter --> ZoneTableSegment
ZoneWriter ..> ZoneData : add/replace

ZoneTableSegment "1" *--> "1" ZoneTableHeader
ZoneTableSegment "1" *--> "1" MemorySegment

CacheConfig ..> LoadAction

LoadAction ..> ZoneData : create
LoadAction *--> ZoneDataLoader

ZoneDataLoader --> ZoneData
ZoneDataLoader *--> ZoneDataUpdater
ZoneDataLoader --> MemorySegment

ZoneDataUpdater --> ZoneData
ZoneDataUpdater ..> RdataSet : create
ZoneDataUpdater ..> RdataSet : add

ZoneTableHeader "1" *--> "1" ZoneTable
ZoneTable "1" *--> "1" ZoneData
ZoneData "1" *--> "1" RdataSet

LoadFromFile --o LoadAction
IteratorLoader --o LoadAction

MemorySegmentMapped --o MemorySegment
MemorySegmentLocal --o MemorySegment

ZoneTableSegmentMapped --o ZoneTableSegment
ZoneTableSegmentLocal --o ZoneTableSegment

ZoneTableSegmentMapped *--> MemorySegmentMapped
ZoneTableSegmentLocal *--> MemorySegmentLocal


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