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Releases: gitkraken/vscode-gitlens


07 Jun 16:58
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v4.0.0-beta.2 Pre-release


  • Adds all-new, beautiful, highly customizable and themeable, file blame annotations
  • Adds all-new configurability and themeability to the current line blame annotations
  • Adds all-new configurability to the status bar blame information
  • Adds all-new configurability over which commands are added to which menus via the gitlens.advanced.menus setting
  • Adds better configurability over where Git code lens will be shown -- both by default and per language
  • Adds an all-new changes (diff) hover annotation to the current line - provides instant access to the line's previous version
  • Adds Toggle Line Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleLineBlame) - toggles the current line blame annotations on and off
  • Adds Show Line Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showLineBlame) - shows the current line blame annotations
  • Adds Toggle File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleFileBlame) - toggles the file blame annotations on and off
  • Adds Show File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showFileBlame) - shows the file blame annotations
  • Adds Open File in Remote command (gitlens.openFileInRemote) to the editor/title context menu
  • Adds Open Repo in Remote command (gitlens.openRepoInRemote) to the editor/title context menu
  • Adds gitlens.strings.* settings to allow for the customization of certain strings displayed
  • Adds gitlens.theme.* settings to allow for the theming of certain elements
  • Adds gitlens.advanced.telemetry.enabled settings to explicitly opt-in or out of telemetry, but still ultimately honors the telemetry.enableTelemetry setting


  • (BREAKING) Almost all of the GitLens settings have either been renamed, removed, or otherwise changed - see the README`
  • Changes the positioning of the Git code lens to try to be at the end of any other code lens on the same line
  • Changes the position of the Open File in Remote command (gitlens.openFileInRemote) in the context menus - now in the navigation group
  • Changes the Toggle Git Code Lens command (gitlens.toggleCodeLens) to always toggle the Git code lens on and off


  • Removes the on-demand trailing file blame annotations -- didn't work out and just ended up with a ton of visual noise
  • Removes Toggle Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleBlame) - replaced by the Toggle File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleFileBlame)
  • Removes Show Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showBlame) - replaced by the Show File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showFileBlame)


  • Fixes #81 - Current line annotation feels too sticky
  • Fixes issues with the zone.js monkey patching done by application insights (telemetry) - disables all the monkey patching


07 Jun 04:30
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v4.0.0-beta Pre-release


  • Adds all-new, beautiful, highly customizable and themeable, file blame annotations
  • Adds all-new configurability and themeability to the current line blame annotations
  • Adds all-new configurability to the status bar blame information
  • Adds all-new configurability over which commands are added to which menus via the gitlens.advanced.menus setting
  • Adds better configurability over where Git code lens will be shown -- both by default and per language
  • Adds an all-new changes (diff) hover annotation to the current line - provides instant access to the line's previous version
  • Adds Toggle Line Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleLineBlame) - toggles the current line blame annotations on and off
  • Adds Show Line Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showLineBlame) - shows the current line blame annotations
  • Adds Toggle File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleFileBlame) - toggles the file blame annotations on and off
  • Adds Show File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showFileBlame) - shows the file blame annotations
  • Adds Open File in Remote command (gitlens.openFileInRemote) to the editor/title context menu
  • Adds Open Repo in Remote command (gitlens.openRepoInRemote) to the editor/title context menu


  • (BREAKING) Almost all of the GitLens settings have either been renamed, removed, or otherwise changed - see the README`
  • Changes the positioning of the Git code lens to try to be at the end of any other code lens on the same line
  • Changes the position of the Open File in Remote command (gitlens.openFileInRemote) in the context menus - now in the navigation group
  • Changes the Toggle Git Code Lens command (gitlens.toggleCodeLens) to always toggle the Git code lens on and off


  • Removes the on-demand trailing file blame annotations -- didn't work out and just ended up with a ton of visual noise
  • Removes Toggle Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleBlame) - replaced by the Toggle File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleFileBlame)
  • Removes Show Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showBlame) - replaced by the Show File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showFileBlame)


  • Fixes #81 - Current line annotation feels too sticky


05 Jun 23:13
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v4.0.0-alpha.2 Pre-release


  • Adds all-new, beautiful, highly customizable and themeable, file blame annotations
  • Adds all-new configurability and themeability to the current line blame annotations
  • Adds all-new configurability to the status bar blame information
  • Adds all-new configurability over which commands are added to which menus via the gitlens.advanced.menus setting
  • Adds better configurability over where Git code lens will be shown -- both by default and per language
  • Adds an all-new changes (diff) hover annotation to the current line - provides instant access to the line's previous version
  • Adds Toggle Line Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleLineBlame) - toggles the current line blame annotations on and off
  • Adds Show Line Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showLineBlame) - shows the current line blame annotations
  • Adds Toggle File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleFileBlame) - toggles the file blame annotations on and off
  • Adds Show File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showFileBlame) - shows the file blame annotations
  • Adds Open File in Remote command (gitlens.openFileInRemote) to the editor/title context menu
  • Adds Open Repo in Remote command (gitlens.openRepoInRemote) to the editor/title context menu


  • (BREAKING) Almost all of the GitLens settings have either been renamed, removed, or otherwise changed - see the README`
  • Changes the position of the Open File in Remote command (gitlens.openFileInRemote) in the context menus - now in the navigation group
  • Changes the Toggle Git Code Lens command (gitlens.toggleCodeLens) to always toggle the Git code lens on and off


  • Removes the on-demand trailing file blame annotations -- didn't work out and just ended up with a ton of visual noise
  • Removes Toggle Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleBlame) - replaced by the Toggle File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.toggleFileBlame)
  • Removes Show Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showBlame) - replaced by the Show File Blame Annotations command (gitlens.showFileBlame)


27 May 08:48
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v3.6.0-beta Pre-release


  • Adds diff information (the line's previous version) into the active line hover
  • Adds a gitlens.diffWithWorking status bar command option - compares the current line commit with the working tree


  • Changes the behavior of the Compare File with Working Tree command (gitlens.diffWithWorking) - always does what it says :)
    • Compares the current file with the working tree -- if the current file is the working file, it will show a File matches the working tree message
  • Changes the behavior of the Compare File with Previous command (gitlens.diffWithPrevious) - always does what it says :)
    • Compares the current file with the previous commit to that file
  • Changes the behavior of the gitlens.diffWithPrevious status bar command option - compares the current line commit with the previous
  • Renames Compare File with Previous Commit command to Compare File with Previous
  • Renames Compare Line with Previous Commit command to Compare Line Commit with Previous
  • Renames Compare Line with Working Tree command to Compare Line Commit with Working Tree
  • Renames Compare with Previous Commit in quick pick menus to Compare File with Previous
  • Renames Compare with Working Tree in quick pick menus to Compare File with Working Tree


24 May 17:03
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v3.5.0-beta.2 Pre-release


  • Fixes #40 - Encoding issues
    • Given the limitations of the vscode api, I'm unable to fix all the encoding issues, but many of them should now be squashed
    • files.encoding is now honored for the cases where the encoding cannot currently be gleaned


23 May 05:32
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v3.5.0-beta Pre-release


  • Improves performance
    • Reduces the number of git calls on known "untrackables"
    • Caches many more git commands to reduce git command roundtrips and parsing
    • Increases the debounce (delay) on cursor movement to reduce lag when navigating around a file
  • Adds diff information (previous line's code) into the active line hover when the current line is uncommitted
  • Adds gitlens.statusBar.alignment settings to control the alignment of the status bar -- thanks to Zack Schuster (@zackschuster)!
  • Adds Open Branch in Remote command (gitlens.openBranchInRemote) - opens the current branch commits in the supported remote service
  • Adds Open Repository in Remote command (gitlens.openRepoInRemote) - opens the repository in the supported remote service
  • Adds support to the Search commits command (gitlens.showCommitSearch) to work without any active editor
  • Adds commit search pre-population -- if there is an active editor it will use the commit sha of the current line commit, otherwise it will use the current clipboard


  • Changes the active line hover to only show at the beginning and end of a line if gitlens.blame.annotation.activeLine is both
  • Changes alt+f shortcut to alt+/ for the Search commits command (gitlens.showCommitSearch)
  • Changes alt+right on commit details quick pick menu to execute the Compare File with Previous Commit command (gitlens.diffWithPrevious) when a file is selected
  • Changes alt+right on repository status quick pick menu to execute the Compare File with Previous Commit command (gitlens.diffWithPrevious) when a file is selected
  • Refactors command argument passing to allow for future inclusion into the SCM menus


  • Fixes #73 - GitLens doesn't work with Chinese filenames
  • Fixes incorrect file selection from the commit details quick pick menu
  • Fixes incorrect command execution when using "gitlens.statusBar.command": "gitlens.showQuickRepoHistory"
  • Fixes a bunch of issues that were revealed by enabling Typescript strict mode

0.0.4 marketplace release candidate

05 Sep 21:54
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Changes description to be more generic

0.0.3 preview

01 Sep 01:25
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0.0.3 preview Pre-release
Removes hard dependency on donjayamanne.githistory

Provides optional additional code lens

0.0.2 preview

31 Aug 09:06
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0.0.2 preview Pre-release
Preps 0.0.2 release

Initial extension preview

27 Aug 02:50
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Fixes issues with ^ in a sha

Dynamically pads uri index based on need