CoursePress 3.0 Readme:
CoursePress 2.0 Readme:
This is outdated 1.3 documentation:
The core development branch for CoursePress 1.x is coursepress/base
. This branch ultimately is responsible for creating the coursepress/pro
and coursepress/standard
branches. Consider it to be a "super branch".
is the ONLY branch that should be edited with bug fixes and changes for CoursePress 1.x. Changes will automatically be built for coursepress/pro
and coursepress/standard
using grunt tasks: grunt build:dev
and grunt build:wporg
respectively. Or grunt buildAll
to build both branches. This will not be automatically pushed to this repo. Test locally first!
**Note to support: ** Do NOT fork coursepress/pro
or coursepress/standard
. Pull requests need to be made to the coursepress/base
**Note to devs: ** Please do not release the coursepress/base
branch. It will run stand alone for testing and development, but uses CoursePress Base
as the plugin name and a number of other variables or strings that are required to build the two release versions.
CoursePress has a number of development branches: coursepress/base, coursepress/campus-dev and coursepress/2.0-dev
This branch is the "super" branch for CoursePress 1.x. All development and bug fixes should happen in this branch (NOT in coursepress/pro or coursepress/standard).
This bit is very very important: DO NOT let your IDE change the source order of your code, fixing up formatting is fine, but moving code blocks around is not. Here is why...
The coursepress/base
branch rely heavily on Grunt to produce the development branches: coursepress/pro
and coursepress/standard
Special comments in the base branch will make sure some code only end up on the /pro branch and some code only end up in the /standard branch.
echo "This is only in coursepress/pro";
echo "This is only in coursepress/standard";
NEVER under any circumstances package and release coursepress/base
on Premium or
This branch is not usually touched by the CoursePress developers unless coursepress/pro
production branch changes. Make sure that coursepress/pro
gets merged into coursepress/campus-dev
, from this point on, the campus team takes over and do what they need to do.
This is the development branch for CoursePress 2.0 (still unreleased at this stage). At the moment development is primarily happening as part of the WP Academy project in the wpmu-dev
repo. Changes are then manually merged back to coursepress/2.0-dev
Upon completion of WP Academy the coursepress/2.0-dev
branch will receive a structure similar to that of coursepress/base
. It requires a "super branch" that will be responsible for generation both a Pro and Standard version of CoursePress 2.0 by using Grunt tasks (these do not exist yet).
CoursePress Pro is the official premium plugin that lives on WPMU Dev.
CoursePress is the free limited version that gets published to the WordPress plugin directory.
When cloning CoursePress to your local repo please use the --recursive flag as part of your clone command:
git clone --recursive
This will ensure you grab all the required submodules.
**Note: ** If you already have a cloned repo, you will need to init the submodule.
git submodule init --
git submodule update
When checking out the coursepress/pro or coursepress/standard branches please make sure that you run 'git clean -dff' and then 'git submodule update'.
This is required as CoursePress Pro uses MarketPress as a submodule and CoursePress uses a version of MarketPress Lite and checking out the branches without cleaning up and initialising will cause a bit of a mess in your staging environment.
git checkout master
git clean -dff
git submodule update
git checkout coursepress/pro
git clean -dff
git submodule update
Please note the double -f flag in the clean command. This is required to clean directories that contain a submodule repo.
Before running any Grunt tasks to build the releases, please update the CoursePress version in the Plugin Header and update the variable, public $version = '';
. (For 2.0 only header modification will be required)
You only need to perform this update in the coursepress/base
branch as the release branches will be generated from this branch with Grunt.
Please update changelog.txt in coursepress/base
only. Make sure all entries are below == Changelog ==
and never remove this line. It is required by Grunt to update readme.txt
for release on
readme.txt has a special tag <%= wpmudev.plugin.changelog %>
that will be replaced by the changelog in changelog.txt.
No steps required here as CoursePress Standard now fetches MarketPress Lite directly from the directory when the user wants to enable it.
Its now easier to bundle MarketPress with CoursePress.
- Download MarketPress from WPMU DEV Premium.
- Place the zip file in
and remove the old zip. - Update the zip file name in
variable. e.g.$this->mp_file = '';
ALWAYS use Grunt to build CoursePress release branches. Use the following commands:
grunt buildAll
- This builds both the coursepress/pro
and coursepress/standard
branches from coursepress/base
grunt build:dev
- This builds coursepress/pro
branch for release on WPMU DEV.
grunt build:wporg
- This builds coursepress/standard
branch for release on
**Primary Developer NOTE: ** Please see the Gruntfile.js, lines 220 - 224. Test and confirm automatic generation of POT files then remove all comments on those lines. Getting varied results at the moment.
Note: It assumes that i18 tools are installed, see 'Other' below)
To use grunt
you will need to have NPM (Node.js Package Manager) installed. (See 'Other' below)
The recommended way to package the coursepress/pro
branch is to use the packaging script by Aaron, found here: OR by using git-archive-all --force-submodules
This will respect the .gitattributes filter and produce a zip file that can be uploaded to the WPMU DEV Project.
In both cases, please make sure that you tag the coursepress/base
branch with the version.
The coursepress/standard
branch is created for release on You will need to copy the folders (only visible ones) to the trunk
folder of your local SVN checkout of the hosted repo.
Then follow the recommended guides for tagging the release with the current version number. See
The easiest way to get npm
is to install Node.js from:
Once Node.js is installed you can check that you have npm
and update it to the latest version.
npm -v
npm install -g npm
Next step is to install grunt-cli via npm:
npm install -g grunt-cli
If makepot
is not available in your system path you can set your i18 tools path in a private config.json file (excluded by .gitignore). Create config.json and add the following to it:
"i18nToolsPath": "/path/to/i18n-tools/"